

Preventing and Managing Operational Risks in Life Insurance Companies in China

【作者】 贺红

【导师】 赵效民;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 金融学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 20年来,随着经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,我国寿险业有了很大发展,近几年的发展尤其迅速。但同时由于我国寿险业起步晚,缺乏经营管理经验,各方面问题渐渐暴露出来。寿险公司已经意识到了经营风险的严重性,尤其是普遍存在的利差损问题受到整个行业的普遍关注。各寿险公司在经营理念上发生了很大的转变,从一味追求规模发展,逐步过渡到追求利润、控制风险的稳健经营阶段,死差分析、费差分析,尤其是利差分析得到了广泛的关注。本文着眼于这一现实,提出了“中国寿险公司经营风险防范与管理”的课题,旨在研究我国寿险业面临的主要经营风险以及解决方案,探讨寿险业健康发展的方向。本文简要介绍了构成寿险公司利润的三个主要来源,即利差、死差、费差,详细阐述了加强寿险公司利润分析,提高偿付能力对我国寿险业稳健经营,切实保障客户利益的重要意义,并就目前我国寿险公司利差损、死差损和费差损的形成原因,结合国外寿险业先进经验进行了详细的分析,从寿险风险选择、费用控制、资金运用等方面,阐述了我国寿险公司经营各环节的风险与管理问题,并针对这些问题提出了一系列的解决方案,特别对寿险资金运用的原则、渠道以及方式等作了详细的论述。通过本文的分析,相信能够加强对寿险经营风险与管理的认识,对控制和解决我国人寿保险公司严重的利差损等问题有所帮助。 保险行业的存在与发展并不是一个孤立的体系,而是与整个社会经济环境发展密切联系的,特别是寿险业与其他金融业的融合日益紧密,彼此之间是相互竞争、相互促进的关系。解决我国寿险业经营风险,涉及整个经济环境改善的方方面面,因此本文对我国投资大环境,证券市场、股票市场等相关行业的发展,与寿险业经营风险控制的关系进行了探讨。 我国加入WTO之后,保险市场的全面放开只是时间的问题。境外保险公司有着悠久的经营历史,风险管理技术、投资和金融市场的发展都很成熟,我国寿险业面临着巨大的挑战,存在一个与国际接轨的问题,保险监管制度、法律法规都会逐步向国际靠拢。本文对国外保险业的先进经营管理经验以及监管模式进行了一些介绍,提出了值得我国借鉴的方式方法,这些经验相信对我国人寿保险公司积极、稳妥地参与即将到来的国际竞争有所裨益。 完善的保险监管体系是保险业健康发展的保障,引导并监督着保险业的发展方向。我国保险监管水平的提高和监管制度的改革应该走在前面,为保险业的快速、良性发展创造有利条件。本文就我国保险监管目前存在的一些不足进行了简单的阐述,提出了一些改革的建议。 本文在结构上是这样安排的:第一章,引出构成寿险公司利润的三个重要要素,即死差、费差、利差的基本概念和精算基础。第二章,简要说明了寿险公司在经营各环节遇到的死差、费差、利差风险和各业务管理部门之间的关系。第三、四、五章分别就死差风险、费差风险、利差风险的形成原因进行了简单说明,并结合我国实际情况和国外的通常做法,提出了比较详细的解决方案和建议。第六章,重点针对利差风险采取的有效投资策略问题进行了详细论述。第七章,分析了我国监管制度改革对寿险业稳健发展的重要作用和意义。 总体来讲,本文对我国寿险公司经营风险防范与管理进行了比较全面的分析,引用了一些《保险法》修改的最新内容,就防范风险解决方案进行了一些新的探讨,比如保险电子商务对寿险营销方式的影响与展望,以及寿险资金投资渠道方面的探索等。其中有些解决方法,目前在我国还不具备成熟的实施条件或没有相应法律条款的保障,因此并没有得到运用或大范围地推广,但其发展前景应该是比较乐观的,对我国寿险业的健康发展将产生积极的推动作用。

【Abstract】 The business of life insurance developed in high rapidity due to the rapid economic growth in China in the past two decades. However, the business of life insurance started comparatively late and almost had no groundwork in China. After some grope of the business in these years, a few of problems started to show in the business of life insurance. Fortunately, the life insurance companies had realized the ponderance of the existing operational risks, especially the losses due to interest rate spread, which was an attention-getting problem to the whole industry. Now the business ideas of the life insurance companies change greatly. They realize that it is the responsibility and precondition of the life insurance company to pursue profit, control operational risk, and maintain reasonable solvency, because the company is a business enterprise at first. Therefore, the life insurance company attaches importance to the analysis of the spread of mortality, cost, and especially that of the interest rate, more and more.On basis of this reality, this paper explains the three major sources of the profit or loss of the life insurance company, i.e., the profit or loss from the spread of interest rate, mortality., or cost). The paper also sets forth the importance of strengthening analysis of profit or loss and enhancing the management of solvency in detail. Then the author analyzes the formation of the loss from the spread of interest rate, mortality, or cost, compares the advanced experiences of the foreign life insurance companies with the reality of the Chinese counterparts detailedly, and provides a series of solutions to the problems of management and operational risks that would affect the profit of the company from risk select, cost control, and fund management. The principle, channel and mode of the management of the fund from life insurance is emphasized in particular by the author. This paper would help people deepening the perspective of management and operational risks in life insurance company, and spurring some serious problems such as the control and settlement of the loss from the spread of interest rate.

【关键词】 人寿保险经营风险偿付能力
【Key words】 Life insuranceOperational riskFinancial solvency
  • 【分类号】F842
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】525

