

Study on Sewage Treatment and Reuse Equipment Used in Ecotypic Domicile

【作者】 彭民建

【导师】 奚旦立;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的迅猛发展和人民生活水平的提高,全社会的环境意识也逐渐增强,居住环境质量越来越受到重视。选择注重生态概念的住宅,已成为很多居民的共识,生态住宅也就应运而生。 本课题的研究目的是研制一套用于生态住宅的生活污水处理装置,其处理能力要与五人家庭的污水排放量相适应,出水水质必须达到回用标准。要求该装置:设备紧凑、占地面积小,工艺先进、操作简便,并在一定程度上实现自动控制。为此,本实验首先根据文献调研情况,设计小型反应器,通过实验,优化操作参数,然后进行处理装置的设计。 通过一体式陶瓷膜分离装置处理洗车废水和生活污水的实验,分析了各种生化处理工艺和膜生物反应器的优缺点,选定投加填料的复合式膜-生物反应器作为生态住宅中生活污水的处理装置,并分别设置生化反应区和膜分离区。该反应器具有抗冲击负荷能力高、运行稳定性好、管理维护方便等特点,而且由于生化反应区应用了生物膜技术,可在悬浮污泥浓度低的条件下达到高处理效果,有效地减轻了膜污染。 反应器不排泥分别在HRT=4h、6h、8h、10h各运行了一个月左右。结果表明,系统出水水质良好且稳定,系统对COD的去除率均达90%以上。生化处理单元的COD去除率随着HRT的延长而提高,但HRT>8h时,由于污泥负荷低,微生物由于营养不足而出现生物固体的自我消解,从而微生物量出现降低的趋势。 在HRT=8h时,控制污泥龄SRT=5d、10d、20d、40d的条件下各运行了一个月左右。结果表明由于填料的存在,附着生物量占了反应器中生物量的很大一部分,悬浮污泥的排放对反应器内总生物量的影响不大,所以污泥龄对COD的去除效果的影响不显著,但NH3-N的去除率受污泥龄的影响较大,随着污泥龄的增大NH3-N的去除率提高。对污泥活性的的分析表明,随着污泥龄的增大悬浮污泥的活性变低,而填料上污泥活性受污泥龄的影响较小。 在HRT=8h及不排泥的条件下对反应器内DO对污染物的影响进行了分析,结果表明,增大DO虽然可以使总去除率提高,但能耗也会随之增加。摘要 通过对运行过程中膜过滤压力的变化分析,发现膜过滤压力、膜总阻力与膜通量有关,而混合液中溶解性有机物的积累可使膜阻力增大。另外,还分别考察了抽吸时间和曝气量对膜过滤压力上升速率的影响,并结合膜电镜照片分析了膜污染情况,并对其清洗方式进行了初步探讨。结果表明,在本实验条件下,膜污染主要集中在膜外表面,膜内部污染不明显。经过碱液浸泡以后,膜表面滤饼层基本去除,表面结构基本恢复。 利用上述实验得出的最佳运行参数,设计了用于生态住宅中的生活污水处理装置,并且对该装置处理生活污水进行了经济技术分析。\

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of people’s living standard, Choosing ecotypic domicile has become common sense, so the concept of ecotypic domicile is appeared.The task of this research subject is to develop a sewage treatment equipment used in ecotypic domicile. The treatment capacity of the equipment should be according with the outlet of five people’s family. The effluent quality should reach the reuse standard. The treatment equipment should be compact, the volume of the equipment should be reduced, the process should be advanced and easily operating and self-controlling to some extent. In order to achieve above goal, a small abbreviated membrane bio-reactor was schemed out to find out compatible operating parameter, then the treatment equipment was designed.Hybrid membrane bioreactor was choosed as treatment equipment using in ecotypic domicile after analyzing experiment result of disposing car-washing wastewater and municipal wastewater using ceramics membrane bioreactor and analyzing advantages and disadvantages traditional membrane bioreactor. It indicated that this bioreactor has strong ability of shock loading resistance and can conquer sludge expansion. Because of the existence of padding the reactor can maintain low suspending sludge concentration and can reduce membrane contamination. The membrane separation and bioreactor can both operate in high efficiency.In the condition of no sludge discharge, the reactor was operated about one month separately in terms of HRT=4h, 6h, 8h, 10h. The result indicated that the removal rate of the system to COD were all above 90%. The COD removal rate of bio-treatment cell increased according to the increase of HRT, but the longer HRT leaded to lower organic loading. When the organic loading was at a low level, the microorganisms’ endogenous respiration would happen for lack of nutrition, so the amount of the microorganisms would reduce.In the condition of HRT=8h, the reactor operated about one month separately in terms of SRT=5d, 10d, 20d, 40d. The result showed that the SRT has a little effect on the removal rate of COD. Because of the existence of padding the attached growth sludge concentration accounted for most of total sludge concentration, so the suspending sludge discharge has a little effect on total sludge concentration. SRT affects the removal rate of NH3-N greatly. The removal rate of NH3-N increased according to the increase of SRT. According to analyzing the SOUR activity of microorganismshowed that the SOUR activity of suspending microorganism reduced according to the increase of SRT and the SRT has little effect on the SOUR activity of attached growth microorganism. According the above analysis the sewage treatment equipment will operate in the condition of no sludge discharge.In the condition of HRT=8h and no sludge discharge, the effect of DO on the removal rate of contamination has been analyzed. The results show that increasing DO can increase the removal rate of contamination, but thus the energy consumption was increased.The variety of the transmembrane pressure during the long-term running test was analyzed. The results showed that the transmembrane pressure and resistance were related to flux and accumulated degree of soluble organic in the MBR. Then effects of pump period and aeration intensity, on the increasing rate of the transmembrane pressure were investigated. The membrane fouling was visualized by scanning electron microscope and the membrane cleaning ways were investigated. It was found that the membrane fouling was concentrated on the surface mainly, and the internal fouling was not obvious. After soaking by the lye, the cake layer on the membrane surface was removed basically.The wastewater treatment equipment used in ecotypic domicile was designed according to optimal operation parameters and the economic analysis of municipal wastewater treatment by this equipment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】X799.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】387

