

Research on Water Quality Prediction in Nuozhadu Reservoir in Yunnan

【作者】 吉灯才

【导师】 周孝德;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 云南糯扎渡水电站是澜沧江中下游梯级开发中最大的一座,水库的修建将改变库区的水文情势和水环境状况,进而对库区生态、灌溉和生活用水等产生重大影响。因此,水质预测是水电站建前环境影响评价的重要组成部分,在水库修建前对水库水质进行预测研究,对工程的环境保护和工程建设及运行都有重要意义。 针对糯扎渡水库的具体特点,本文建立了纵向一维动态重金属模型,并利用综合沉降系数对一维重金属模型进行简化,简化后的模型参数减少,求解容易,所需原始资料也大为减少,通过河道水质监测数据的验证,相对误差较小。文中通过建立垂向准二维水质模型预测水库建成后有机污染物的沿程变化及垂向分布,克服了立面二维模型求解困难及处理复杂等问题。在没有类比库资料的情况下,文中借鉴前人研究成果确定了降解系数、复氧系数及垂向扩散系数。 根据目前的水质状况,选取污染较重的水质指标:重金属(锌、砷),有机污染物(BOD5、DO)作为预测对象,利用上述建立的两个模型预测了水库修建后三个典型年时逐月水质状况。 预测结果表明:①水库的建成增加了水力停留时间,有利于重金属的沉降。②三个典型年中,枯水年水质最差,丰平两年相差较小。③一年之中,丰水期水质最差,由于上游水库的调节作用,平水期和枯水期水质相差不大。④BOD5和锌浓度在三个典型年均满足Ⅰ类水质标准;砷在枯水年的部分时段部分区段浓度较大,丰平两年时砷浓度满足Ⅰ类标准。⑤水库表层DO满足地表水Ⅰ类标准,电站出水口处DO为Ⅰ~Ⅱ类,由于水库水深大,水库产生稳定分层,库底DO为Ⅳ~Ⅴ类。⑥右支小黑江是污染的主要来源,应加强对该流域的污染控制和治理。

【Abstract】 NuoZhaDu hydropower project in YunNan is the biggest in the step exploitation of LanCangJiang River middle-down stream. The completion of reservoir will change hydrological situation and hydro-environ conditions in the reservoir area, further exerting an important effect upon ecology, farmland irrigation and living water use .ect. For this reason, water quality prediction is an important part of environmental impact assessment before the construction of hydropower station. Prediction of water quality in the reservoir before its construction, is of great significance of environ protection and construction, operation for the project.According to the characters of NuoZhaDu reservoir, A longitudinal one-D dynamic heavy metals model is built in this paper, and the model is simplified by using synthetic sink coefficient. After the simplification, the number of parameter in the model is lesser, it can be solved easier, and the wanted data are lesser. The model is validated by the measured data of water quality in the river, and the relative error is minor. In this paper, the longitudinal change and vertical distribution of organic pollutant is predicted in the reservoir after its completion, which by establishing vertical false two-D water quality model, some problems existing vertical two-D model such as the difficult solve and disposal are overcame. In the case of without similar reservoir data, the predecessor research outcomes are used for reference, then determine oxygen exhaustion coefficient, oxygen recover coefficient and vertical turbulent diffusion coefficient in the paper.According to existing water quality at present, the serious polluted water quality indexes: heavy metals (Zinc, Arsenic), organic pollutant (BOD5, DO) are chosen as prediction objects. When three typical years, every month the water quality in the reservoir is predicted by utilizing the two models which are built above.The prediction results indicate: (1) the completion of reservoir will increase hydraulic detention time, which will be advantage of heavy metal sink. (2) In the three typical years, water quality in low flow year will be the worst, the difference of water quality in high flow year and moderate flow year will be minor. (3) In one year, water quality in rainy period will be the worst, as the upstream reservoir pondage action, water quality in low flow period and moderate flow period will has little difference. (4) BOD5 and Zinc concentration will belong to the range of Group I water in the three typical years; Arsenic concentration will be high in some times and segments when low flow year, but it will belong to the range of Group I water in rainy year and normal year. (5) DO in reservoir surface will meet the range of Group I water, DO in station water outlet will belong to the range of Group I ~ II for water quality standards, because water depth in the reservoir is very big, the reservoir will become stable stratified reservoir, DO in reservoir bottom will be Group IV - V water. (6) The tributary right XiaoHeiJiang River is the main pollutant source, so pollution control and harness in the river basin should be strengthened.

  • 【分类号】X824
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】312

