

Study on Application of DBD to Surface Modification of Soybean Fibers and Its Products

【作者】 吴会峰

【导师】 俞建勇;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织材料及纺织品设计, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 等离子体技术在纺织领域的应用已经有几十年的历史,而且也取得了相当大的成就,但是,此前的研究多限于真空等离子体技术。由于对真空系统的依赖使得该技术很难实现工业化,多数研究只是停留在实验室。在纺织材料的表面改性方面,传统的常压等离子体发生器由于存在放电不均匀等问题,往往只能使材料表面性能得到部分改善。本论文采用的介质阻挡放电(DBD)设备,放电比较均匀,在改善纺织材料表面性能方面能取得很好的处理效果。 大豆蛋白纤维作为唯一由我国自主开发,具有完全知识产权的一种化学纤维,具有单丝细度细、比重轻、光泽好、吸湿导湿性好、手感柔软、滑爽、悬垂性好等优异特点,而且还具有独特的保健功能;但是其表面摩擦系数小、抱合力差、卷曲变形不稳定等缺点在很大程度上影响了纱线和织物的性能,如纱线毛羽较多,织物易起毛起球等,这是限制大豆蛋白纤维进一步市场化的重要因素。 鉴于以上两点,本论文采用介质阻挡放电设备来处理大豆蛋白纤维、纱线及其织物,力求改善纤维、纱线及其织物的有关性能。经过测试分析处理前后的大豆蛋白纤维、纱线及其织物,得出了以下结论: (1)等离子体技术的确能有效的改善大豆蛋白纤维的表面状态,其表面变的粗糙了,与各种材料的摩擦系数增加了; (2)在改善纤维表面状态的同时,纤维的强伸性能并没有受到太大影响; (3)等离子体处理后的各种粗纱的抱合力均有不同程度的提高; (4)粗纱中大豆蛋白纤维的含量越高,所加的捻度越大,粗纱的抱合力提高的程度越大;等离子体电源值越高,处理的时间越长,粗纱的抱合力提高的程度越大; (5)等离子体处理过的粗纱纺成的细纱的毛羽得到了改善,细纱中大豆蛋白纤维的比例越高,效果越明显。 (6)等离子体处理后大豆蛋白纤维织物的起毛起球性能得到了明显的改善。 (7)等离子体处理后大豆蛋白纤维织物的抗折皱弹性回复性表面性能及其风格都有所改善。 (8)随着等离子体处理的时间的延长和功率的增加,处理的效果会越来越好。 综上所述,大豆蛋白纤维、纱线及其织物在经过DBD常压等离子体处理后,在改善纤维表面性能的基础上,也使得纱线的毛羽和织物的起毛起球性能得到了明显的改善。而且并没有影响到大豆蛋白纤维其他的优良性能,这是其他传统化学方法所不能做到的。同时,等离子体技术无污染、成本低;又由于此设备不需要真空环境,实现了连续化处理,所以DBD等离子体技术应用于纤维表面改性具有非常好的工业化生产前景。

【Abstract】 The modification technology of textile by low temperature plasmas (LTP) has been developed greatly in past decades. However, the previous researches were performed in vacuum systems. So it is very hard and expensive to industrialize this technology. The surface modification technology of textile materials with traditional atmospheric pressure plasmas also has some problems, such as homogeneity. The equipment that works under atmosphere condition can get well-distributed discharge.As we all know, the soybean fiber as the only chemical fiber developed by Chinese researchers has many fine performances such as its fineness, specific weight, luster and so on. But because of its lower surface frictional coefficient, the soybean yarns have much hairiness and the soybean fabrics have serious fuzzing and pilling problems.In this paper, the modifications of soybean fibers, yarns and fabrics by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasmas are studied. By comparing the properties of the treated and untreated fibers, yarns and fabrics the conclusions were drawn as followings:l.DBD treatment can improve the surface property of soybean fiber obviously; the surface frictional coefficients between soybean fibers and other materials increased greatly after treatment while the strength and elongation properties of the fiber are maintained.2. To a certain extent, the cohesion forces of the treated roves are improved.3.The cohesion forces of the treated roves increase with more soybean content in the roves, bigger twists of the roves, higher discharge power and longer exposure time.4.The hairiness of soybean yarn made of treated roves decreasesgreatly with longer exposure time.5.The fuzzing and pilling performances of soybean fabrics are improved obviously whereas the wrinkle resistance, surface characters and fabric handlings are improved slightly after DBD treatment.6. The longer the exposure time is and the higher the power is, the better the effects will be.In a word, the DBD treatment can improve the surface properties of the soybean fibers, the hairiness of yarns and the fuzzing and pilling of fabrics effectively. At the same time other properties of the bulk are not influenced basically, which are the advantages compared with other traditional chemical treatments. In addition, the DBD technology is cheap and non-pollution and the equipment can work continuously under atmosphere condition. So the application of DBD to surface modification of fibers has a fine prospect in industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS195
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】186

