

Development and Application of an Adaptive Hopping Frequency Wireless Communication Platform

【作者】 裴俊

【导师】 刘有源;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着无线个人局域网络技术的发展,其应用领域也在不断的扩大。无线分布式传感/控制网络便是无线个人局域网络技术在自动控制领域中的应用之一。实现无线个人局域网的通讯技术有多种,目前使用的有IrDA、Bluetooth、HomeRF、UWB和RF等。根据无线分布式传感/控制网络的特点,通过对比分析,本文提出了一种基于射频技术的组网方案,并且开发出了一种自适应跳频的无线数据传输平台。 文章详细介绍了这个无线传输平台各硬件模块的功能及其实现技术。主要包括: (1)主控制芯片的选型与功能实现。介绍利用TI公司所生产的MSP430系列16位单片机,来实现对无线射频模块的控制和传感器数据的采集。 (2)射频模块的设计与实现。通过对比选用了nRF903射频芯片,实现在ISM频段的短距离无线传输。 (3)传感器数据采集模块的控制与实现。利用微处理器ADC12模数转换器实现对外接传感器和内置传感器的数据采集。 (4)摄像头监控模块的控制与实现。通过微处理器的控制实现实时图像数据采集。 (5)主控制机模块的设计与实现。 在无线通讯中信息数据编码和差错控制也是很重要的一环。文章对基带数据编码方式做出了比较分析,给出了本系统所采用编码的实现方法。在差错控制和数据纠错方式上,也提供了奇偶校验和汉明码校验的解决办法,以保证数据传输的可靠性,提高系统的抗干扰能力。 文章对现有无线局域网络的组网方式也做了介绍,并结合具体实例,介绍了利用所开发的无线通讯模块构建的一个星型拓扑结构的小型无线局域网络。该网络包括一个主控制机,一个基站和若干个端机。基站和端机之间以点对多点的方式通讯。文章对这种结构中基站和端机之间的通讯协议与实现,以及它们以自适应跳频抵抗干扰的方法给予了详细的介绍。主控制机和基站通过串口实现数据交换,并通过应用程序完成数据处理和对整个无线通讯网络加以控制。 本无线数据传输平台可以广泛的用于智能监控、无线数据采集、无线标签、武汉理工大学硕士学位论文身份识别、景。 最后,安防系统、无线数字语音、数字图像传输等方面,具有很广泛的前论文在总结全文工作的基础上,对进一步的研究提出了建议和展望。

【Abstract】 With the development of Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN), the application area of it has been becoming wide and wide. Wireless Distributed Sensor/Control Network (WDSCN) is one of the applications of WPAN in automation area. There are many ways to establish WPAN such as IrDA, Bluetooth, HomeRF, UWB and RF. By comparison and analysis and according to the characteristics of WDSCN, a project based on the Radio Frequency (RF) is presented, and an adaptive, frequency-hopping wireless communication platform is developed.The function of each module in the system is introduced in details, followed by its implementation techniques.(1) The selection of MPU and its function implementation. The microprocessor selected in the system is a kind of 16-bit MSP430 FLASH series of TI company. And the main function of it is to get the control of the RF module and collect data from all kinds of sensors.(2) The design of RF module and its realization. Being compared with other common RF chips, nRF903 is chosen to fulfill short distance wireless communication in ISM band.(3) The control of data collection module for sensors and its achievement. A fast 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC12) built in the MPU is used to sample the data from the external and inner sensors.(4) The control of monitor module for camera sensor and its fulfillment. Real-time image data is collected from camera sensor controlled by MPU.(5) The design and accomplishment of Host control module.Data encoding and error control are very important in wireless communication. Comparative analysis is made on the data encoding and the realization of data encoding methods used in this system is presented. As to the error control and data correction, the parity check and hamming code check solutions are provided also to guarantee the reliability of data transmission and improve the anti-jamming capability of the system.Combining with concrete example, a small scale star topology WPAN built withthe wireless communication modules is introduced in this paper. A host, a base station and some terminals is applied in this WPAN. The communication mode between base station and terminals is point to multi-point (PMP). The communication protocol between base station and terminals and its implement and the adaptive hopping-frequency method to avoid disturbance of them is introduced in detail. Data are exchanged between host and the base station through serial port. The host disposes with data and takes charge of the whole WDSCN by the application software.This wireless communication platform can be widely used in intelligent monitoring, wireless data collection, wireless label, identity acknowledgement, alarm and security system, wireless digital voice and digital image transmission and so on, and shows promises of a splendid application future.Based on the summaries and conclusions of all research works, some suggestions and prospects for further researches are put forward.

  • 【分类号】TN925
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】452

