

A Study of Filtration Fabric’s Purifying Performance to PM10

【作者】 王华英

【导师】 沈恒根;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风与空调工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对全国数百个城市的环境空气质量报告进行统计,可吸入颗粒物(PM10)是影响我国城市空气质量的首要污染物。同时随着人们生活方式和工作形态的改变,人们越来越重视室内空气品质问题。为此国家相继出台了有关标准,正在修订的国家标准GB50019—2003《采暖通风与空气调节设计规范》对各类环境空气污染物提出了限值要求,其中可吸入颗粒物(PM10)的允许浓度要求小于0.15mg/m3。现有的空调系统对颗粒物净化还未采取有效措施或空气过滤装置简陋,难以防治微细颗粒物PM10。关于评价过滤材料对环境空气PM10的过滤效率的研究工作目前几乎未有进行,有许多开创性的工作急需开展,本课题将针对性适时地进行该项研究。 采用8520型Dust-Park气溶胶监测仪、8551型Q-Trak室内空气品质监测仪对上海的几个公共场所的空气(其中包括PM10、PM2.5、PM1.0、CO、CO2)质量进行测试,用Rosin-Rammler分布函数对环境气溶胶的各粒径尺度进行分析处理,结果表明可吸入颗粒物确实是影响空气质量的首要污染物。 为了测试过滤材料对微粒(PM10、PM2.5、PM1.0)的过滤性能,本文应用8520型Dust-Park气溶胶监测仪及DP1000-Ⅱ型数字微压计设计了一套测试装置。通过测试,得到目前常用空调过滤材料对微粒(PM10、PM2.5、PM1.0)的过滤性能状况,提供工程应用参考。对检测结果进行比较,筛选出过滤PM10性能较好的过滤材料。 为了将高效滤料进一步推广使用,本文通过试验,得到过滤速度和定量对过滤材料过滤性能的影响;利用120℃的高温烘干过的滑石粉作为尘源,试验得到该滤料的容尘量;考虑到滤料的重复使用问题,对滤料进行清洗处理,比较处理前后滤料的过滤性能测试结果,看能否对滤料进行清洗。为了研究过滤材料在实际中具体的使用情况,本文通过将滤料安装在柜式家用空调器上,分析加滤料后对空调的运行和过滤性能的影响。 试验结果表明,针刺荷电纤维过滤PM10性能较好(高效、低阻),但是洗洁精、洗衣粉、84消毒液及清水都会使它的过滤效率降低很大,不宜洗涤。柜式家用空调器上使用150g/m3的针刺荷电纤维后,过滤PM10的效果显著,过滤效率可以达到71.0%~73.6%;阻力稍微偏高,达到56~92Pa,送风口风速降低30%,通风量减少,延迟了空调制冷时间,制冷效果没有原来好,使用时应注意。 在实际的工程应用中,需要知道室内颗粒物的浓度随时间变化的情况,本文建立了应用过滤材料的空调室内净化模型,推导出室内的颗粒物浓度瞬时式,并从理论上分析各种因素(室内初始颗粒物浓度、室外大气浓度、过滤风速及通风量等)与室内颗粒物浓度变化的关系,为实际的应用提供了指导。 以上研究对评价过滤材料对环境空气PM10的过滤效率的研究工作打下了基础,对解决当前量大面广的建筑环境空气质量问题,保护国民身体的健康具有重要的实用价值和社会意义。

【Abstract】 According to the air quality report of hundreds of Chinese cities, PM10 is the major infectant which affect Chinese cities’ air quality. With the changing of people’s lifeway and working style, people pay more attention to the problem of indoor’s air quality. So the nation has come on a series of related standards. The emended national code for design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (GB50019-2003) requests the admissible concentration should be under 0.15mg/m3. But the existing air conditioning system has no the set to purify the particle at all or the air purifying system is very simple that can not work. The study work about how to appraise the filtration fabric’s purifying performance to PM10 has not begun and much creative work is in dire need. So this task will carry on the study timely.By adopting the TSI8520 DustTrakTM Aerosol Monitor and TSI8551 Q-Trak Indoor Air Quality Monitor, the author tested the air quality of some Shanghai public. The testing items include PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0, CO, CO2. The result of the data processing shows that PM10 is really the major infectant which affect cities’ air quality.According the request of the code, the author designed a testing set which can test the filtration fabric’s purifying performance to PM10. And by using the set, the author have tested many air conditioning filtration fabrics’ purifying performance to PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0, and picked up the better fibric from them.In order to extend the use of better filtration fabric, the task has found out the relations between the purifying performance and the air speed and the fix quantify by doing the experimentation. Using French chalk which was dried by the 120℃ air as the normal air model, the quality which the fabric contains particle can be test. Considering the fabric’s reusing, the author has washed the fabric in many ways and compared the washed and unwashed fabrics’ purifying performance testing datas.Through putting the fabric on the home air condition, the author analysed the effect to the air condition’s runing and purifying performance.As a result, the electrostatic needle filtration fabric has higher purifying efficiency and lower resistance, but the purifying efficiency would decrease a lot after using scour, laundry powder, 84 disinfector and water to wash the fabric respectively. After putting the 150 mg/m3 electrostatic needle filtration fabric on the home air condition, the air condition’s purifying efficiency can get to 71.0%~73.6 % and the resistance is 56~92Pa which is a little higher. And the blast air’s speed becomes lower and the quality of ventilation becomes less which affect the air condition’s work.In order to know about the relation between the indoor particle’s concentration and time, the author educed a formula which shows the indoor particle’s instantaneous concentration based on the indoor purifying model. The author also has analysed the relations between the indoor particle’s concentration changing and some factors including the indoor particle’s initialization concentration, outdoor particle’s concentration, air speed,etc.Above all, by study this task would ground for the futher study of the filtration fabric’s purifying performance to PM10 and it is also very valuable practicably and meaningful for society to solve the problem of indoor air quality and protect people’s health.

【关键词】 PM10颗粒物净化过滤材料过滤性能
【Key words】 PM10particlepurifyingfiltration fabricpurifying performance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU831
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】720

