

【作者】 郑旭峰

【导师】 陆祖康; 倪旭翔;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 光学工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 生物芯片技术是近十年来影响最深远的重大科技进展之一,具有重大战略意义,又蕴藏着无限商机。为避免因没有自己的专利技术而受制于人的被动局面,提高生物芯片技术在我国的研究和应用水平,研究开发具有自主知识产权的生物芯片扫描仪,具有非常重要的意义。 本课题是国家自然科学基金的资助项目(30227002),并同深圳益生堂生物企业有限公司进行相关合作,从项目开展以来,已取得阶段性的成果,达到了生物芯片扫描仪的样机生产水平,并有望在近期投入临床应用。 论文首先对生物芯片技术作了总体介绍,比较分析了当前国内外研究中的各检测系统的特点,提出了一种新颖的基于共聚焦扫描技术和光机二维扫描技术的双波长生物芯片扫描仪,并对其扫描原理作了分析和阐述。重点研究了根据扫描方案设计的实验系统电路原理及功能实现,实现了生物芯片的扫描检测、数据采集和图像重建等功能,并在此基础上着重研究了实验系统的优化,实现了为改善扫描性能,对系统f-θ物镜非线性扫描误差的校正及补偿等技术。完成了双波长共聚焦生物芯片扫描仪样机的设计、调试和性能测试,实现了系统的高速扫描、全自动的数据分析,532nm绿光扫描时,基本达到了5μm的扫描分辨率,1个荧光分子/μm~2(cy3)的灵敏度等性能指标,论文最后提出了研究中存在的问题及对研究工作的总结和展望。

【Abstract】 Biochip technique is one of most important development of science and technology since the last ten years, which has momentous strategic meaning and immense commercial opportunities. To avoid the passive status resulted from having no technical monopoly, improve the level of research and application of biochip technique in our country, research and development of the biochip scanner that holding the intellectual copyright has great significance.This project (30227002) is supported by NSFC (the national natural science foundation of China), and cooperated with Shenzhen Yishengtang Biological Products Co. Ltd. Then the phased fruits have been achieved since the project was unfolded, and approached to the level of producing the model machine of biochip scanner. It will be used to clinical application in the coming days.In this paper, biochip technique is firstly introduced as a whole and kinds of detective systems’ characters in domestic and international research are compared and analyzed respectively. Thus a novel type of double-wavelength biochip scanner is put forward, which based on confocal-scanning technique and optical-mechanical two-dimensional scanning technique. And its scanning principle is also discussed and analyzed. Secondly, the experimental system-circuits are designed according to the scanning conceptual design, the circuitous philosophy and implementation of its function are focused emphatically. And scanning biochip, data acquisition and imaging are implemented by the system-circuits in experiments. On the base of the experiments, the system’ s optimization is studied emphatically, and the techniques are achieved, which can be used to improve the scanning performance such as nonlinear scanning error’ s calibration of f-theta lens and so on. The model machine’ s design, debug and performance testing are finished, moreover the high speed scanning and data automated analysis are realized, and the performance index of 5Mm resolution and 1fluo/um2 (Cy3) etc are achieved basically when scanning by 532nm green laser. At last, the open questions are brought forward, and research are summarized and expected in this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】164

