

Research on Organization Development of AnQing Second Hospital

【作者】 王静

【导师】 朱宗乾;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国医疗保障制度改革、医药分家、医疗机构的分类管理和向WTO承诺开放医药市场的临近,医疗服务市场面临着利益再分配的竞争局面,进行组织变革将是医院的必由之路。 安庆市第二人民医院是城区中等综合医院,妇产科技术在全市处于领先地位。国家长期以大医院为主的资源配置方式加上各级医院之间的无序竞争使得安庆二院卫生效率较低。 本文运用克—金的模型指导安庆二院的组织变革。首先进行关键环境影响因素分析、需求分析、市场竞争分析、医院内部优势劣势分析得出组织变革的目标就是使其成为安庆市全面开展社区卫生服务的综合医院。 其次指出安庆二院存在的主要问题有服务质量较低、市场营销观念淡薄、组织结构不合理、人员知识和能力欠缺,指出组织变革的必要性。 第三根据现有问题提出组织变革方案,确定了“立足于二级医院的双线”模式,强调医院文化建设的重要性;服务策略包括质量管理和以高度的信息化为基础进行门诊、住院服务流程再造;营销策略包括以提高顾客满意度为中心改变营销理念、目标市场策略和低医疗价格策略;在保留了其特色专科门诊的基础上,对其结构进行重组,撤销一些科室,而代之以全科门诊,相应地进行功能定位及职责内容转化;人力资源变革包括全科医生来源、培训、学历层次分析以及建立现代医院管理的人力资源体系。

【Abstract】 The hospital related to this paper is facing great innovation of exterior environment, which change from "medicine support doctor" to "detach of medicine and doctor55. Simultaneously the policy "main resource is distributed to big hospital" our nation adopt for long time and the no order competition make the gap between anqing second hospital and other hospitals greater. In order to survive, anqing second hospital must perform organization transform, develop multiple levels-, full azimuth community health services.The paper is guided by the organization development theory "R.Kreitner & A Kinicki"model. Firstly the different patterns of community health services at abroad and home are analyzed. Based on Britain pattern abroad and backing to big hospital pattern home, the pattern of anqing second hospital is put forward. General examine room should be set up, in which general Practitioner and general nurse answer for plan immunity , women and child health care, healing care, psychology consultation, contagion prevention, old people tends family sickbed; Community health services information room should also be set up in which the people healthy of community are scientific managed. Secondly, outer and inner factors which affect organization development also proves that necessity of develop community health services for anqing second hospital. At last the scheme of organization development is put forward, which include structure development, function conversion, personal change, marketing thinking and service quality improvement and so on, of which personal change is primary and center of other adjustments.Based on the theory and model of manage subject, the paper probe into the reslovement means of organization development of community anqing second hospital health services, which have great theoretic instruction sense on the innovation of anqing second hospital and great reference value on its develop direction. Because it is at the beginning term for the second and third grade hospital home to develop Community health services, this pattern also has great theoretic value for them.

  • 【分类号】R197.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】178

