

The Study on Mechanism of Increasing Lump Ratio in Blasting Mining

【作者】 于永江

【导师】 王来贵; 张永利;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 工程力学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 爆破块度分布是评价爆破效果的重要指标。根据爆破工程要求不同,对爆后块度的要求亦不相同。因为不同块度的大小,直接影响着矿山产生铲除、运输等工序,并且影响矿山的经济效益的增加。关于提高爆破块度的研究已做了很多工作,但仅仅是从某一环节来研究提高块率的途径。本文从系统的角度出发,全面考虑了影响块率提高的因素,从运输环节和爆破工艺上分析了提高块率的机理及其措施。在运输环节上,通过理论分析和实验手段相结合的方式,得出了块煤在各个环节上的损失原因和损失率。并提出了防止块率损失的对策。在爆破工艺上,本文利用点荷载仪测定煤体的强度。研究了爆炸应力波在煤岩体中的传播与衰减规律,提出了可将条形药包爆破柱部应力波当作柱面波,端部应力波当作球面波处理的研究方法;对理想的条形药包爆破径向应力衰减方程进行了修正;在此基础上,分析了煤体介质中爆炸破坏机理,建立了条形(柱状)药包爆破波作用区域的理论,得出了爆炸形成的压碎圈半径和裂隙圈半径的计算方法,讨论了在存在自由面的情况下爆炸形成标准漏斗的条件,通过ANSYS/LS-DYNA对条形药包形成的爆轰波在煤体中的传播进行仿真模拟,说明爆炸所形成的扩腔半径是药包半径的2~3倍;通过现场试验,得出了提高块率的最优爆破参数;应用分形几何理论,研究了爆炸载荷作用下煤体块度的分布特征和炸药单耗的关系,为爆破块度分布进行预报预测。

【Abstract】 The fragment distribution of blasting is the important index of estimating blasting. The fragment of blasting is different with the different demand of engineering. Because the different fragmentation of blasting directly affects the production, transport of the coal, also influences the economic increase of the mine. The studies on the increase of fragmentation of blasting have been done much, but most focused on the one process of production of coal. The thesis completely considers the factors that affect the increase of fragmentation of coal from the perspective of system, and analyses the mechanics and measures of increasing fragmentation of coal from the process of coal transport and blasting craft. In the process of transport of coal, the thesis finds the reasons of loss of coal fragmentation and loss rate in the different processes of coal production by combining the theoretic analysis and the experiment, and gives the measures of avoiding the loss of coal fragmentation.In the blasting craft, the thesis first uses the apparent of point load to measure the strength of coal sample. And then by the attenuation regulation and distribution character of stress wave under the linear charge blasting, the paper bring forward the idea that the calumniation stress wave can be regarded as cylinder stress wave, the end stress wave as spherical wave. The perfect stress attenuation formula in radical direction is established in complete elastic medium. On thefoundation, the thesis also analyses the damage mechanics of blasting in the medium of coal mass, and the theory of the action zone of the liner charge blasting wave is established, and acquires the calculation of radii of smashed ring and cracked ring, at the same time, the conditions next the free face that form a normal throwing blasting are discussed. And a method of numerical simulation of underground explosion of the linear charge blasting is used, the result of numerical simulation agree with the blasting theory. The optimised parameter of blasting is acquired to increase the fragment of blasting; the relationship between the fragment of coal blasting and the explosive specific charge is studied by fractal geometry for prediction of he fragment distribution of blasting.

  • 【分类号】TD823
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】168

