

Research on Water-Saving Irrigation Technique Development Model and Gravity Sprinkler Irrigation Application in Arid Areas Xinjiang

【作者】 丁新利

【导师】 王文焰;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文在查阅国内外已有研究成果的基础上,主要针对新疆内陆干旱地区特殊的自然条件和节水农业生产实际。重点对新疆节水灌溉分区和各分区适宜的节水灌溉工程技术发展模式,以及在该区发展自压喷灌技术及其相关问题进行了分析研究。其研究成果为推动新疆干旱区节水灌溉工程技术的发展和水资源的优化配置提供了科学依据。 论文以新疆生产实际为基点,采用收集资料与实地调查研究相结合、现场试验与理论分析相结合的技术路线,研究内容包含有:新疆干旱区节水灌溉工程技术发展模式研究;干旱区自压喷灌工程控制投资管网系统的经济分析与计算;自压喷灌条件下作物需水规律、灌溉制度和作物水分生产函数研究;以及自压喷灌系统施肥装置研制与应用效果的试验分析等五部分。主要研究成果如下: 1.采用经验指数和法,以气候特征(干燥度)K值、缺水程度(缺水程度系数)β值、灌区类型和地形地貌四项特征指标做为节水灌溉分区的主要评价指标。将新疆分为六个节水灌溉区,即①吐哈盆地干旱缺水引、井、蓄灌区;②昆仑山北麓干旱缺水引、蓄灌区;③天山南麓干旱微缺水引、井、提灌区;④天山北麓干旱缺水引、井、蓄灌区;⑤河谷平原干旱西安理工大学硕士学位论文微缺水引、蓄灌区;⑥河谷平原干旱丰水引、蓄灌区。并采用彭曼公式计算得出各分区内的主要作物参照腾发量,同时进一步对分区进行了验证和调整。 2.根据气候与土壤条件、地下水状况与作物种类、经济条件和生产力发展水平等因素,提出了在新疆干旱区优先选择节水灌溉工程技术措施的方法。并在此基础上进一步提出了各分区节水灌溉工程技术的发展模式。 3.在建立的自压喷灌工程主干管和配水管道的造价计算经验公式基础上,通过理论分析和数学变换,推导得出了自压喷灌主干管经济水力坡度、经济管长和最低造价计算公式。 4.根据新疆兵团农九师自压喷灌工程设计经验,对主干管设置减压池和主干管独立输水这两种减压方式进行了投资对比分析和数学推演。提出了自压喷灌工程主干管设置减压池的判别条件。并建立了自压喷灌工程最佳规划面积与地面比降的经验公式。 5.通过理论分析和数学推导,得出了有关自压喷灌系统中各主要管道布设规格与投资间的关系式。其中主要有:分干管间距与干管投资关系式、分干管间距与分干管亩投资关系式、以及主干管、干管亩造价与系统控制面积和地块长、宽的关系式。 6.通过三年田间试验,建立了喷灌条件下冬小麦、春小麦产量与土壤湿度、计划湿润层深度和追肥量三因素间的数学模型。并在此基础上制定了冬小麦、春小麦及油菜的经济喷灌制度。并分析得出了冬小麦、春小麦全生育期内的需水规律、阶段需水量、需水临界期和田间地温变化规律、土壤计划湿润层深度与根系分布关系。 7.通过三年田间试验,建立了喷灌条件下油菜、冬小麦全生育期水分生产函数模型。同时,对喷灌条件下冬小麦、春小麦、油菜三种作物的试验区与大田喷灌区、常规地面灌区,进行了产量与节水量的比较分析,得 摘要出喷灌节水增产效果显著。8.研制开发了自压喷灌工程施肥装置,已在生产中广泛应用。通过田间对比试验该施肥装置较人工撒施和飞机喷施投入少,增产效果明显。

【Abstract】 On the basis of the available research conducted inside the country, this thesis focused on zoning of the water-saving irrigation areas in Xinjiang, the appropriate development model for each zone, and the relevant issues of adopting gravity sprinkler irrigation in these zones considering the special natural conditions and the current agricultural practices in this arid region. The study results can provide scientific basis for development of water-saving irrigation technique and optimum allocation of water resources in the arid Xinjiang.According the production practice in Xinjiang, this study approach combined data collection with on-site investigation and on-site experiment with theoretical analysis. The research contents have following 5 components: 1) development model of water-saving irrigation technique in arid Xinjiang; 2) economic analysis and calculations for gravity sprinkler irrigation projects; 3) crop water requirement, irrigation scheduling and crop water production function; and 5) fertigation system development and its application experiment. The main findings are as follows:1. Based on the evaluation indexes of climatic characteristic, water shortage, irrigation type and topography of the irrigation districts, 6 water-saving zones were divided for Xinjiang, they are: 1) pumping and storage area of the dry Tu-Ha valley with water shortage; 2) water diversion and storage area of the dry Kunlun mountain northern side with water shortage; 3) water diversion, pumping and lifting area of the dry Tianshan mountain southern side with minor water shortage; 4) water diversion, pumping and storage area of the dry Tianshan mountain northern side with water shortage; 5) diversion and storage area of the dry valley plain with minor water shortage; and 6) diversion and storage area of the dry valley plain with abundant watersource. Reference evapotranspirations of major crops in each zone were calculated using the Penman equation.2. Based on the factors of climate and soil, groundwater and cropping, economic conditions and productivity, methods for selecting water-saving irrigation technique were proposed, and further the development model for water-saving irrigation technique in each zone.3. Based on the empirical equations used for calculating the cost of main and distribution pipes of gravity sprinkler irrigation project, equations for calculating.4. economical hydraulic gradient, pipe length and the minimum cost of the main pipe were derived through theoretical analysis and mathematical transformation.5. In reference to the design experience of a gravity sprinkler irrigation project in the State Farm Division 29, economic analysis was conducted for building a pressure release pool on the main pipe and empirical equations were proposed for selecting the optimum project area and the surface gradient.6. Through theoretical analysis and mathematical derivation, the relation between main pipe distribution and the cost was obtained.7. Through 3-year field experiment, mathematical models were established for yields of spring and winter wheat, soil wetness, designed irrigation depth and fertilization rate.8. Through 3-year field experiment, water production functions for rapeseeds and winter wheat were established.9. A gravity sprinkler fertigation device was developed and has been used in practice. It has been found more economical and effective in improving yield in comparison with manual fertilization and airplane application.

  • 【分类号】S275
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】606

