

Research on Inspecting and Optimal Dispatching of Pumping Stations

【作者】 赵光亮

【导师】 徐群;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 国民经济建设的实践证明泵站在广泛的应用领域发挥着重要的作用,今后,随着国民经济的进一步发展,必将有更多的泵站兴建。研究泵站如何发挥最大的效益高效的运行是很有意义的。 本文研究了泵站监控及优化调度,从以下几方面来展开: 前半部分研究泵站监控。 首先,研究监控对象——水泵、泵站的特性,考察他们的控制要求。并讨论了泵站能耗、泵站效率的计算。 进而,结合一典型应用介绍了现在泵站综合自动化系统采用的结构和具有的功能,重点分析并展望了其中涉及到的网络技术、组态软件技术。 后半部分是研究如何实现优化调度。 第四章中,首先建立系统的数学模型,针对优化调度的任务要求,选用了遗传算法。而后,详细讨论了基本遗传算法的实现,分析了基本遗传算法的缺陷并给出改进的方法。 最后一章,完成优化调度首先在MATLAB环境下完成算法应用于泵站优化调度的实验研究,而后开发了独立于MATLAB环境的应用遗传算法的C调度程序。

【Abstract】 It was proved that pumping stations had made a great role on the development of economy. And when the development goes on must construct more pumping stations .So the research on how to make pumping stations run more efficiently has magnificent significance.This article has made researches on pumping stations’ inspecting and optimal dispatching, which has the details as follows:The first half of the article is about pumping stations’ inspecting.Firstly, the inspected object, such as pumps and so on , has been researched on their characteristic so as to make sure the control function.Secondly, combined with a typical project application, one pumping station’s integrative automation system has been introduced.It should be noted that Network technology and configuration software has been mentioned, during the introduction of automation system.The second half of the article is about pumping stations’optimal dispatching.In the fourth chapter,on the basis of definition of the mathematic model of pumping station in dispatching, and considering the task of dispatching , the author choose genetic algorithm to settle the problem. Have discussed the realization of the basic genetic algorithm ,as to the disadvantage of the algorithm,the author has adopted some meagures to overcome them.In the last chapter ,the author has realized the pumping stations’ optimal dispatching in Matlab environment firstly,then realized the same course in C language.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】363

