

【作者】 陆宗祥

【导师】 彭森;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国民经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放不仅带来了经济的持续增长,而且还使我国第一次尝到了用市场手段来解决“就业问题”的甜头(八十年代)。然而,当改革进一步向前推进时,正值世界经济走入低谷。因此,不仅有国内本身改革的因素,也有入世、国际影响等外部因素的作用,使得90年代中期以后,中国出现了逐年攀升的“失业率”,它给中国的社会、政治、经济均带来了严重的影响。 2002年11月,江泽民在党的十六大报告中明确提出“要全面建设小康社会”的奋斗目标。实现较为充分的就业,不仅是建设小康社会的重要途径,也是衡量小康社会建成与否的重要标志。所以,无论是从政治高度,还是从全国人民的长远根本利益出发,解决日趋严重的就业问题都刻不容缓。 借助西方经济学中的效用论、均衡论等,本文首先从理论上证明了“利用市场机制配置劳动力资源是高效的”的结论;同时又指出:这种制度的执行是要付出成本代价的,即它会引起失业、贫富不均等一系列社会问题。不仅如此,劳动力市场机制有效运行的前提条件是:劳动力能自由流动、工资能反映劳动力市场的价值、要有完善的社会化服务体系等等。由于西方实行市场经济体制的时间较长,为从中吸取经验,本文对西方自古至今各经典流派的就业理论和就业政策都作了简要的叙述。 其次,本文指出,中国从建国初期直到“十六”大召开之前,曾多次采取不同的方式和手段解决了不同时期的“失业”问题。但效果总不甚理想,或说,“较为充分的就业”持续的时间太短。这里当然有着许多复杂、综合的原因,但在笔者看来,没有处理好劳动力市场和政府就业政策之间的辨证关系是至关重要的一点。 第三,我国劳动力市场的发育走过了一段艰难曲直的历程。由于时间短,经验少,目前还存在着诸如:供求缺口太大、劳动力不能充分自由地流动、市场分割、工资扭曲、社会保障不完善、法律法规不健全、信息化服务不到位等多多问题。在对我国现存的劳动力市场状况做了详细分析过后,本文指出:仅靠“市场”那只“无形之手”去解决我国目前严重的失业问题是不行的,我们还必须依靠政府——这只“有形之手”来弥补市场机制运行中的太多不足。即既要坚持市场化改革的取向,努力发挥劳动力市场配置资源的功能,以提高经济效率;又要高度重视政府的宏观就业政策的制定——尽可能多地创造就业岗位,化解劳动力供需总量上和结构上的矛盾,以维护社会“公平”。 最后,针对当前和长远两个时期的不同特点,本文提出了缓解我国就业压力的具体措施。 本文的创新之处在于,始终从劳动力市场的角度去分析就业问题,从寻求劳动力市场与政府就业政策之间的辨证关系的过程中,得出缓解我国就业压力的具体措施。

【Abstract】 The reform and opening-up brings forth the continuous economic growth as well as the experience of solving problem of employment by market methods. Otherwise, the world economy goes through recession while the reform is under further advance. The continuously increasing unemployment rate in the mid 1990’s seriously affects the development of China’s society, politics and economy. The internal causes of domestic reform and external factors of China’s entry into WTO and international influence owe much to this situation.The 16th national congress of CPC was held successfully in Beijing on Nov.2002. Jiang Zemin explicitly put forward "building a well-off society in an all-round way". And full employment is not only a significant way to build a well-off society but also an important reflection of well-off society. Therefore, the problem of employment must be solved to the letter either in regard to politic stability or for the fundamental interests of Chinese people.First, the article testifies "it is highly efficient to allocate resources by market mechanism" by importing Utility theory and Equilibrium theory and draws the conclusion that institutional cost may lead to some social problems such as unemployment and polarization of rich and poor. Furthermore, the running preconditions of labor market mechanism include the following: free flow of laborers, wage as the reflection of labor market value, perfect social service system, etc. The article briefly introduces the theories and policies of employment in the west world to draw lessons from its long market practice and mature market mechanism.Second, as the article pointed out, the problem of unemployment was not solved satisfactorily or the period of full employment was too short though various solutions were involved from the early stage of the PRC to the holding of 16th national congress of CPC. The key element among all complicated reasons for it rests with the ill treatment of the dialectical relationship between labor market and employment policies.Third, the development of labor market in China goes through many twist and turns. Limited time and poor experience result in many problems, such as the tremendous gap between demand and supply, comfortless flow of laborers, market segmentation, distortion of wage, imperfect social security system, incomplete laws and regulations, lack of information service, etc. After the detailed investigation of current labor market in China, the article draws the conclusion that only "invisible hand" of market can not do well and the "visible hand" of government has to be given fully to offset the insufficiency of market mechanism. The deepening of market reform, which contributes to the efficient allocation of labor resources and improvement of operating availability, must be coupled with the implementation of macro employment policies by government, which leads to the creation of posts, the solutions of structural and quantitative contradiction between demand and supply and the maintenance of social fair.Last, the article brings forward some concrete measures to release China’s employment pressure at present and in the long run.The creative points of this article lie in the analyses of employment problem in the respect of labor market and the draw of concrete measures to release employment pressure by means of dealing with the dialectical relationship between labor market and employment policies.

【关键词】 劳动力市场就业就业政策
【Key words】 labor marketemploymentpolicy of employment
  • 【分类号】F241.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】885

