

【作者】 丁晓蕾

【导师】 郑一明;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 马克思主义哲学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 本文将围绕女性主义对“平等”的认识和追求,对女性主义的实践斗争进行理论分析和反思,其中又以自由主义女性主义和马克思主义女性主义为主要分析对象。 从男女平等观念的第一次提出到现在,二百余年已经过去了,在此期间,女性主义对平等的定义和表述并不是一成不变的,平等的意义越来越广泛和具体;同时,女性对平等的追求也逐渐走向普遍化和理论化,并取得了很大的进展。但是对平等的追求并非总是广得人心,对平等的不确切表述也一度使女性主义运动陷入困境和低潮,要对平等下一个定义也越来越难。对“平等”概念的不同理解关乎女性主义运动的方向和成败。但在以往的女性主义理论著述中,很少有就这一观点进行系统性分析的论述,本文即是以以平等概念为切入点,对从以自由主义女性主义为开端的传统女性主义到现代女性主义,以至当代女性主义的平等观进行一次总结,并着重讨论了当代女性主义平等观的一些新变化和新发展,对其特征进行综述性的分析。 在对这个问题做进一步了解和研究的过程中,我首先注意到传统女性主义平等观的缺陷,以及这些缺陷对女性主义运动实践的影响,在实践中女性主义者们试图对其进行修正和补充,随之发展出新的观点;当女性为自身争取到了一定的政治、经济权利,并大量进入公共劳动之后,现、当代女性主义所关注的问题更加广泛,视域更加开阔,其平等观有了新的内涵和外延,使女性主义运动呈现出新的面貌,这也是本文论述的重点。 女性主义理论的各个派别似乎永远处于困境之中,因为每一种主张一旦提出,都会受到来自于男权制方面的攻击以及其他女性主义派别的批评,或是在实践中暴露出缺陷,没有什么理论能恒久成立。各种女性主义理论之间的辩论,促使理论在自我反省并不断发展。就在不断的创新与否定之中,女性已经为自身在诸多方面争取到可贵的平等与权利,反对性别歧视思想在政治、经济斗争中不断的理论化、逻辑化,并深入人心。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on the feministic acquaintanceship and pursuance of the "equality", analyze and reflect theoretically the feministic practice and struggle, Liberalism-feminism and Marxism-feminism are the main analysis object.From the ieda of male and female’s equality have been brought forward for the first time, more the two hundred years have gone,in this period, feminism defined and stated the "equality"in many different ways,the meaning of equality was more and more wide and practical; Contemporary.female’s pursure of equality was more and more generalization and theorization,and acquired significant progress. But the pursure of equality is not be welcomed at all time, Feminism had gotten bogged down because of the inexact state of equality. It is more and more difficult to define the "equality". The different comprehension about the conception of equality related to the way and success or defeat of Femism. But there is little discourse systematically upon the idea in the agone feminism writing .This paper focusing on the conception of equality , summarizes the feminism theory, includng the traditional Feminism which exordium is Liberalism-feminism ,the modern Feminism and the present Feminism, emphasizes the present feminism idea of equality and analyses its new change , new development and characters.With studying and researching this issue, firstly I took notice of the limitation of the traditional feminism idea of equality and such limitation’s influence to feminism practice, in practice feministst attempted to modify and renew it, at the same time , evolved new point of view ; when female gained some political and ecnomical rights and with more and more women enterd into public labor , the issues that the modern and present Feminism paid attention to are more entirer and more wide , the new idea of equality have new intension and extension , and give Feminism a new visage, that is the emphasis of this paper.The various wings of feminism throry almost are down on there uppers for ever, because when a opinion have been brought forward ,it would be criticized by male male hegemony or some other feminism wings , or uncovered its limitation in the practice, there is no theory can exist constantly. The argue among the virous feminism theories, spurs the theories reflect themselves and develop themselves continually.Just in the continual innovation and denial , women have gotten significantly worshipful equality and rights, the idea of opposeing gender discrimination become more theoretic , logical and popular.

  • 【分类号】D08
  • 【下载频次】503

