

Study on the Process Optimization of the Tianshan Wastewater Treatment Plant by Using Activated Sludge Mathematical Model

【作者】 赵振

【导师】 林卫青;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪80年代国际水质协会推出活性污泥数学模型(Activated Sludge Model)以来,其作为污水处理工艺设计、污水处理运行管理和污水处理工艺研究开发等的新工具,已在国外城市污水处理厂的运行管理和传统活性污泥法处理工艺的脱氮除磷改造中得到广泛运用,但国内在这方面的相关研究和运用很少见。本文以城市污水处理中的A/O工艺为例,运用数学模型实验分析了活性污泥1号模型14个动力学参数及A/O工艺系统参数对出水水质组分的影响,得出了对系统中的水质组分影响较大的几个动力学参数,主要有bH、(?)H、(?)A、KS、KNH等。同时结果表明,处理工艺系统参数如污泥泥龄、回流比、溶解氧的浓度以及好氧池与缺氧池体积分配等值的确定都非常重要,模拟结果有助于最佳工艺参数的选择。 应用EFOR模拟程序对天山污水处理厂现有工艺进行了模拟,结果表明,采用系统默认的活性污泥模型参数值时,出水中的COD和氨氮浓度与实测值有一定的差距。根据参数影响分析结果,通过试探性取值法对参数进行调整,结果仅改变了3个动力学参数,即自养菌最大比增长速率(?)A从0.9d-1下调到0.65d-1,氨半饱和速率常数KNH从1.0 gN/m3上调到1.3gN/m3,易降解有机物饱和常数KS从20gCOD/m3调整到30gCOD/m3,模拟值与实测值取得较好的吻合。 为了提高天山污水处理厂脱氮功能,将传统活性污泥工艺进行脱氮工艺改造。本文分两种方案进行脱氮改造研究:一是考虑不增加基建投资,将原有的曝气池改造成为A/O系统来达到脱氮效果。通过数学模型模拟的方法来考察其可行性并确定了改造后的系统中的最佳运行参数。结果显示,天山厂在现有进水水量的情况下,其最佳工艺控制参数为:缺氧区与系统总体积比为1:3,好氧区的溶解氧浓度为3mg/L,内回流比为200%。改造后出水COD浓度变化不大,而出水的氨氮和总氮的浓度有较大的下降,出水浓度能达到国家规定的排放标准。二是在预测天山厂流量将继续增加的情况下的改造方案,此方案力求保持现有构筑物和设备不变,通过增建缺氧池组成A/O工艺来达到污水脱氮目的。运用数学模型模拟试验得出扩建缺氧池的体积大小,并对扩建后的处理工艺进行优化,将A/O工艺改造成为Bardenpho工艺,达到了很好的脱氮效果。扩建工艺东华大学硕士学位论文活性污泥数学模型在天山污水处理厂工艺优化改造中的模拟研究的最佳工艺参数组合为:扩建缺氧池体积为原曝气池体积的0.5倍,混合液回流量为进水流量的300%,同时将原曝气池的第三格改为缺氧段,混合液回流在原曝气池的第二格后。 研究结果表明,基于活性污泥数学模型的EFOR模拟与仿真程序能够很好地模拟城市污水处理厂传统活性污泥过程的运行,能够为传统活性污泥过程的生物脱氮改造提供具有重要价值的参考资料,值得我国进行进一步的深入研究和推广-应用。

【Abstract】 As a new tool, the Activated Sludge Model developed by the International Water Association (IWA) in 1980’s has been available in the design, performance administration, nitrogen and phosphorus removal upgrading and the development of new wastewater treatment technology and process, which has been widely used in many developed countries. However, this has seldom been reported in china. In this study, the operating process of a municipal wastewater treatment plant in Shanghai was presented. Taking A/O technology of municipal wastewater treatment as example, mathematical model test was applied to analyse the effect of 14 dynamical parameters of activated sludge model No.1 and A/O process system parameters in effluent wastewater composition. The result shows that the kinetic parameters such as bH,μH,μA, Ks and KNH have great influences on the effluent water composition. Atthe same time ,the result shows that the choosing of sludge age, recirculating ratio, dissolved oxygen concentration and the volumetric ratio of aeration tank and anoxic tank is very important. Simulation result helps to choose the best process parameter.The EFOR system was used to simulate the real operation of Tianshan Wasterwater Treatment Plant. When the default parameters recommended were used, the modeling value of COD and NH4-N was proved to disagree with the measurement. According to parameter influence analysis, good simulation results were achieved through changing of only three model parameters as follows: maximum specificgrowth rate for autotrophic biomass μA from 0.9 d-1 to 0.65 d-1, ammoniahalf-saturation coefficient for autotrophic biomass KNH from 1.0 gN/m3 to 1.3 gN/m3, half-saturation coefficient for heterotrophic biomass KS from 20gCOD/m to 30gCOD/m3.Aiming at increasing the efficiency of nitrogen removal in Tianshan Wastewater Treatment Plant, a choice was made to change the existing aeration basin into biological nitrogen removal process. In this study, two upgrading schemes wereconsidered: First, in the consideration of no higher construction costs, the existing pattern of performance was upgraded into a biological nitrogen removal process-A/O process.Through mathematical simulation of the scheme, the feasibility of this upgrading project was evaluated and the optimum control parameters were obtained. If the influent flow keeps constant, the results showed that the optimum control parameters were: The ratio of anoxic volume to total system volume was 1:3, the dissovled oxygen concentration of aeration basin was 3 mg/L, the recirculating effluent flow ratio was 200%. After upgrading, the effluent COD concentration was hardly influenced, while the effluent TN and Ammonia nitrogen concentration could decrease a lot, the effluent concentration could also meet the emission control standard. Second, another upgrading scheme was put forward in condition that the influent flow rate of the plant keeps on increasing. This project tried to keep the current constructions and equipments unchanged, the plant is upgraded by only augmenting anoxic basin before the original aeration basin. The augmented volume of anoxic basin was obtained by applying the mathematics modeling. The optimum control parameters of this new upgrading process were optimized through the modeling and simulating of the schemes. The results showed that: if the third stage of the existing aeration basin was changed as an anoxic zone and the internal recycle was from the second stage of the existing aeration basin instead of the forth stage ,the ratio of anoxic basin volume to aeration basin volume was 0.5, the recirculating effluent flow ratio was 300%. A very good efficiency of nitrogen removal was obtained if the A/O process was changed into the Bardenpho process.The results of research showed that the EFOR program could simulate the performance of traditional activated sludge process and provide valuable references for directing the biological nitrogen removal upgrading of existing WWTPs, and it is worthy of carrying out a furth

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】723

