

Typical Injection Mould’s Structrue--Multimedia System Software’s Research

【作者】 姬雷雷

【导师】 张益华;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 航空宇航制造工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 CAI,是Computer Aided Instruction的简称,即计算机辅助教学。本文通过对多媒体CAI基本理论的研究和塑料成型工艺、工艺过程、成型设备、典型模具结构的分析,制定出了典型注塑模结构多媒体CAI课件的实现方案,并研制开发了典型注塑模结构的CAI教学软件。 本课题以多媒体CAI的形式系统介绍了:成型工艺、工艺过程、成型设备、典型模具结构。其主要研究内容包括:软件总体方案设计、软件框架结构的实现、多媒体素材的制作与合成。通过认真的研究探讨,确定软件总体架构采用划分各个知识单元、各个模块来组织系统内容,并通过按钮、超文本等方式提供多种导航路径,如此设计不仅使软件具有友好交互界面,而且可促进学习者的信息接受与转化,提高信息传递的速度和学习理解的深度;此外,对软件每一界面上各种媒体素材的布置安排也进行了充分的考虑,力争使本软件符合学习者的认知规律。多媒体数据的准备是本课题的重点内容之一,设计中,文本、图形、图像、动画和声音等媒体素材的制作均采用了多种制作方案,三维模型是在Pro/Engineer软件模具设计模块基础上调用标准模架直接建立各种典型模具结构模型:动画制作除了Flash动画制作这一方法外,研究设计了一种新的方法,即在利用Pro/Engineer软件其动画制作和机构运动两大模块直接制作三维动画,大大地提高了对相关内容的表达深度。素材的编辑集成采用Visual Basic6.0软件,实现了动画和声音的随停随放,为学习者对学习过程的控制提供了很大的方便。 在教学学效果上,由于它以图形、动画、文本、声音等多媒体手段交互式地以典型的注塑模结构突出地体现了注塑模具结构的教学内容,所以真正实现了变抽象为形象,变不可见为可见的教学效果。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the primary theory of multimedia CAI was discussed .The plasticinjection technics, injection process, injection equipments and the typical injection mold’sstructure was analyzed .And the structure of multimedia CAI system of typical plasticinjection mold was designed. A set of multimedia software for such course instructionhas been developed.Plastic injection technology, equipment and various typical injection mold structure can be learnt via using this software. Such software system design, the software structure and function programming, the multimedia data creation and integration have been studied. The course contents were arranged according to their knowledge units’ characteristics. The user can navigate through various buttons, and hypertext. A friendly interface, which helps the user to learn easily and quickly and deepens his understanding, has been designed. In addition, all the multimedia data has been arranged properly to make this software conform to the cognition patterns of learners. Different methods for multimedia data, such as text, graphics, images, voices, video, animations, and creations have been discussed in this paper and introduced in the software. For example, 3-D model of various typical injection molds was generated directly in Pro/E with its mold base. In addition to the common method of Flash, the animation of mold mechanism was also directly created in 3-D via the Animation and Mechanism modules of Pro/E. It improved the expression of related course contents. The flexible play mode of animation and voice has been designed, which was programmed in Visual Basic6.0, to makes an easier control of study process.This courseware shows the basic contents of typical injection mold structure via different multimedia vividly and exactly then the goal of making abstract to material, invisible to visible has been carried out.

  • 【分类号】TQ320
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】188

