

The Mode Analysis of Siemens ICM Enter Chinese Market

【作者】 郝军

【导师】 杨水利;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,随着全球经济一体化的发展和国际分工的不断深化,带动生产要素在全球范围重新配置,生产活动与资本的运动也已经跨越了国域疆界,实现了国际化和全球化。而跨国公司作为跨国投资、经营和管理的组织载体和国际市场的行为主体,也得到了空前的发展,但跨国公司又是如何进入海外国际市场、进行跨国经营的呢?于是本文通过对德国西门子信息与移动通信集团——Information and Communication Mobile(以下简称:ICM)进入中国市场方式的研究,对ICM在中国市场的进一步发展和如何面对现有的机遇和挑战的这一问题进行了探讨,相信这也对西门子公司其他业务集团和跨国公司如何搭建一个进入中国市场的架构及实施都有着现实的意义。 本文以理论结合实际的方法,以各种国际投资理论、主要是运用邓宁的国际生产折衷理论,通过对一系列数据和ICM进入中国市场时各种外部环境、内部因素的分析,针对ICM是如何选择进入中国市场方式这一核心问题,进行了详尽的论述。首先,在对ICM进入中国市场主要涉及到的三优势理论进行详细论述的基础上结合中国市场的经济因素、政策因素以及当时中国移动通信业的实际发展情况详细分析了中国市场的区位优势;再通过对西门子公司的具体情况研究了ICM凭借什么样的竞争优势进入中国市场,即分析了它在进入中国市场时究竟都拥有那些所有权优势和内部化优势,主要是全球性的跨国经营网络、强有力的产品开发、高素质的员工队伍和稳健的财务管理;同时,采用国际生产折衷理论定义、定量计算和因素权重记分相结合等方法,最终从不同的角度确认了ICM应以投资式的方法进入中国市场;最后,分析了ICM为进入中国市场都制定了那些配套策略。 通过以上这一系列的数据分析和研究,以理论结合实际的方法,详细研究了ICM集团是如何完成进入中国市场方式的选择和实施这一过程的,这对西门子其它业务集团和跨国公司进入中国市场有着参考价值和实际的意义。

【Abstract】 In today’s world, with the development of the global economy and the international division of work which drives the reconfiguration of productive elements among the world, productive activities and capital flow have gone beyond the national boundaries, thus realizing the internationalization and globalization of capital and production. As the organizer of the international investment, management and administration and the principal part of the international market, multinational corporations have developed much as well. But how do multinational corporations enter the international market and begin international management? After a detailed investigation of how Siemens Information and Communication Mobile Corporation (ICM for short in the following discussion) entered the Chinese market, the writer discusses in this thesis the issue of how ICM can make further development in Chinese market facing the chances and challenges nowadays. The writer believes this will give other groups of Siemens and other multinational corporations some suggestions on how to build a basic structure for entering the Chinese market.Combining theory with practice, the writer analyzes how ICM chose the entering mode about the Chinese market with various courses learned in school, especially the three predominance theories in the management of multinational corporations. The main method of this thesis is to analyze a series of data and all sorts of external environment when ICM enter the Chinese market on the basis of theoretic discussion. The first part is theoretic discussion, especially a detailed discussion of the three predominance theories ICM has covered when entering the Chinese market; Second, a research on the reasons why ICM chose the Chinese market, that is the analysis of the market advantages in China; Third, a research on with what competitive advantage when ICM can enter the Chinese market, that is the analysis of what proprietary advantages it has; Fourth, how ICM chose the way of entering the Chinese market, that is, they adopted the method of theoretic definition, quantitative and qualitativeanalysis and finally making sure that ICM should enter the Chinese market through investment. Finally, the writer analyzes what strategies ICM has taken for entering the Chinese market.With a series of analysis and researches above, this thesis discusses how ICM fulfilled the process of entering the Chinese market, which can be used as a reference for other groups of Siemens who want to enter the Chinese market and has practical significance for other multinational corporations to enter the Chinese market as well.

  • 【分类号】F279.516
  • 【下载频次】317

