

Studies on the Selection to Excellent Host-fishes of Glochidia of Lamprotula Fibrosa

【作者】 刘传凤

【导师】 龚世园;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 水产养殖, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 以寄生在每尾鱼鳃上的钩介幼虫的数量为基础,分析了钩介幼虫寄生密度与寄生时间对宿主鱼鳃上寄生数量的影响;用水族箱和网箱作为两种实验用培育寄生后宿主鱼的用具,分析了不同生态条件对寄生后宿主鱼的影响以及不同生态条件对钩介幼虫寄生变态发育的影响;用随机抽样法计算水族箱宿主鱼的稚蚌脱落数和脱落率。结果表明:在同一寄生时间同一寄生密度时,各种宿主鱼鳃上的钩介幼虫寄生数量具有显著的差异,并且鳙鳃上的钩介幼虫寄生数量最多,其次是鲫、草鱼、鲢、黄颡鱼。在较低密度1.72×10~6只/米~3和7×10~6只/米~3以及较高密度75×10~6只/米~3和85×10~6只/米~3时,寄生时间与寄生数量的关系呈相同的趋势,即寄生数量在一定时间内随寄生时间的延长而增加,但到一定时间后,寄生数量的增加量逐渐变缓;而在中间密度16.92×10~6只/米~3、30.3×10~6只/米~3和41.6×10~6只/米~3时,寄生时间与寄生数量呈线性关系,即寄生时间越长,寄生数量越多。在各种宿主鱼中,寄生时间一定时,寄生密度与寄生数量之间也呈线性关系,即随寄生密度增加,寄生数量也增加。 水族箱内培育寄生后宿主鱼时,投饵水族箱和不投饵水族箱的培育情况均较好,但投饵水族箱内宿主鱼的存活率、稚蚌脱落数和脱落率都要稍高于不投饵水族箱。投饵水族箱内,宿主鱼的存活率、稚蚌脱落数和脱落率的平均值分别是:寄生密度为11×10~6只/米~3,寄生时间为1~3分钟时,鲢:50%、16.31只/尾、11.26%;寄生密度为11×10~6只/米~3,寄生时间为0.5~1.5分钟时,鳙:70%、21.7只/尾、6.72%;寄生密度为17.85×10~6只/米~3,寄生时间为0.5~3分钟时,黄颡鱼:94.4%、136.43只/尾、61.62%;寄生密度为34.4×10~6只/米~3,寄生时间为1~3.5分钟时,鲫和草鱼的分别是:100%和92.6%、4.84只/尾和256.46只/尾、0.35%和31.19%。不投饵水族箱内(寄生时间和寄生密度与投饵水族箱内的对应),宿主鱼的存活率、稚蚌脱落数和脱落率的平均值分别是:鲢:43.3%、12.67只/尾、8.35%;鳙:56.7%、14.5只/尾和5.47%;黄颡鱼:88.9%、刘传凤:绢丝丽蚌钩介幼虫优良宿主鱼选择试验研究107.8只/尾和57.13%:螂:88.9%、161只/尾和0.13%;草鱼:66.7%、258.53只/尾和29.31%。水族箱内投饵和不投饵对钩介幼虫的变态发育无显著影响,网箱和水族箱内钩介幼虫变态发育情况基本一致。网箱内寄生密度和寄生时间与水族箱内对应时宿主鱼的存活率的平均值分别为:鲍:81%;缩:93%;黄颗鱼:99%;卿:100%;草鱼:94%。网箱内宿主鱼存活率要高于水族箱,因此网箱更适宜于培育寄生后的宿主鱼。 由宿主鱼鳃上寄生钩介幼虫的数量、宿主鱼的存活率、宿主鱼的稚蚌脱落数和脱落率等综合因素表明,绢丝丽蚌钩介幼虫的优良宿主鱼为鲍、缩、黄颖鱼和草鱼。

【Abstract】 On the basis of the parasitic number of glochidia in every host-fish’s gills, we analyzed how the parasitic densities and parasitic times affected the glochidia’s parasitic number in the host-fish’s gills; By cultivating the host-fishes in aquariums and cages, we examined the effects of eco-environments on the host-fishes with the glochidia in their gills and the parasitic metamorphosis development of glochidia; we calculated the larva mussels’ dropping number and dropping rates of host-fishes in the aquariums by random sampling method. The results showed: The parasitic number of glochidia in the various host-fish’s gills was significantly different from one another, moreover, the parasitic number in the gills of Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson) was most ,the following were Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) , Ctenopharyngodon idellus (Cuvier et Valenciennes) , Hypophthalmichthys molitrix( Cuvier et Valenciennes), Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (Richardson) . Under the lower densities (1.72 million glochidia each cubic meter and 7 million glochidia each cubic meter) as well as under the higher densities (75 million glochidia each cubic meter and 83 million glochidia each cubic meter), the relationship between the parasitic number and the parasitic time was: the number was increasing sharply with the time prolonged during the certain period, but after that, the increment was little; While under the median densities such as 16.92 million glochidia each cubic meter, 30.3 million glochidia each cubic meter and 41.6 million glochidia each cubic meter, there are linear relationship between the parasitic number and the parasitic time, in other words, longer the parasitic time, more the parasitic number. For all kinds of the host-fishes, the parasitic number is also correlated linearly with the parasitic densities when the parasitic time is constant, that is, the number is increasingwith the density added.It would do well that the host-fish with glochidia were cultivated either in the feeding aquariums or in the non-feeding aquariums, however, in the feeding aquariums, the survival rate of host-fishes, the dropping number and dropping rate of the larva mussels in the gills of host-fishes were higher. In the feeding aquariums, the mean values of the survival rate, the larva mussels’ dropping number and rate are respectively: with the parasitic density 11 million glochidia per cubic meter and the parasitic time one to three minutes, H.molitrix: 50%, 16.31 larva mussels per host-fish, 11.26%; with the parasitic density 11 million glochidia per cubic meter and the parasitic time 0.5 to 1.5 minutes, A.nobilis: 70%, 21.7 larva mussels per host-fish, 6.72%; with the parasitic density 17.85 million glochidia per cubic meter and the parasitic time 0.5 to 3 minutes, P.fulvidraco: 94.4%, 136.43 larva mussels per host-fish, 61.62%; with the parasitic density 34.4 million glochidia per cubic meter and the parasitic time 1 to 1.5 minutes, Carassius auratus and C.idellus respectively are: 100% and 92.6%, 4.84 larva mussels per host-fish and 256.46 larva mussels per host-fish, 0.35% and 31.19%. In the non-feeding aquariums, the mean values of the survival rate, the larva mussels’ dropping number and dropping rate are respectively (the parasitic densities and the parasitic times are same as the feeding aquariums): H.molitrix: 43.3%, 12.67 larva mussels per host-fish and 8.35%; A.nobilis: 56.7%, 14.5 larva mussels per host-fish and 5.47%; P.fulvidraco: 88.9%, 107.8 larva mussels per host-fish and 57.13%; Carassius auratus : 88.9%, 1.61 larva mussels per host-fish and 0.13%. C.idellus : 66.7%, 256.46 larva mussels per host-fish and 29.31%. There were not significant defferent effects of feeding or non-feeding for the host-fishes on the parasitic metamorphosis development of the glochidia of Lamprotula fibrosa,the condition of glochidia’s parasitic metamorphosis development in the aquariums and cages was concordant on the whole when the parasitic densities and the parasitic times in cages are same as the aquari

  • 【分类号】S944
  • 【下载频次】64

