

Development of Constructional Quality Acceptance Data Management System of Building Engineering

【作者】 孟向一

【导师】 刘发全; 周汉军;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水利工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑工程的施工质量验收是建筑工程质量控制的重中之重,因此利用计算机技术开发出一套行之有效的施工质量验收资料管理系统是非常必要的。本论文结合西安市建筑质量安全监督站建筑工程文件资料管理计算机化的要求,对建筑工程质量验收资料管理系统进行了全面的研究。 本项目参照现有建设工程资料管理系统,依据最新的建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准,遵循建设项目信息管理管理系统开发的一般原则,研究和开发了建筑工程施工质量验收资料管理系统,基本上实现了对施工质量验收资料的计算机管理。论文的主要内容和成果有: (1) 依据《建设工程项目管理规范》(GB/T50326-2000)和《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》(GB50300-2001),本着施工质量验收资料管理计算计划的目的,对建筑工程施工质量验收的程序、标准、方法进行了研究分解; (2) 研究了建设项目信息管理系统(PMIS)发展的现状和开发的一般原则,对工程质量验收资料管理系统的对象、目标、方法进行了研究分析,确定系统的技术用语、性质、功能、性能、限制和约束以及系统的运行环境等。西安理工大学硕士学位论文(3)用Microsoft AcceS建立了建筑工程质量验收资料数据库,其中 包括为系统安全维护建立的用户信息、工程信息数据库,各种验 收规范中规定的标准表格信息转化成的数据库,如检验批质量验 收表、分项工程质量验收表、分部工程质量验收表、单位工程质 量竣工验收表等。(4)遵循便于交流的原则设计了建筑工程质量验收资料管理系统界面。 界面主要包括用户登录窗口、首页及各个功能模块(包括录入模 块、查询模块、注册模块等)窗口。(5)遵循系统分析、系统设计和系统实现的生命周期法,进行系统的 功能分析、功能设计、数据结构设计等,最后运用Visual Basic 语言开发出建筑工程施工质量验收资料管理系统,实现对验收资 料的录入、查询、传输、打印等功能。

【Abstract】 The constructional quality acceptance of building is important for quality control, so developing a constructional quality acceptance data management system of building engineering is necessary This thesis studies thoroughly the acceptance data management system. Combined with the requirement to realize auto-management in constructional quality acceptance data inBased on the latest Unified Standard For constructional Quality Acceptance of Building Engineering(GB 50300-2001) and following the general principle to develop project management information system, the thesis studies and develops the constructional quality acceptance data management system, almost realizing the aim of managing the quality acceptance date with computer The maim contents and results of this paper are as follows:(1) To study and analyze the sequence. Standard and methods of the quality acceptance on the basis of the code of construction project Management by Enterprises of construction Industry (GB/T 50326-2001)and Unified Standard for constructional Quality Acceptance of Building Engineering (GB/ 50326-2001).(2) To learn the development of project management information system now and project management information system now and the general principle to develop project management information system, To analyze the object, the make the technique words, the nature, the nature, the functions and the limitation clear.(3) To establish the database of the system with Microsoft Access97, which includes information table to Keep the system in safe condition anal other tables. Transmitted formthe standard tables.(4) To design the system windows following the simplicity principle There are enrollment windows, the first-page window (including input function search function and so on)(5) The development of the system. Following the life cycle method, the analysis of system function, the design of system function and the database structure are realized. Finally the management system is developed with Visual Basic, which has some basic functions and auxiliary functions such as input, search, print, help and deliver.

  • 【分类号】TU712.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】492

