

A Research on Purchasing Management of Gansu Binhe Chinese Liquor Plant

【作者】 张淑谦

【导师】 朱宗乾;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 面对白酒市场激烈的竞争局面,搞好企业采购管理工作对于企业稳定生产、控制成本、提高质量以及保持持续性赢利至关重要。目前,甘肃滨河酒厂在采购管理方面面临着许多新问题:如何在满足生产需求的同时降低库存资金的占用?如何选择合适的供应商?如何与供应商建立稳定的协作联盟,降低采购成本,保证供应链的顺利运转等等,这些问题已经成为企业采购管理中必须解决的现实问题。 论文以甘肃滨河酒厂采购管理为研究对象,依据采购管理、供应链管理、业务流程重组等管理理论,在深入调查甘肃滨河酒厂采购管理现状的基础上,分析归纳了采购管理中存在的各种问题。这些问题主要涉及物料库存控制、供应商管理、采购业务流程、采购信息化等方面。通过分析这些问题产生的原因,提出了相应的解决方案。该方案包括四个方面:首先,提出了ABC物料分类管理与控制策略;其次,对现有供应商和后备供应商提出了不同的评价和选择模型,并探讨了相应的管理措施;再次,针对滨河酒厂采购业务流程中存在的问题,提出了流程优化方案,并建议加强对采购流程的监督与控制;最后,针对滨河酒厂采购管理中信息化程度较低的现状,提出了采购管理内部信息化和外部信息化的相关建议。 论文研究成果对完善甘肃滨河酒厂采购管理工作具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the intense market competition of Chinese liquor, it is vital for an enterprise of Chinese liquor to enhance its purchasing management for the sake of stable production, cost control, quality improvement, and sustainable profitability. At present, Gansu Binhe Chinese Liquor Plant is facing many new problems in purchasing management, such as how to reduce the use of capital storage under condition of meeting the production requirements, how to select suitable suppliers, how to set up a stable cooperation relationship with suppliers so as to cut purchase cost and to ensure supply chain smoothly operating. These problems must be resolved in the purchasing management of a Chinese liquor enterprise.Focusing on the purchasing management of Gansu Binhe Chinese Liquor Plant, this dissertation tries to analyze and summarize the problems in purchasing management on the basis of the theories of purchasing management, supply chain management (SCM), and business process reengineering (BPR), and an in-depth study on its existing purchasing management. These problems are closely related to control of material storage, management of suppliers, purchase operation process, and management of purchase information and so on. By analyzing causes of these problems, this dissertation puts forward relevant solution plans for them. These plans include following four aspects. First of all, given are ABC classified management of materials and the control strategy. Secondly, this dissertation brings forward the quantitative models of supplier selection standards and methods for the existing and candidate suppliers, and tries to probe into the stimulation measures for the existing suppliers. Thirdly, an optimized plan of process isgiven in the light of the existing problems in purchasing process of Gansu Binhe Chinese Liquor Plant. It is suggested to strengthen the supervising and controlling of purchasing process. Finally, this dissertation puts forward relevant suggestions on the internal and external information management of Gansu Binhe Chinese Liquor Plant so as to enhance the information management in the purchasing process.The research results of this dissertation are valuable to improve the purchasing management of Gansu Binhe Chinese Liquor Plant.

【关键词】 采购管理供应链管理流程重组理论
【Key words】 Purchasing managementSCMBPR
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】303

