

The Effects of Different Lake Uses on Zoobenthic Community

【作者】 许巧情

【导师】 张世萍; 王洪铸;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 水生生物学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 1998年4月~1999年7月对长江中下游四个浅水湖泊即东汤孙湖、牛山湖、龙感湖和黄湖的底栖动物分别进行了四次采集,研究各个湖泊底栖动物在种类组成、现存量、功能摄食类群、生产显和渔产潜力上的差异;结合各个湖泊理化生物因子综合分析了湖泊不同利用方式对底栖动物群落的影响。主要结果如下: 东汤孙湖、牛山湖、龙感湖、黄湖四个湖泊底栖动物的种类数分别为36、24、33、18,各类群的种类数以及生物多样性指数相差很大。 在密度方面,寡毛类以龙感湖最高,牛山湖最低,且两湖差异显著(p≤0.05);牛山湖螺类明显比其它三个湖湖泊高(p≤0.05);双壳类以东汤孙湖最高,牛山湖和龙感湖最低;水生昆虫以东汤孙湖最高,黄湖最低,且东汤孙湖与龙感湖和黄湖差界显著(p≤0.05);底栖动物总密度以东汤孙湖最高,黄湖最低,且两湖差异显著(p≤0.05)。四个湖泊底栖动物及其各类群生物量差异较大,但在统计学上未达显著界限。 底栖动物功能摄食类群的研究在我困较少见,文中详细地报道了长江中下游四个湖泊底栖动物各个功能摄食类群的种类数(包括其百分比)和现存量。结果表明各个湖泊中功能摄食类群各有其特点,撕食者的比例以龙感湖最高,收集者的比例以黄湖最高,刮食者的比例以牛山湖最高,捕食者的比例以东汤孙湖最高。 四个湖泊中底柄动物的生产量(单位:kg/hm~2/yr)按大小顺序排列为牛山湖(1082)>龙感湖(767.3)>东汤孙湖(564.5)>黄湖(329.5),而渔产潜力(单位:kg/hm~2/yr)按大小顺序为东汤孙湖(16)>龙感湖(15.75)>黄湖(14.4)>牛山湖(10.4)。 环境分析表明底栖动物总的现存量与水草生物量、总磷总氮含量均正相关,与水深、透明度均负相关。底栖动物各个类群的现存量与水草生物量、水深、透明度、总磷和总氮的关系均较密切。 综上所述,湖泊不同利用方式对底栖动物的影响很大。东汤孙湖的旅游业和饮食业对湖泊的影响主要是有机污染。可以预计,如果不采取严格的污水处理措施,随着旅游、饮食业的发展,东汤孙湖将向藻型富营养湖泊发展。牛山湖中鱼类的放养使水草出现衰退,该湖底栖动物虽然仍以螺类等刮食者为上,但生物见只有洪湖等典型草型湖泊的 1/5。草食性鱼类对底栖动物的影响主要是通过减少水草这一间接途径。尤感湖代表天然捕捞湖泊,可以认为天然捕捞对底栖动物的影响不大。黄湖多年来一直以河蟹养殖为主。该湖中底栖动物极其医乏。在鞍苗放养强度约Ikg/hYTI的条件下,底栖动物密度和生产显减少60%以上。河吸对底栖动物的影响一是直接觅食,二是通过破坏水草间接影响。现在该湖沉水植物消失,菱等浮叶植物却泛滥成灾。解决问题的唯一途径是合理放养,休养生息,以达到持续利用资源、长期保持高效益的目的。面积小的湖泊或湖汉宜采用河蟹和滤食性鱼类隔年交替放养的模式,而积较大的湖泊可以采取分室对策,即部分区域养殖河蟹,部分区域养殖非草食性鱼类,并逐年轮换。

【Abstract】 To examine the effects of different lake uses on lacustrine zoobenthic community, zoobenthos were sampled in 1998-1999 from four shallow lakes of middle and lower basins of Changjiang River, viz. fish stocking and touring lake, East Tangsun Lake; fish-stocking-lake, Niushan Lake; natural-fishing-lake, Longgan Lake and crab-overstocking-lake, Huang Lake. Species composition, standing crops, functional feeding groups of benthic animals in every lake were studied. The differences of species number, meansize, standing crop, production and fishery capacity of zoobenthos in four lakes were compared. In combination to physico-chemical and other biological factors, the effect of different lake uses on zoobenthic community was analyzed.The species number of zoobenthos in East Tangsun Lake, Niushan Lake, Longgan Lake and Huang Lake were 36, 24, 33, and 18, respectively. The differences in species richness and species diversity in the four lakes were obvious.In the four lakes, oligochaete density in Longgan Lake was maximal while that in Niushan Lake was minimal and the difference in two lakes was distinct (p 0.05). Gastropod density was substantially higher in Niushan Lake than other three lakes (p 0.05). Bivalve density in East Tangsun Lake was maximal while that in Niushan Lake and Longgan Lake were minimal. Insect density in East Tangsun Lake was maximal but that in Huang Lake was minimal, and the differences of them among three lakes were distinct (p 0.05). Zoobenthic density in East Tangsun Lake was maximal but that in Huang Lake was minimal, and the difference in two lakes was distinct (p<0.05). The biomass of zoobenthos in four lakes existed differences but the differences were not distinct statistically (p>0.05).There were few reports about zoobenthic functional feeding groups in China so far, a detailed study of functional feeding groups species numbers, species percentages and standing crops in four lakes was done. Results showed that functional feeding groups in the four lakes had their own characteristics. Shredder percentage was highest in Longgan Lake than other three lakes. Collector percentage in Huang Lake was highest. Scraper percentage in Niushan Lake was highest. Predator percentage was highest in East Tangsun Lake.Production (kg/hm2/yr) of zoobenthos in four lakes ranging from high to low was Niushan Lake (1082.1), Longgan Lake (767.4), East Tangsun Lake (564.2) and Huang Lake (329.6), while fishery capacity (kg/hm2/yr) ofzoobenthos was East Tangsun Lake (16), Longgan Lake (15.8), Huang Lake (14.3) and Niushan Lake (10.4).For the relationships between zoobenthos and environmental factors, results showed that zoobenthic standing crops were positively correlated with submersed aquatic macrophytes, total phosphorus and total nitrogen contents but were negatively correlated with depths and Secchi disk transparencies. Taxonomic groups of zoobenthos were significantly correlated with biomass of submersed aquatic macrophytes, depths, Secchi disk transparencies, total phosphorus and total nitrogen contents.The effect of different lake uses ways on zoobenthic community is great in general. The effect of touring and food supplying in East Tangsun Lake caused organic pollution and algal eutrophic lake. Fish stocking in Niushan Lake eliminated submersed macrophytes and gave indirect effect on biomass in Niushan Lake to an extent that gastropod was only 1/5 as much of a typical macrophytic lakes such as Hong Lake. Longgan Lake represents natural fishing lake, having little effect on zoobenthos. Mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis Edwards) have been cultured since many years ago in Huang Lake, where zoobenthos were very sparse. Under stocking density of about 1 kg/hm of crab larvae or juveniles, zoobenthic density and production were reduced by more than 60%. Zoobenthos were affected by mitten crabs in two ways: direct feeding on benthos and indirect effect through damage of submerged macrophytes. At present the submersed macrophytes in the lake are almost absent but floating plant

  • 【分类号】Q958
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】411

