

Experiment Research on Freezing Damage of Canal Lining at Ningxia Irrigation Area

【作者】 冯有亭

【导师】 韩玙; 陈广宏;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水利工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,宁夏灌区渠道衬砌工程一直受冻胀危害,使得渠道衬砌发展不快,每年大量资金都用在原有衬砌渠道的维修改造上,不仅严重影响了水利工程效益的发挥,而且大大地影响了灌区的发展。因此,亟待研究解决冻胀破坏问题。 宁夏引黄灌区是我国著名的大型古老灌区,具有两千多年的灌溉历史。现有干渠17条,长1540km,实际灌溉面积645万亩,是自治区经济和社会发展的重要基础。自七十至八十年代,开始对干渠进行防渗衬砌,进入九十年代特别是1995年以后,国家加大了节水改造的投入,灌区开始了较大规模的渠道衬砌工程。但由于缺乏对干渠衬砌工程防冻胀的系统研究,在工程建设中出现了一些难点。为了指导工程实践,为灌区干渠防冻胀提供理论支撑,为进一步优化工程设计方案提供帮助,结合工程建设,进行防冻胀试验研究。 本次试验以“削减、适应基土冻胀和增强混凝土板刚度”为主导思想,通过大量灌区现状调查,选取具有代表性的汉渠做为试验段。分析现有衬砌型式冻胀破坏现状,收集不同结构型式的渠道衬砌工程冻胀指标,借鉴区内外和国外渠道防冻胀先进技术和成功经验,采用新材料,进行试验方案设计。试验观测内容包括气温、地温、基土含水量、冻深、冻胀量、冻胀剩余量、地下水位和砌体外观变化等项目。 通过系统的观测,分析各因素对基土冻胀量的影响,评价各种衬砌型式的防冻西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文胀效果,并进行技术和经济综合分析比较,推荐出了适合我区特点、满足干渠安全运行、经济实用、防冻胀效果好的干渠防渗衬砌型式,即混凝土板下铺设聚苯乙烯板和砂砾石换填层结构型式,加以优化设计,用于工程实践。同时,提出了增加混凝土板下铺设聚苯乙烯板厚度并进行优化设计的方案,需进一步试验研究;指出了利用高分子材料研制技术可靠、结构简单、经济合理的刚柔混合结构或纯柔性结构作为渠道的衬砌结构,是今后渠道衬砌发展的方向。

【Abstract】 Canal lining project have been suffered from freeze for a long time at Ningxia irrigation area and cause some serious results. A great deal of capital has been spent in convinence and rebulid of old canal lining every year, it affects badly positive benefit of hydraulic project and delays the development speed of irrigation area. So, it is very urgent to resolve the problem of freeze of canal lining project.Ningxia Yellow river irrigation area is a big famous irrigation area in China and has over 2,000 years history, there are 17 main canals(1540 km length) and 6,450,000 mu area, it plays a very important role in development of ecnomic and social of Ningxia autonomous region. During 1970s-1980s, irrigation management department launched canal lining for main canal. Irrigation management department initiated large scale canal lining project because of great government finacial investment on water saving project resconstruction since 1995. But some difficult problems occurred, in construction due to shortage of system experiment on anti freeze of main canal lining project, it is very essential to carry out related experiment research for providing instruction of engineering practice and theory surppot of anti freeze of main canal lining project.The experiment follows out leading thought on cutting and siutting freeze of fundation and enforcing inflexibility of concrete slate, choose Han canal as typical experiment segment, collect freeze index of various canal lining framework, refer the advaced method at home and abroad,adapt new material to make experiment design. The test obsvervation include air temperature, ground temperature, foundation moisture, freeze depth, freeze capicity, freeze residual capicity, groundwater table and shape transform of canal lining, etc.Throught systemic observation, analysis of impact about each factor on fundation freeze capicity, evaluate effect on anti freeze of various canal lining, comparison on technology and ecnomic of different method, a kind of main canal lining format is been recommended toengineering practice with siutable to Ningxia local feature, fufilling the need of main canal safeyi application, economic and practical, that is using polystyrene plate laying under concrete slateand grit taking replace of filling layer and optimizing design. At the same time, this paper point out it is a development direction making use of macromolecule material to develop flexible and inflexible mixed canal lining frame or flexible frame with credible technology, simple configuration and rational price.

  • 【分类号】S277
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】300

