

Study on Approaches of Performance Appraisal for Law-enforcement Officials at Grass Roots in China Maritime System

【作者】 时骏

【导师】 罗帆;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国海事系统承担着部分行政职能,经政府授权行使一定的行政权力,属于国家行政性事业单位。它的存在主要以专业(水上安全)的社会服务为目的,履行社会公共管理职能,在社会经济生活中发挥着重要的作用。具体而言,作为国家行政执法监督机构,海事系统负责行使国家水上安全监督管理和防止船舶污染、船舶及海上设施检验、航海保障的管理职权,具有较强的政策性、技术性以及涉外性。其核心工作是海事行政执法,因此海事执法人员履行职责的有效性、服务对象的满意度等,直接关系到国家和政府的形象,关系到国民经济的快速发展。 长期以来,海事系统在很大程度上延续了计划体制下传统的管理模式,内部机制不完善,缺乏活力,工作效率不高。特别是对人员业绩的考核工作不力,表面化、形式化现象严重,制度建设落后,量化管理大多停留在任务计划书中,难以体现业绩考核的客观性和公正性,业绩与人员和部门利益脱钩,不能很好地实践组织激励与约束的功能,阻碍了海事系统各项制度改革的深入开展。因此,海事系统基层执法人员的绩效评估亟待改进。 针对以上问题,本论文主要从六个方面进行了研究。首先,对现有绩效评估理论和实践进行了概括和分析;其次,在问卷调查与典型调查的基础上,分析了海事系统基层执法人员绩效评估的现状;然后,对海事系统基层执法人员绩效评估的对策思路与工作流程进行了探讨;对海事系统基层执法人员绩效评估的方法进行了优化组合;从而初步分层次分类别地构建了海事系统基层执法人员绩效评估指标体系,并明晰了指标的综合评价方法;最后,在系统分析的基础上,提出实施绩效评估办法的配套措施。 本论文的目的在于,通过调查、采样、数据统计与系统分析,明确海事系统基层执法人员的工作特性、程序与中心内容,建立一套适合海事系统基层执法人员绩效评估的指标体系与方法体系,并期望在实际的运行中,能够对人员绩效评估体系持续改进,为海事工作的未来发展提供人力资源开发与管理的支持和保障。

【Abstract】 China maritime system fulfills part of administrative functions and exerts a certain administration authorities based on government authorization. Hence, it is called administrative departments and other government institutions. Serving for social specialized service, the maritime system carries out the public management functions and also plays a significant role in the social and economic life. Concretely, acting as the national administrative law enforcement and supervision agency, the maritime system takes responsibilities of over-water safe supervision and control, preventing vessels from contaminating, checking vessels and offshore facilities as well as guaranteeing voyage, with the strong features of policy, technicality and involving foreign business. Further, marine law enforcement is its core work. The validity of performance for law enforcement officials, the satisfaction of serving objects and so on, all of them directly concern the image of both our country and governments, also concern the entire development of national economy.At all times, maritime system, to a large extent, has been keeping the traditional management mode under the planning mechanism, characterized by imperfect inside mechanism, lack of vigorousness, low social benefits. Specially, the staff performance evaluation maintains rigid, superficial and formalized, what is more, the system setup is backward and most of the quantification control still is in the task prospectus, which result in non-objective and partial performance evaluation. The performance lacks close connection with the interests of staff and divisions. To be worse, the functions of incentive and constraint in organizations cannot be well practiced and all the negative affects above-mentioned prohibit, in essence, the system reforms from deepgoing in maritime system. The performance appraisal for the maritime system, therefore, should be improved pressingly.In this paper, there are six contents mainly. Firstly, the present theories and practices of performance appraisal are summarized and analyzed. In the next place, the present states of performance appraisal of law enforcement officials atgrass roots are analyzed based on the emphasis investigation and typical investigation. Then, the thoughts of countermeasures and working process of performance appraisal for law enforcement officials at grass roots are dissected and approached. In the following, the optimum methods for performance appraisal are probed into. And what is more, the indicator system is preliminarily constructed according to different hierarchies and sorts, and the indicators’ comprehensive evaluation methods are made sure. Finally, the coordinated measures are put forward for conducting the methods of performance appraisal in the line with the systematic analysis.By investigating, sampling, data reason statistics and still system analysis, it is the purpose to define the performance data, procedures and center contents of law enforcement officials at grass roots in maritime system, and set up a full range of indicator system and method system matched with the performance appraisal. Meanwhile, the systems in real control operations can be continually improved so as to contribute to the future development for the maritime career and provide the necessary backing and indemnity in the development and management of human resource.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】463

