

Development of a New Method to Quickly Test and Evaluate the Sizing Effect of Filament

【作者】 张恩杰

【导师】 郭建生;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 经纱上浆是机织物生产过程中的关键工序,被形象地称为“老虎口”,它赋予经纱承受织机上激烈负荷的能力,即改善经纱的可织性。上浆效果的好坏对织造车间的生产效率有决定性影响。目前用于检测长丝上浆效果的方法和仪器很难实现快速检测,而且其试验结果在很大程度上受到人为因素的影响。鉴于这种情况,本课题研制了一种采用CCD摄像技术及图像处理分析法检测长丝上浆效果的快速检测评定方法及系统。 本课题研制的长丝上浆效果快速检测评定系统主要包括以下几部分:织造负荷模拟装置;CCD图像采集系统;图像处理分析及判别系统。 织造负荷模拟装置是在分析经纱在织机上承受的各种负荷的基础上研制成功的。经纱在上机织造时要受到停经片、综丝和钢筘的反复摩擦,还要经受由于各种机件运动而产生的反复拉伸、曲折及冲击,特别是在开口过程中经纱要受到经纱与经纱之间的反复摩擦。由于经纱与经纱之间的摩擦负荷在经纱所受负荷中占主要地位,因此该织造负荷模拟装置主要模拟了经纱与经纱之间的切向摩擦以及经纱所受的周期性拉伸负荷。通过最优化方法选取了织造负荷模拟装置的最优工作参数。 为了在测试中连续快速地采集经过织造负荷模拟后的上浆长丝的图像,本课题研制的评定系统中应用了CCD图像采集技术。本课题研制的CCD图像采集系统包括高压静电分丝装置、图像输入设备以及图像显示及存储设备。 为了分析长丝的上浆效果,需要对采集的长丝图像进行处理分析。由于长丝的上浆效果是通过分析长丝的集束性来判断的,所谓集束性就是长丝纱中单丝或者更小单位的丝束的抱合程度,相互分离的单丝或者丝束数量越大,其集束性越差。本课题研制了一种图像处理分析的方法对长丝的集束性进行评价,即统计经过织造负荷模拟后土浆长丝中相互分离的单丝和丝束的数量。该系统可完成对长丝图像进行滤波处理、二值化处理、雪花噪声的消除以及长丝集束性的分析。通过可靠性试验证明该系统的测试结果同目测法的测试结果基本一致。 通过试验对该长丝上浆效果快速检测评定系统的工作原理及其检测结果进行了验证,其检测结果同实际情况具有很好的相关性,该长丝上浆效果快速检测评定系统能够较好地评价长丝的上浆效果、

【Abstract】 Sizing is the key procedure in weaving of textile industry. There is a saying that good sized is half woven. The warp yarn is endued with the ability of abrasion-proof through sizing. The sizing effect determines the weaving efficiency of weaving workshop. So the quick testers and methods to evaluate the sizing effect of warp yarn are needed. At present, the testers and methods to test the sizing effect of filament are not appropriate. The disadvantages are that the testing results are influenced by the experiment, and that the testing is taking time. Due to this reason, this dissertation introduces a new testing method of evaluating the sizing effect on zero-twist multifilament yarns using laboratory techniques, Viz. from the image processing and analyzing, we get the sizing effect of zero-twist multifilament yarns.The quick testers and methods which introduced by this dissertation includes a new weaving simulation set, a CCD photo system and an image processing and analyzing software.Based on analyzing the force of warp yarn receives on the weaving machine, we developed the new weaving simulation set. On the weaving machine, the warps are abraded by the yarn rider, frame, reed and warp. Furthermore, the warp yarn also endues the drawing, tortuosity and impulsive force applied by the weaving machine. The most severe abrasion is the abrasion between warp and warp. So the new weaving simulation set mostly simulates the tangent direction friction that produced by the friction of filaments to filaments and the drawing, tortuosity and impulsive force. The experiment parameters are chosen by the parameter optimization.The CCD photo system is used to photograph the filament yarn which has endured the load of weaving inflicted by the new weaving load simulation set and display, store the image of filament. Then the image is processed and analyzed by the image processing software.The image processing software is based upon Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 whichprocesses and analyzes the image photographed by the CCD camera. The software analyzes the bundling which is most important for the filament weaving ability. The software includes median filter, thresholding, removing the noises in images and the module of analyzing the bundling of the sized filament yarn endured the load of weaving inflicted by the new weaving load simulation set. From the contradistinctive experiment of eyeballing and the software of this dissertation introduced, we came to the conclusion that the software’s result is authentic.This new method to quickly test and evaluate the sizing effect filament yarn is validated by the experiment. It can continuously and quickly test the sizing effect and the result indicates that this method can evaluate the sizing effect of filament well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS105
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】81

