

Study on the Spinning Feasibility of PTT Short Fiber and the Property of Corresponding Fabric

【作者】 林玲

【导师】 王兟;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着消费品位的不断提高,消费者对服用制品的弹性要求日见迫切。当今世界上应用最广泛的弹性纤维是氨纶,其优越的弹性,是其他纤维制品所无法替代的。但由于氨纶价格昂贵、生产投资大、纺纱工艺复杂、消耗大和有些织物并不需要如此高弹性等原因,有必要研究开发价格便宜、低弹性纤维的纱和织物来满足市场要求。 本课题以PTT短纤维及其纱线为主要研究对象。PTT纤维是改性涤纶的一种,其弹性介于氨纶和常规涤纶之间。在合成纤维中,聚酯纤维具有一定的弹性,它以其优良的性能和低廉的价格成为合纤的第一品种,其中PET纤维和PBT纤维早已经大量工业化生产和广泛应用。PTT纤维兼具二者的优点,是一种由新型的改性聚酯树脂制成的纤维。PTT纤维综合了PET纤维的刚性和PBT纤维的柔性,特别是他优异的回弹性和易染性,已引起纤维材料界的瞩目。 本课题主要做了如下的研究工作: 1 调查分析了PTT短纤维开发的可行性及市场意义。 2 对PTT短纤维拉伸及弹性性能进行测试,并与常规PET短纤维进行比较再次确定了PTT短纤维可纺性开发的可行性。同时确立了适合PTT短纤维的三元件松弛力学模型参数,并绘制了模拟松弛曲线。 3 对PTT短纤维进行了数次试纺。测试比较了纱线质量指标,外观形态、分析研究了试纺工艺,确定了最大混纺比。测试了PTT短纤维梳棉机道夫转移率、初步探索了适合PTT短纤维纺的锡林齿条前角的定量计算,以期最终提高PTT短纤维纱条干均匀度。 4 测试分析了数次试纺的PTT短纤纱的拉伸性能,分析比较了拉伸曲线,并用手动加捻的方法测试了不同捻度PTT短纤纱的拉伸性能,确立了临界捻度。 5 对最后一次试纺的PTT短纤维纱进行数次试织。通过调整经纬密度,改变经纱上浆浆料,改变后整理温度,染色条件等,测试了其织物的弹性性能,寻找影响PTT织物弹性的因素。东华大学硕士学位论文摘要 通过多项实验研究与理论分析,得出如下结论: IPTT短纤维的弹性性能远高于普通PET纤维,具有开发前景。 2100%PTT短纤纱最能充分实现PTT短纤维的弹性性能,但在纺纱过程中要采取相应的措施解决PTT短纤维静电大的问题。在PTT短纤维与其他纤维混纺时,当PTT的混纺比不低于70%时,混纺纱线能体现PTT短纤维的弹性。 3确立了临界捻度。均值拟合和整体拟合的结果是具有一致性的,临界捻系数都在370附近。PTT短纤纱断裂强力的极大值为206CN;断裂伸长率的极大值为24.3%。 4PTT织物的开发中,最佳选择是PTT纯纺纱线做纬纱,与其它成分纱线进行交织。而在对试织织物进行水浴处理后,其断裂强力和断裂伸长率均有所提高,从处理结果还可以看出,60℃一65℃是样布弹性增强的一个分界点。在60℃一65℃样布的断裂伸长率提高幅度很大,而且在该温度以后,样布断裂伸长率基本稳定。这为后整理提供了一个参考温度。 总的来说,PTT短纤维纱线的可纺性研究是成功的,但在对PTT织物弹性恢复上,有待进一步研究。希望本课题的工作对今后进一步的理论研究及实际生产有参考价值。

【Abstract】 With increasing requirement of customers, elasticity is becoming an essential element for wider range of clothes. Today spandex is the most widely used material in the world because of its excellent elasticity. Owing to the high price, big investment, the complicated spinning process and other reasons, it is necessary to develop the lower elastic yarn and fabric to satisfy the requirement of customer.This thesis mainly studies the PTT (polytrimethylene terephthalate) cut fiber, which is one kind of modified polyester. Its elasticity is lower than that of spandex but higher than that of PET. Among the synthetic fibers, polyester becomes the first breed of synthetic fiber because of its excellent performance and lower price. PET and PBT have already been industry produced and widely used. PTT cut fiber integrate the rigidity of PET and suppleness of PBT. More attention has been paid to PTT for its’ excellent flexibility and chromatophile.The main studies of this thesis are as follows:1 Diagnosed the developing possibility of PTT cut fiber2 Tested the strength/elongation of PTT and compared it with that of PET. Established the suitable model to describe the stress relaxation of PTT and got the relation between strain-stress and time.3 By some experiments on spinning with PTT short fiber and testing its strength/elongation property, tentative probes into the spinning ability of PTT short fiber. The minimum-blending ratio of PTT is 70% in term of elasticity.4 Tested the doff transfer rate of the carding machine, analysised the forceexerted on the fiber under carding process, and then calculated the front angleof wire clothing on cylinder.5 With the method of twisting and untwisting, try to find the critical twistfactor.6 By adjusting the density of fabric, finishing temperature and dying condition, found out the factors that affect the fabric’s elasticity.According to analysis above, derived the following conclusions.1 The minimum-blending ratio of PTT is 70% in term of elasticity. But the best elasticity results are obtained by using 100%PTT staple fibers.2 By regression analysis, found the maximum critical twist factor on about 370.3 It is more advisable to use PTT staple yarn as warp. Strength and elongation at breaking point of the PTT fabric will increase with the finishing temperature. But after 60-65the strength and elongation at breaking point of the PTT fabric are stabilized.Generally, it is successful in the spinning of PTT cut fibers, but still need to do more research on PTT fabric’s elasticity. Wish my work will do some favor to further study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS152
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】307

