

Study on Blending Silicone Rubber with Polyolefin Elastomer

【作者】 刘超

【导师】 方征平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 高分子化学与物理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 橡胶并用也称为弹性体并用,它是改善橡胶加工工艺及橡胶制品质量的重要途径。利用橡胶的并用技术制造并用橡胶制品,可显著地改善橡胶制品的性能并降低生产成本。 硅橡胶(MVQ)具有突出的耐高温性、耐老化性、耐候性及优异的电绝缘性和生理惰性,从而获得广泛的应用,但其缺点是机械强度低、耐蒸汽老化差、价格昂贵。POE是以茂金属催化剂技术合成的新的聚烯烃弹性体,即乙烯-辛烯共聚物,它具有高弹性、高强度、高伸长率和良好的低温性能。硅橡胶和POE并用,有望得到综合性能优良的并用胶。 本文以2,5-二甲基-2,5-二叔丁基过氧化己烷为硫化剂,采用熔融共混法制得了一系列高温硫化硅橡胶/POE共混硫化胶,用POE与硅烷偶联剂乙烯基三乙氧基硅烷(YDH151)在高温和高剪切条件下制得了POE与硅橡胶共混体系的增容剂POE-g-S,利用示差扫描量热(DSC)、动态力学分析(DMA)、扫描电镜(SEM)、热重分析(TGA)、红外分析(FTIR)等研究了共混体系的结构和性能。硅橡胶和POE共混属于热力学不相容体系,在强的剪切作用和交联反应的作用下,共混体系达到工艺相容性,因此共混胶具有优良的综合性能,力学性能优于硅橡胶,耐热性优于POE,且降低了成本。硅烷偶联剂YDH151本身对于改善硅橡胶和POE的相容性,提高共混硫化胶的物理机械性能作用不大。而POE与YDH151的接枝共聚物POE-g-S能有效改善硅橡胶与POE的界面相互作用,提高相容性,随着相容剂用量的增加,共混胶的力学性能先增大后降低,相容剂用量在10wt.-%时左右时共混胶具有较好的物理机械性能。POE-g-S的增容作用属于接枝偶联-相容过程,它一方面改善了POE与硅橡胶的相容性,另一方面增强了POE与填料的相互作用。POE与MVQ和POE与POE-g-S通过过氧化物交联体系产生共交联。

【Abstract】 Blending of elastomers has become an important method for property enhancement such as improved physical properties, improved service life, easier processing or for economical purposes such as reduced product cost in the last decade.Silicone rubber (VMQ) has excellent thermal stability, dielectric properties and low temperature flexibility but it lacks in acid and alkali resistance as well as in mechanical properties, which restrict its application in certain important areas. On the other hand, Polyolefin elastomers (POE) having good mechanical properties, processing performance, acid and alkali resistance is suitable for a variety of applications. Therefore, the blends of POE and VMQ would be possibly new king of rubber product with tailored properties.The blends of VMQ and POE were prepared in two-roll mill at 120℃ with 1.5 phr of 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di(tert-butyl peroxy)hexane (DBPMH) for vulcanizing. The effect of curing system, compatibilizer and blending ratio on the structure and properties of blends were investigated by FTIR, DSC, DMA, SEM, TGA and etc. The blends of silicone rubber/POE consisted of thermodynamically immiscible components and technological compatibility could be achieved by high shearing and cure reaction. The mechanical properties of VMQ and the thermal stability of POE could be improved notablely by blending of VMQ/POE. The coupling agent YDH151 had no apparent effect on improving mechanical properties of VMQ/POE blends. Whereas its grafting product with POE (POE-g-S) was a suitable compatibilizer and the physical properties of the blends increased as the content of compatibilizer increased up to 15 phr. The co-vulcanization of VMQ/POE or POE/POE-g-S was achieved by peroxide crosslinking agent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TQ334
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】659

