

Research on the Deficiency Compensation of Sensation and Perception of People with Visual Impairment

【作者】 陈光华

【导师】 张宁生;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 特殊教育学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 视觉丧失对其他感知觉的影响,一向存在着“补偿说”和“缺陷说”两种互相排斥的理论。本研究在总结前人的理论和实验研究的基础上,从新的角度探讨了“补偿说”和“缺陷说”的争论,结果发现:在听知觉的声音辨别上,盲人被试与明眼被试没有显著差异;盲、明被试在触觉-大小比较上,不存在显著差异,而在对触觉-反应时上,盲人被试的反应速度要比明眼被试快得多;在动觉定位上,盲、明被试差异也不显著。盲、明被试的感知觉在年龄上表现出一致的发展倾向:16-23岁组的感知觉最好。24-32岁组有所下降,8-15岁最差。性别因素不是影响盲、明被试感知觉的重要因素。先天盲与后天盲被试在听、触、运动知觉实验中也没有表现出显著的差异。由此可见,本研究的实验结果并没有完全支持补偿说,也没有完全支持缺陷说。因此,研究者试图提出一种新的理论——“并存说”,即对于视障者来说,感知觉的缺陷现象与补偿现象是同时存在的。

【Abstract】 There has existed two contrary theories, "Deficiency "and "compensation", regarding the effects on other sensation and perception caused by loss of sight. This research, based on theories and researches that have been done before, makes an attempt to study and analyze the dispute of these two theories from a new aspect. The study results show that there is no significant difference in sound identification between the blind individuals and visual individuals. There is also no significant difference in Tactile-size comparison. On the other hand, blind individuals react much faster than visual individuals in Tactile-reaction time. There is also hardly any difference between blind and visual individuals in kinesthesia orientation test. Both groups, however, show consistent trend in terms of ages for the sensation and perception, those of ages from 8 to 15 have the worst, ages from 24 to 32 just slightly better, and ages from 16 to 23 the best. It is also found that gender is not the important factor affecting the sensation and perception for both groups. In the sensation test of Listening、Tactile、Kinesthesia, congenital blind and postnatal blind perform almost the same. The results of this research hence support neither deficiency theory nor compensation theory. Therefore, in this thesis, a new theory, coexistence theory, is proposed to explain the fact that both phenomena of deficiency and compensation can be found in people with visual impairments.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】655

