

【作者】 鲍彩莲

【导师】 杨英杰;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 专门史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 君子人格是孔子思想学说的核心,它贯穿在孔子整个的思想体系当中:政治中需要君子施行仁政,经济上需要君子趋义避利,教育上需要培养君子型人才,伦理道德上更是需要君子的榜样指引;君子人格更是中华传统文化的精华之一,为一代又一代的志士仁人所践行,并成为他们取之不尽,用之不竭的精神源泉。本文主要通过对君子内在的“质”及外在的“文”的阐述,“文质彬彬,然后君子”,说明以仁为质并约之以礼的孔子的君子人格的崇高的道德精神内涵;并结合历史人物论述了君子人格的践行,更进一步的阐述了无数仁人志士在伟大的君子人格的感召下,“舍生取义”、“杀身成仁”,为成就国家民族的大义而舍身忘我的大无畏精神。文中还提出了批判继承的观点,并期盼孔子的君子人格在新时代再展其迷人的人格魅力。

【Abstract】 Character of gentleman is the core of Confucius thought, and runs through the whole idea system: We need gentleman to carry out policy of benevolence in politics, we need gentleman to incline to moral righteousness and avoid benefit in economy, we need take gentleman as the model in moral ethics. Character of gentleman is one of the creams of Chinese traditional culture, which was practiced by superior person from gene- ration to generation as boundless spiritual source. This article is mainly through expounding inherent character and external self-discipline of superior person to illustrate lofty spirit intension of character of gentleman of Confucius. Combining practice of character of gentleman with historical personage, it further expounds fearless spirits of countless superior person who was impelled by lofty character of gentleman to be self-sacrifice for profit of country and nationality. The article put forward viewpoint of critically inherit to character of gentleman, and expect its fascinated moral quality will be emerged in the new times.

【关键词】 君子孔子人格
  • 【分类号】B222
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1825

