

Study on Theory and Practice of Computer Matching Color

【作者】 赵晨飞

【导师】 刘昕;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 印刷工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究的目的是节省油墨配色时间、降低配色成本、提高配色效率、加快印前工艺的数据化和规范化进程。计算机配色的重要性是它能降低劳动强度、提高配色精度、加快配色速度,保证原稿色彩的精确复制。应用本文提出的三维查找表和四面体插值法的计算机油墨配色系统可以降低生产成本,提高企业经济效益,对促进印刷科学技术的发展有着重要的理论和实际意义。 本文采用的研究方法有:根据计算机配色的基础理论,依据XYZ色彩空间的设备无关性和同色异谱原理,把三维查找表方法运用到油墨三刺激值配色系统中;然后依据XYZ空间的不均匀性和四面体插值形体不变性原理,设计四面体插值的具体算法。根据色谱所建立的基色库和抽样法设计实验检验配色精度;同时依据色域压缩原理,应用彩度压缩法处理超色域色彩。运用统计原理和综合比较法对实验的数据进行分析。 本文完成的主要工作有:讨论了XYZ和CMYK色彩空间的特性,分析了从三刺激值到油墨网点百分比之间的转换关系;建立了基色库和三维查找表、四面体插值法油墨配色模型;把纽介堡方程引入到超色域色彩判断中,建立了彩度压缩法超色域色彩处理模型;开发了配色应用软件,对三维查找表和四面体插值法的配色精度进行了实验验证,并分析了影响其精度的因素。 本文的主要结论有:三维查找表三刺激值配色法能节省时间,明显提高了配色效率;四面体插值法原理简单、运算量少、精度高;理论分析表明彩度压缩法处理超色域色彩具有很好的可行性;所开发的配色应用软件比传统的配色方法操作方便、配色精度高,便于数据化和规范化管理。

【Abstract】 This purpose of this paper is to save the time and reduce the cost of matching color of ink, improve the efficiency of matching color, fasten the data and standardization course of pre-print. The matching color by computer is full of importance which can reduce the work intensity greatly, make matching color easier and faster and more precise, guarantee the exact replicate of manuscript. The ink matching color by computer using three-dimensioned look up table and tetrahedron interpolation can reduce manufacture cost and improve corporation’ s economy benefit, which is of academic and practical significance for promoting the development of science and technology in print industry.The study methods are adopted in this paper. According to the basic theories of the matching color by computer, three-dimensioned look up table is supplied in the ink matching color system of tri-stimulus values by XYZ space which is independent of equipment and by the theory that the colors are same which aren’ t of the same spectrum. Then the arithmetic of tetrahedron interpolation is designed by the asymmetry trait of XYZ space and by the theory of invariability of form and structure in tetrahedron interpolation.The two experiments are made to check the precision by the color-base on the base of the chromatogram and the method of samples. At the same time, the color out of the gamut is dealt with by the method of saturation compressed on the basisof the theory of compression of the gamut. The experiment datas are dealt with by the methods of statistics and compare.The works finished in the paper are as follows. This paper firstly discusses the character of XYZ and CMY color spaces, and analyzes thetransformation relation between tri~stimulus values and ink percentage. Second, the color-base is built and the ink matching color model is made by three-dimensioned look up table and tetrahedron interpolation. Third, the Neugeaur equation is applied into the judgement of thecolor out of the gamut,and the disposal model of the color out of t he gamut is built, in which the method of saturation compressd is use d. Forth, the application software is developed. Fifth, the accuracy of the method of matching color is checkd by experiment. At last, the fact ors which influnce the matching color are analyzed.There are four conclusions in the paper. It is to save the time and to improve the efficiency in three-dimensioned look up table. It is more precise and easier for tetrahedron interpolation which is of the simple theory. The analysis show that the method of saturation compressed that is supplied in the color out of the gamut is of good feasibility. The software of matching color is easier to operate and is more precise than trational matching color, which helps to the management of data and standard,

  • 【分类号】TS801
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】530

