

Maggie’s Quest--On the Clashes in the Mill on the Floss

【作者】 丁光

【导师】 殷企平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 英语语言与文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作为英国维多利亚时代的女作家,乔治·爱略特以其博学多才和反传统的身世而备受瞩目。她隐于笔名后的性别、对宗教的质疑和自由不羁的婚姻生活曾引起当时评论界的轩然大波。乔治·爱略特纯粹是因其作品的魅力而赢得了人们对她作为一个作家的尊敬。这种尊敬逐渐使有关对她道德方面的批评黯然失色。她的作品融入了她童年的记忆和幽默的笔触,自然而然地呈现出一个个鲜活的人物、一幕幕浓郁的场景,直到那一幅幅古老的英国乡村织锦画面在她的笔下重新展现出来。她的作品以冷静深刻的哲学思考和细腻的心理分析见长。她用小说表达了她对宗教、哲学、人文、社会、政治等维多利亚时期热点问题的关注。 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》是其早期优秀作品中的一部自传体性质的小说。亨利.詹姆斯称赞它最富于戏剧色彩的连续性,并认为爱略特用科学的态度对道德森家族进行的社会性分析可以与巴尔扎克媲美。弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫对这部小说赞誉有加,称其非常优美,也高度评价了它辽阔的视野、宏大的场面和朝气蓬勃的光彩。F.R.利维斯和雷蒙德.维廉斯深入地研究了这部小说。利维斯赞扬爱略特对麦琪高度纯真的目光的描述透出智性的气息。但评论界对这部作品的批评也不绝于耳,其中一个典型的观点是:斯蒂芬·盖斯特在小说中的出现有损麦琪的形象。在1 866年,就有一位英国评论家认为麦琪与斯蒂芬.盖斯特的感情纠缠有伤大雅。莱斯利.斯蒂芬也呼吁大家来救救这个迷人的麦琪,不要让她因这个不相干又不相称的堕落而毁了自己。在莱斯利.斯蒂芬看来,一个秀外慧中的姑娘,竟被写成为一个土鳖纵绮而一倾芳心,这简直是一种堕落。E R.利维斯把这一败笔归于乔治·爱略特的稚嫩和不够成熟的判断评价。本文拟从这一问题着手,在第一章分析了乔治.爱略特早期受到实证主义认识论、决定论的启蒙和影响以及她反对基督教,人文主义思想形成的过程。第二章探讨了维多利亚时代工业革命的进程:科学的进步促使社会产生了重大的变革,也对人们的哲学、宗教信仰、传统的社会价值形成了冲击·,.本章还试图通过分析《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中主人公麦琪与其他人物之间的矛盾,反映在工业革命过程中人们的价值观的反差和冲撞。第三章描述了小说主人公麦琪内心自我的冲突,尤其是她与斯蒂芬·盖斯特和菲利浦·威克姆之间的感情纠缠,质疑麦琪与盖斯特私奔为败笔一说,提出麦琪这一人物的塑造和她与斯蒂芬的感情反映了在工业革命的过程中,伴随着新兴的资产阶级和盛行的社会价值观的出现,人们内心受到的冲击;私奔事件是由此产生的道德与情感以及不同价值观趋向矛盾的结果,是麦琪与社会冲突和个性分化的突破,也是麦琪悲剧的前奏。第四章比较了爱略特和麦琪的追求,阐述了爱略特本人在她特定的历史时期—工业化进程过程—中的思想困惑和仿徨,并且指出小说主人公麦琪对爱情的追求以及对社会的挑战正是作家本人的写照,折射出爱略特的内心世界以及她质疑宗教,追求知识、人文主义、自由和爱情,关心人民的疾苦,拯救人类灵魂的努力。

【Abstract】 George Eliot is an enormously intelligent and prolific English Victorian writer, who stands out in the British literary scene by her male pseudonym, her doubt in religion, and her rebellious relationship with George Henry Lewes. Her highly autobiographical novel, the reminiscence of the poignancy and charm of her childhood and the England of her young days, The Mill on the Floss (1860), is one of her early works. Critics have embarked on the study of this novel since its publication and The Times acclaims it as a "silk purse". Henry James highlights the dramatic continuity of the novel and holds that the scientific manner George Eliot used to classify the Dodsons socially could compete with Balzac. Virginia Woolf never hesitates to pour high praise on the width of the prospect as unfolded by Eliot, and the ruddy light of her novel. F. R. Leavis and Raymond Williams both speak highly of the greatness of George Eliot and canvass the merits and defects of her early works. They develop a careful definition of George Eliot’s central weakness in this novel claiming that one of the main characters, Stephen Guest, is a significant lapse in The Mill on the Floss. They criticize that Maggie’s entanglement with Stephen Guest is a discordance, discrepancy, and a significant failure in George Eliot which shows her immaturity in development and she is earnestly moral and indulged in her agonized conscience, religious need and self-realization while lacking complex impersonalized whole like Conrad. The present dissertation is an endeavor to trace George Eliot’s deep concern for lower-class people, consciousness of social changes, active response to industrialization, and painstaking efforts to save human soul as a writer.The first chapter of this dissertation tries to cover George Eliot’s enlightenment in her youth, the impact of Positivist Epistemology, Determinism, and Religion of Humanity on her. The second chapter attempts to probe into the novel, the inner world of Maggie who is the major character in The Mill on the Floss, through the contextual analysis of the clashes and tensions between her and the other primary characters, and the agonizing spiritual conflict within herself. It is also our aim to explore the traces ofindustrial revolution in The Mill on the Floss and its effects on the major characters that mirror the social values and ethical code prevailing in the course of industrial revolution.Questioning Leslie Stephen’s and Henry James’ conclusion that Stephen Guest is a significant lapse in The Mill on the Floss and an immaturity in George Eliot, in the second and third chapters, I propose to analyze the development of science, the change of economy, and history at her times and point out that Maggie’s anxiety and predicament is undoubtedly the product of the social change, and her dilemma between Philip Wakem and Stephen Guest is actually the split-self within her caused by the clashes of social values in the course of industrial revolution. In the fourth chapter, I propose to find a hint of George Eliot herself in Maggie and have a more close-up look at the link between Maggie’s quest and the quest of George Eliot in the aspects of her social concern, the search for knowledge, for shared values, and her longing for love. A further attempt will be made to find out what is troubling the writer and her predicament at her times. The conclusion is that Maggie’s challenge to the society is actually Eliot’s own efforts in pursuit of knowledge, humanity, love, and shared values and her quest for the rescue of human soul is actually that of Mary Ann Evans her own.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1010

