

The Design and Application Insulator Contamination On-Line Detecting System for Substation

【作者】 薛延华

【导师】 刘丁; 喻华玉;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 电气工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究了变电污秽在线监测系统的设计和应用问题。 引入了变电污秽及其相关概念,对国内外现有的变电污秽防治方法和变电污秽在线监测方法进行了简要的介绍,并指出了各自存在的不足。 分析了泄漏电流的产生机理和特点以及利用泄漏电流进行监测和报警的可能性,并在此基础上研制了一种精度高、频带宽的泄漏电流传感器。按照现场要求,设计了功能更加完善、界面友好的污秽在线监测系统。认真研究了污秽泄漏电流与环境温度、湿度和污秽程度之间的关系,指出了以往采用恒值报警模型存在的问题,提出采用基于模糊推理的非线性报警模型的方法,以解决系统报警不可靠的问题。在完成系统硬件设计和系统功能规划的之后,利用VB、VC等计算机语言完成了相应软件的编制。结合变电站的实际环境,提出了一套切实可行的设备安装调试方法,并在工程中实际应用。 理论分析和实际运行的结果表明本文的变电污秽在线监测系统能够适应泄露电流大范围的变化,及时并准确地预报绝缘子污秽程度,为解决了变电污秽在线监测系统的可靠报警问题提供了新途径;同时,也为进一步对绝缘子污秽问题进行深入打下良好基础。

【Abstract】 The design and application of insulator contamination on-line detecting system are discussed in this paper.Some basic concepts of insulator contamination are introduced firstly. Existing methods of avoiding contamination flashover and methods of detecting contamination degree of insulators are discussed in details and disadvantages of them are pointed out.The arising mechanism and character of leakage current are analyzed. Based on these analyses, a high precise and wide bandwidth sensor is developed. The insulator contamination on-line detecting system for substation with powerful function and friendly interface is designed in cording to the requirements of local. The relationships between leakage current, environment humidity, environment temperature and level of pollution are studied, then, the problem of fixed value alarming model is analyzed. It proposed a nonlinear alarming model based on fuzzy reasoning method to increase the reliability of prediction. All the software has been realized by Visual Basic and VC programming language. The implemental installation and debugging method are presented by consideration the sub-station environment, and used into practical applications.The results of theoretical analyzing and practical running proved that the contamination on-line detecting system for substation developed in this paper can be applied to the large-scale variation of leakage current, the fuzzy reasoningalarming method can predict the pollution level of insulator more accurately. A new method is given to solve the problem of alarming reliability of contamination on-line detecting system. Furthermore, the base to improve the solutions to the insulator contamination detecting is firmly laid.

【关键词】 污闪泄漏电流在线监测
【Key words】 contaminant flashoverleakage currenton-line detecting
  • 【分类号】TM764
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】333

