

Underground Water Resources Elevation and Water Table Regulation Study for QingTongXia Yellow-river Irrigation in Ningxia Province

【作者】 李岷

【导师】 费良军; 鲍子云;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水利工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 宁夏青铜峡灌区是我国大型灌区之一,已有两千多年的引黄灌溉历史,是我国重要的粮食、能源及重化工基地。灌区尚有连片大面积的宜开垦地,但是水资源极为紧缺且利用率低下,供需水矛盾十分突出,灌区地下水埋深较浅,土壤盐碱化严重。灌区经过几十年的发展和改造,现已成为宁夏农业和工业经济中心,但长期以来水资源的问题还没有得到完全解决。灌区的发展受到严重制约。随着西部大开发和灌区节水改造工程的实施,水资源的问题,已成为影响灌区经济可持续发展的最大障碍。 论文通过应用地下水资源变值理论系统对灌区地下水资源和可开采量进行评价,同时对暗管排水这一地下水位调控实用技术的适应性进行研究。为灌区提供一套最新的的水资源评价成果和系统的地下水资源评价量化指标。 论文从灌区的地下水资源及其可开采量评价分析方面入手,在对两个主要的水文地质参数即降雨入渗补给系数、灌溉入渗补给系数确定方法研究的基础上,对灌区的地下水资源状况进行分析,依据灌区的灌溉、降雨、排水条件及各种现状因素,建立了地下水资源量计算的数学模型,西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文计算得到青铜峡灌区地下水的最大补给量和可开采量;另外对在开发利用地下水资源过程中的地下水位的调控进行了初步的探讨,在银北灌区开展对暗管排水调控地下水位的试验研究。对暗管排水的适应性进行分析,提出了灌区地下水调控标准,与明沟排水和竖井排灌相比较,对暗管排水典型区调控地下水位的效果进行深入的分析研究,以确定这一排水技术的效果。

【Abstract】 Qingtongxia irrigation district, a large irrigation district in China, is an important base for crops, energy, and heavy chemical industry. It has been channeling the Yellow-river water for irrigation for more than 2000 years. There is still an extensive arable land left unused due to the acute conflict of supply and demand resulting from the great shortage and low efficiency of water resources. Furthermore because of low water table, the high salinity of the field is now serious. After years of development and renovation, it is now a center for agriculture, industry, and economy in Ningxia province. However, the problems related to water resources are still left unsolved, and this has been the biggest barrier to the sustainable economic development of this irrigation district.This paper evaluates the underground water resources and its safe levels of miming, and then studies the availability of molepipe drainage, a kind of practical underground water regulation technique.Starting with the elevation of underground water resources and a safe level of mining through variable system theory, this paper analyzes the conditions of underground water resources based on the well-studied determination method of determining the two hydrographical coefficients: rainfall infiltration replenishment rate and irrigation replenishment rate. Then considering irrigation, rainfall, drainage and other related factors, a mathematical model is set up for the calculation of underground water storage,exploitation on water regulation. After analyzing the adaptability of molepipe drainage, an underground water table regulation is given out. Finally, the efficiency of the drainage technique is determined after its comparison with gutter drainage and vertical drainage, and deep research on the effect of molepipe drainage on water table in a typically selected area.

  • 【分类号】S273
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】388

