

Research on Urban Development Strategy of Yan Liang Air-city

【作者】 李锦

【导师】 李随成;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 ?20世纪80年代以来,我国城市化发展呈现出不断加速的态势。随着我国城市化水平的提高,城市发展的不断加快,城市发展战略已成为人们日益关注的问题,也成为研究的热点之一。 研究城市发展战略首先要探究城市发展的机制,因此本文回顾了城市发展理论。在总结了我国城市发展战略研究的进展之后,鉴于本文的研究对象阎良是一个专业化城市,本文重点关注了专业化城市的发展战略研究。专业化城市是主导产业占重要地位的特色城市,其发展有一些特殊的规律。本文总结了专业化城市发展的研究进展,并指出专业化城市发展战略研究要以专业化城市发展和主导产业发展的关系、产业集群理论和战略管理理论为基础。 依据上述理论基础,本文提出了一个专业化城市发展战略研究的分析框架,即根据针对特定专业化城市特点和其特定主导产业的特点,应用产业集群理论的和战略管理理论的分析思路,分析专业化城市的主导产业发展状况。 依据如上的分析框架,本文对阎良的飞机产业进行了详细分析。文章介绍了其概况之后,分析了其发展环境和要素条件,明确了其发展的机遇和面临的挑战,指出了其优势和劣势。同时在参考了国外成功飞机产业的发展模式之后,指出了阎良应采取产业集群发展模式提升其飞机产业的战略,并提出了相应的战略目标、原则和重点,继而指出了阎良同时应采取主导产业带动城市全面发展的战略。最后指出了保证阎良飞机城发展战略实施的措施和建议。

【Abstract】 There is an increasing trend of urbanization development in our country since 1980s. With the urbanization level increasing and urban development speed quickening, the strategy of urban development has aroused people’ s concern and become the focus; of research.Research of urban development strategy should be based on the mechanism of urban development, therefore theories on urban development are first, retrospec ted in the paper. Then the development of relevant research of urban development strategy is summarized. Because the objective of theresearch--Yan Liang is a specialized city, the development of relevantresearch of specialized urban development strategy is more emphasized in the paper. Specialized city is characterized by its dominant, industry and there are special principles of its development. The development of relevant research of specialized urban development strategy is summarized and the theory foundation, including the theory between specialized urban development and its development of dominant industry, theory of industry clustering and theory of strategy management are brought, forward.Based on above theory foundation, an analyzing framework of research of specialized urban development strategy is put. forward. That is, according to the characteristics of given specialized city and the characteristics ofits dominant industry, specialized urban development strategy analysis should be based on the strategy analysis of its dominant industry.According to the above analysis framework, the aviation industry of Yan Liang is analyzed in detail, basic situations introduced, development circumstances and factor conditions analyzed, including its opportunities and challenges, advantages and disadvantages. Then the development pattern of foreign successful aviation industry is referenced. I t is put forward that Yan Liang should adopt the industry clustering strategy to improve its dominant industry, including corresponding principles and emphases, and meanwhile Yan Liang should adopt the industry expanding strategy to the boost its urban comprehensive development. Finally, the measures and suggestions, to ensure that the development strategy of Yan Liang could be carried in execution, are put forward.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】423

