

Studies on the Communities Structure and Potential Fishery Production Capacity of Periphyton in Daoguanhe Reservoir

【作者】 刘冬启

【导师】 熊邦喜;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 水产养殖, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从2000年4月至2001年元月按每季度采样一次,对道观河水库按上游、中游、下游设置的三个采样站作了周丛藻类、周丛原生动物的群落结构和渔产潜力的研究,结果表明: 1.该水库周丛生物有周丛藻类35属,隶属6门。优势种群为针杆藻属、辐节藻属、转板藻属;周丛原生动物60种,优势种群为大变形虫、放射太阳虫、砂壳虫、片状漫游虫。 2.周丛藻类的生物量在时间和空间上都具有较明显的差别。各站的生物量基本上按上、中、下游次序逐渐降低,且在各站1/2SD处生物量最大。秋季生物量达到最高峰,夏季生物量次之,冬季最低。 3.周丛藻类各属的水平分布没有明显差别。 4.周丛藻类各属的垂直分布存在一定的差异,具体如下:0.5m处全年共出现34属,占全年所出现总属数的97.1%;1/2SD处出现35属,占100%;1SD处出现30属,占85.7%:2SD处出现31属,占88.6%;3SD处出现19属,占54.3%。另外还观察到,在挂样范围内,随着水深的增大,硅藻门所占比例也随之增大。 5.周丛原生动物的水平分布总的趋势是Ⅱ站出现的种数最多,有37种,占全年所出现总种数的61.7%;Ⅰ站次之,有33种,占55.0%;Ⅲ站最少,仅13种,占21.7%。 6.周丛原生动物的垂直分布基本与周丛藻类的垂直分布相一致。也以1/2SD处出现的种最多,有44种,占全年出现总种数的73.3%;第三层次之,36种,占60.0%;第一层33种,占55.0%;第四层20种,占33.3%;第五层最少,仅有8种,仅占13.3%。 7.道观河水库周丛藻类各站、各季节的多样性指数从总的趋势来看是(?)<(?)<(?);(?)>(?)>(?)>(?)冬。 8.周丛藻类的多样性指数及生物量随环境因子的变化而变化。 9.经测算,周丛藻类的平均生物量为0.2783mg·cm-2,周丛藻类的初级生产力为1.35 g·O2·d-1·m-2。 华中农业大学2001年硕士学位论文10.周丛藻类叶绿素a的年平均含量为1.3909·cmZ,四季均值分别为 春季0.57 09·emZ,夏季2.16,g·emZ,秋季2.2509·emZ,冬季 0.55 09·cmZ。其中秋季最高,冬季最低,且从上游至下游含量逐渐 减少。11.依据周丛藻类多样性指数及周丛生物某些指示种类评价该水库水质 状态,判定为中营养型,并有向富营养级演化的趋势。12.该水库姻类的渔产潜力14.5t。

【Abstract】 Daoguanhe Rerservoir is a typical hill type reservoir in Wuhan, China. Its area for fish culture is commonly 467ha.Periphytic algae and periphytic protozoan including species, the content of chl.a and primary productivity et al, were studied from April 2000 to January 2001. Discussion was also given to the variations of the temporal and spatial distribution of the periphyton groups in Daoguanhe Reservoir, and the relationships among transparence of Secchi disk (SD), water temperature and depth of water. The results obtained were as follows:1. Thirty-five genuses of periphytic algae were observed, which Seneara, Stauroneis and Mougeotia were dominant populations. Sixty species of protozoan were observed, which Amoeba proteus, Actinophrys so, Litonotus fasciola were dominant populations.2. There were obvious differences in the temporal distributions of periphytic algae biomass and their spatial distributions. The biomass of each station descended gradually from upstream region to downstream region, where the biomass of 1/2SD was usually the largest. The biomass was the largest in Autumn, lower in Summer, and the least in Winter.3. There were no obvious differences in the horizontal distributions among each periphytic algae genuses.4. To some extent, there were some differences in the vertical distributionsIn the year, 30 genuses were found at 0.5m water depth, 35 in 1/2SD, 34 in 1SD, 21 in 2SD, 19 in 3SD. In addition, the proportion of the Bacillariophyta increased along with the increasing of the water depths.5. The general tendence of the horizontal distributions of periphytic protozoan was that the number of species at station II was the most, where 37 species were found. And 33 in station I , 13 in stationIII.6. The vertical distributions of periphytic protozoan basically accorded with those of periphytic algae.7. The general tendency of the Shannon-Weaver indexes were:H I < H II < H III; H sp > H au > H su > H wi.(sp.-spring, au.-autumn, su.-summer, wi.-winter).8. The Shannon-Weaver indices and the biomass of periphytic algae varied with the changes of environmental factors.9. The mean biomass of periphytic algae was 0.2783 mg cm" , the primary productivity of periphytic algae was 1.35g O2 d-1 m-2.10.The annual mean content of chl.a was 1.39 g cm-2. The mean content of chl.a were 0.57 g cm-2 in Spring, 2.16 g cm-2 in Summer, 2.28 g cm-2 in Autumn, and 0.55 g cm-2 in Winter. The mean contents descended gradually from upstream region to downstream region.11. The water quality state was evaluated with Shannon-Weaver index and some indicators of periphyton, and results showed that the nutrient type of Daoguanhe Rerservoir was mesotrophic type, and it had a tendency to develop to the eutrophic type.12.The potential fishery productive capacity of scrape-feeding fish in Daoguanhe Reservoir was estimated to be 14.5 t.

  • 【分类号】Q17
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】174

