

The Analysis of the Dynamic Characteristics and Earthquake Response in the Structure of the Mansion of YaTingYuan--On Some Problems of the Structure of High-Rise Building

【作者】 李俞谕

【导师】 张俊发; 刘云贺;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 超高层建筑结构的设计,结构的动力特性和地震反应分析是关键。结构动力特性和地震反应的分析对于深入了解结构的抗震性能、反应结构性能是非常有效的手段,特别是对于动态作用比较敏感的超高层建筑,确定其动力特性和地震反应,对结构的设计和结构性能的评估提供了重要依据。本文以实际工程项目——雅庭园商业中心大厦(地面以上40层,建筑总高度为125.4米)为研究对象,结构设计采用SATWE,结构的动力特性和地震反应分析采用SAP2000。结构SATWE和SAP2000分析的计算模型均按结构的实际尺寸建立,SATWE分析模型的梁柱采用杆元模拟,楼板用薄壁壳元模拟和剪力墙用墙元模拟,楼板平面内无限刚、平面外刚度为零;SAP2000分析模型的梁柱采用杆元模拟,楼板和剪力墙用壳元模拟,楼板为弹性板。通过比较两种分析软件的计算结果,得出以下结论:(1)本结构设计满足规范要求。(2)比较SATWE和SAP2000分析结果可知,对于复杂的带转换层的超高层建筑结构应采用至少两个不同力学模型的三维空间分析软件进行整体计算以及采用振型分解反应谱法和时程分析法进行地震反应分析是必要的。(3)在SAP2000分析中,将楼板模拟成弹性板,与SATWE分析中的楼板平面内无限刚平面外刚度为零的模拟方式相比,这种模拟方式能更真实的反应结构的实际受力情况。前者模型的刚度较后者柔,其周期较后者长。且楼板模型的选取对结构的扭转影响较大。(4)结构的Y向刚度略小于X向刚度,两方向刚度比较接近,整体性较好。转换层、20层附近以及顶层为结构的薄弱层,需采取加强措施以防在强震下产生塑性变形。(5)本结构的振动形式表西安理工大学硕士学位论文现为平动与扭转的祸连,取结构的前巧阶振型作分析能够较精确的反应结构的实际受力状态。(6)通过分析动力时程分析的结果可知,地震波的合理选取是至关重要的,它决定着究竟是以静力还是以动力分析结果作为设计依据。此外求出输入地震波的频谱特性,可更好的分析结构的地震反应。

【Abstract】 The Analysis of the structure dynamic-characteristic and earthquake response is vital in the structure design of the high-rise building. The analysis of the structure dynamic characteristic and earthquake response is the very effective means of deeply learning the structure earthquake response performance and dynamic response property, especially in the high-rise building with being sensitive to dynamic loading. So, assuring the structure dynamic characteristic and earthquake response supplies the important basis for the structure design and the assessment of structure performance. The research object in thistext is the actual project--the mansion of YaTingYuan (40 layers above the ground,125.4 meter high ) .The structure-design is by SATWE and the analysis of the structure dynamic characteristic and earthquake response by SAP2000,whose calculation models are set up according to the actual size of the structure .In SATWE, the analysis model of beam and column is simulated by frame-element , slab is plane-element , shear-wall is wall-element and slab is infinitely rigid in the internal and zero in the external ; In SAP2000 , beam and column is frame-element , slab and shear-wall is shell-element and slab is elastic floor. Trough comparing the analysis results of two kinds of calculation model, drawing the following conclusion : (1) This structure-design satisfies the standard;(2)In analyzing the complicated high-rise building with transfer-floor , it is very necessary to adopt at least two three-dimension-space analysis procedures with different mechanic model and use the Response-Spectrum Analysis and Time-History Analysis to analyze thestructure earthquake response;(3) The calculation model with elastic slab is better than the other with being infinitely rigid in the internal slab and zero in the external slab, which reflects the real load-function situation of the structure. The stiffness of the former is less than the latter, and the natural periods of the former is longer than the latter. In addition to, the slab model influent the structure-torsion greater. (4) The stiffness in Y-direction is nearly equal to that in X-direction. This structure- globosity is better. And ,the structure weak-regions lie respectively in the transfer-floor, the vicinity of the 20th floor and the roof , which need to make the measure to avoid the structure plastic deformation under the action of stronger earthquake.(5)The vibration form appears the coupling of move and torsion, electing the first 15 modes to analyze can reflect accurately the actual load-function situation of the structure. (6)By analyzing the result of Time-History-Analysis, it is vital to adopt the right earthquake-wave, which determines the design consideration by the light of the results of the static analysis or the dynamic analysis. In addition to, acquiring the frequency-spectrum response of imported earthquake-wave can be better to analyze the earthquake response of the structure.

  • 【分类号】TU311.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】290

