

The Research of the Network System in Social Security

【作者】 刘秀娟

【导师】 高迎慧; 徐雅斌;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 社会保障计算机网络系统是根据国务院和省政府关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度等文件精神,建立的城域计算机网络系统。该系统包括养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险五种保险业务,其网络覆盖了社会保障中心、各大医院、各定点药店、财政、工商、税务、银行等范围,为五保合一提供了统一的网络基础设施,是一个综合业务的城域计算机网络平台。该系统采用具有国际先进水平的设备和网络设计技术,主机系统采用了双机集群结构,两台服务器共同工作、互为备份,保证了系统连续不间断的运行。通过路由器和E1速率的DDN和PSTN实现了各个定点医院、定点药店的远程接入,提供了进一步同其它社会保障业务相关部门连接的扩展能力。整个网络采用了分层设计的原则。该系统充分体现了既定的设计思想和设计原则、具有前瞻性的设计观念、具备良好的性能,同时也确保了其具有极佳的性能价格比,完全可以胜任社会保障管理信息系统的需要。本人主要承担了系统的需求分析、总体设计、网络设计任务。参与了软件的方案论证和设计工作。

【Abstract】 According to State Department and Province Government’s document spirit that establishes town employee’s essence hospitalization insurance system, Computer Network System of Social Security is established. This system covers Business of five kinds of insurances such as endowment insurance,hospitalization insurance, unemployment insurance, the public of injury insurance and procreation insurance, and it covers the section of the society guarantees center, each hospital, each fixed-point medicine store, public finance industry and business, tax administration, bank, etc. It provides unification of base network establishment, and it is Integrated Services of Metropolitan Area Networks Plat.This system adopts to have the international advanced horizontal equipments and Network designing technology, the host system adopted the double the machine to gather a group of constructions, and two common works of set servers, with each other for the backup, If host system breaks down emergently, Backup system can start in a short time, so it guarantees the system’s continuous、dependable movement. The communication adopts Router and E1 ratio’s DDN or PSTN, which guarantees remote connection of each fixed-point medicine store and hospital, providing communion with others’ Computer Network System of Social Security to some extent. The whole network adopts principle of the detach architecture. This system incarnates design thought and design principle well. It has the forward-looking design principle, it has the good function, and also has good contrasts function with price, and so it is completely competent for the need of the society guarantees Management information systems.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】127

