

Analysis of the Conditions and Trends of Water and Sediment in the Weihe River Basin

【作者】 刘海江

【导师】 沈冰; 寇宗武;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水利工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 渭河是黄河的第一大支流,也是一条多泥沙河流,具有水沙异源的特征。泥沙主要来自支流泾河及林家村站以上地区,径流主要来自林家村站至成阳站区间流域。影响渭河流域水沙的因素主要有气候条件和人类活动,而且人类活动对水沙的影响有不断增长的趋势,所以研究降雨这一主要气候条件和人类活动对渭河流域水沙的影响有着重要的意义。本文针对渭河流域水沙演变情况进行了以下研究: (1)分析了渭河水沙来源及其分布情况,并对不同年代的水沙情况进行了对比,指出渭河流域90年代水沙的新特点:90年代较60年代平均减水61.43亿m~3,减少63.8%;减沙2.089亿t,减少47.9%,减水幅度大于减沙。 (2)分析了降雨特点及对渭河流域水量的影响,指出90年代全流域降水量比多年平均值偏少,尤其汛期雨量偏少较多,因而同样降雨条件下,产流量偏少。 (3)分析了人类活动对渭河流域水沙的影响;指出由于农田灌溉、修建水库、坡面水保措施增多和淤地坝建设等而影响了水沙情势,导致水沙减少。90年代人类影响已超出降水等气象因素的一面。 (4)依据渭河及其支流(泾河、北洛河)治理程度基础上,对2010和2020年渭河流域水沙变化趋势做出了预测,2010年和2020年水量将分别减少4.06及5.99亿t,而沙量分别减少0.706及1.044亿t。 基于上述分析,定性得出了人类活动对渭河流域水沙情势影响比降雨西安理工大学工程硕士学位论文等气象因素大,成为主要影响因素的结论,并结合实际提出了合理利用渭河水资源应采取的主要措施在于:节约用水、治理污染和广泛开展水土保持工作。

【Abstract】 The Weihe River is the biggest and much sandy tributaries of the Yellow River and its water and sediment comes from different source areas. Its sediment is from the upstream of Linjiacun and Jinghe River mostly, which is a tributary of the Weihe River. Its water is mainly from the area between Linjiacun and Xianyang. The factors of affecting water and sediment are climate and human activities in the Weihe River Basin, and the influence of the later is increasing. So it is important that the influences of rainfall and human activities are studied in the Weihe River Basin. The following works are conducted in this thesis:(1)The sources and distributing of water and sediment in the Weihe River Basin are studied, which of various intervals are compared. The new characteristics of the Weihe River’s water and sediment in 1990s" are indicated that the water volume in 1990’s is reduced 6.143 billion m3. about 63.8%, compared with that os 1960’s in average; and the sediment reduced 0.2089 billion t. about 47.9%, compared with that os 1960"s in average. It means that the water reduction is larger than that of sediment.(2)The effects of rainfall on the runoff and sediment in the Weihe River are studied. It is pointed out that the rainfall is much less than the average.especially during the flood season, which results in the lower runoff yield.(3)The impacts of human activities on the runoff and sediment in the Weihe River are studied. It is pointed out that because of irrigation, reservoir construction, soil and water conservation measures, and warping dam; the water and sediment is reduced. During 1990’s, the impacts of human activities excess that of rainfall.(4)According to the degree of watershed managemeng of the Weihe River and ite tributaries, the trend of water and sediment variation in 2010 and 2020 are forecasted. The result shows that in 2010 and 2020 the water volume will decrease 0.406 and 0.599 billion m3, and the sediment will decrease 0.0706 and 0.1044 billion t, respectively.Based on above analysis, it is pointed out qualitatively that the impacts of human activities already excess that of rainfall, becoming the main affector. And the major measures for reasonable utilization of water resources in the Weihe River Basin are as follows: saving water in every aspects, preventing water pollution, and spreading the soil and water conservation work.

【关键词】 渭河流域水沙演变情势
【Key words】 Weihe River Basinwater and sedimentevolvement state
  • 【分类号】TV143
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】420

