Key Construction Technology Research of Sanyuan Xijiao Reservoir Loess Soft Dam Foundation
【作者】 周孝武;
【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水利工程, 2003, 硕士
【摘要】 三原西郊水库大坝是建造在高地下水位黄土地基上的均质土坝,坝基的降水问题是该工程存在的最大技术难题,同时对降水后坝基的软土开挖和上坝土料的减湿技术也是其关键技术之一。本文主要通过坝基现场抽水试验试验资料整理,在揭示黄土坝基降水特性规律的基础上,确定可以反映现场抽水条件的的实用降水计算模型和参数;再根据现场抽水条件试验开发的成井技术和计算模型计算坝基和坝肩两个水文地质单元的降水井方案,并按工程类比法确定最终的降水方案;最后,通过施工过程中的观测情况对降水方案进行评价,降水方案能够很好地满足施工的要求。 同时,本文对降水后坝基的软土开挖和上坝土料的减湿技术也进行了研究。
【Abstract】 Sanyuan Xijiao reservoir is a uniform earth Dam which was constructed in the loess foundation with high water table, so the dam foundation dewatering is the main technique of the project, digging up soft clay of the dam foundation after dewatering and reducing the water in the clay which was filled in dam are also techniques of the project. In this paper, mainly based on arranging data with well pumping tests in dam foundation and sum up the laws of flows under the condition of deep well pumping, the useful dewatering calculation model and parameters were set up. Secondly, based on the well constructing technique which was discovered under the condition of in-situ bumping test and calculating the dewatering scheme of the two dewatering units with the calculation model, the final dewatering scheme was put forward. At last, the final dewatering scheme was appraised by observation during the construction, and it satisfied with the construction request.As well as the researches with digging up soft clay of the dam foundation after dewatering and reducing the water in the clay were taken in this paper.
【Key words】 Loess; Soft dam foundation; Dewatering; Phreatic well; Digging; Filling;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 西安理工大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
- 【分类号】TV551.4
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】75