

Research on Product Data Management and Its Correlation Technologies of Manufacturing Enterprise

【作者】 葛立峰

【导师】 童水光; 蔡娥;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 化工过程机械, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着制造企业越来越多的数字信息输入计算机,产品数据成为企业生产赖以正常运转的依据。而面对海量的数据信息,查询和共享变得异常困难,成为企业产品设计的瓶颈之一。大多数企业在继续推进信息化的过程中,迫切希望引入有效的产品数据管理信息系统,探索提高产品设计质量和效率的有效方法,力图使产品开发人员在设计的初始阶段就能考虑到产品的工艺、装配、制造等下游阶段,从而提高设计质量,降低成本,即所谓的并行工程。人们普遍认为,产品数据管理(PDM)是企业信息系统集成,实现并行工程理想的集成框架。 论文结合企业信息化的大背景,系统的阐述了制造业信息化的内涵和外延,并重点结合PDM的理念和技术,从PDM的产生和发展,基本概念和功能,体系结构和构建的关键技术,以及统实施方法等角度出发,全面而系统地论述PDM系统在制造业信息化中的角色和地位。 PDM作为一个大型软件系统,涉及到许多IT技术,必须遵照软件工程的方法来进行开发。PDM系统的重要特点就是:开放与集成,这对系统的开发平台和工具的选择提出了特别的要求。论文重点论述了在开发PDM系统中所涉及到关键技术,包括:面向对象技术,数据库管理技术,软件开发平台和工具等三个方面。通过对典型PDM系统的考察,给出了详细的面向对象的PDM系统静态层次模型,阐明了PDM的核心——电子仓库的实现的重要机理,并对相关软件开发工具和标准的选择也进行了较详细的论述。 PDM不仅仅是软件工具,更多的是一种先进的管理理念,因此它的实施和部署是一项系统工程,涉及到企业的许多层面,需要管理人员和IT人员共同合作才能完成。本文对PDM系统的实施一般过程进行了详细的讨论,针对实施中涉及到的各项技术和工作作了详细的分析和论述。主要内容包括系统的规划选型,实施的步骤,实施的主要内容和要点,以及系统的评估方法等。并对我国的PDM系统实施中存在的问题进行了讨论,给出了有建设意义的对策。 最后,论文结合浙江大学化工机械研究所CAD中心与中国船舶重工716研究所(以下简称716所)合作开发PDM系统的背景,给出716所的PDM系统开发应用实例,主要内容包括:系统需求分析、技术路线制定、系统建模和开发、系统实施等内容。实际系统在企业已成功运行,并获得了良好的效果,为我国同类企业开发和应用PDM系统提供了重要的参考经验。

【Abstract】 More and more digital information has been input into the computer system of manufacturing enterprise, the product data has been the most important inventory on which the enterprise’s daily operation depend. Meanwhile, it has been very difficult for people to find the correct information from such enormous data pool. Most enterprises are making efforts to find a way to improve their product design efficiency; to reduce time to market and lower manufacturing costs. It is required that designer should consider assembly, manufacturing on the very early stage of product development. It is so-called "Concurrent Engineering". Product data management (PDM) is considered to be the ideal platform to implement concurrent engineering. It is also a power tool in integrating enterprise’s various IT systems.The paper firstly discusses the concept and content of manufacturing informatization in detail, and then focus on the methodology and tools of PDM to expatiates its status and character in manufacturing informatization., including the naissance and development , the basic concept and function, the system architecture and the key IT technology of system building , the implementation and deployment of PDM systems, etc.As a large scale software system, PDM related to many IT technology, and it must be developed under software engineering technology. The most important character of PDM is: open and integration. So there is something special for choosing the software platform and develop tools of PDM system. The paper discusses and researches the key technology of PDM’s development, such as: Object-Oriented Technology, DBMS application, software develop technology, etc. Then it gives the static objects architecture tree of PDM, and discusses the mechanism of electronic data vault in detail, the technology and methodology of software develop also was proposed.PDM is not only a software system, but also a management task. So the implementation and deployment of PDM is a system engineering, it needs the effort of whole people of enterprise, especially the effort of manager and IT technician. The paper give the general procedure of PDM implementation and deployment, such as software choosing, system information model design, main content and step of deployment, system evaluation, etc. Then, the paper analysis the situation and problem of our country’s PDM application, some useful advice also has been given.Finally, the paper applies the theory and technology discussed above to build an actual system: 716PDMs, which was developed for 716 academe of China boat industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】560

