

Design and Implementation of Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Management System

【作者】 梁书锋

【导师】 郭顺生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 对于制造型企业,车间调度管理是一个复杂的系统工程。车间作业计划调度作为一种有效提高加工系统的生产率及操作管理水平的途径,有利于快速响应市场需求,在最短的时间里,以经济的成本生产出具有优良品质、有市场竞争力的产品,以满足客户需求。因此一直以来受到制造和生产管理部门以及研究人员的很大重视。 1.本文分析了车间调度系统的总体业务流程,并初步提出了相应的解决方案,使得车间调度系统能与ERP系统中其他各部分有机的结合起来。 2.在详细讨论ERP系统车间管理系统所涉及到的物料编码、BOM、工艺路线的基础上,分析了BOM的几种存储结构,物料编码的设计方案。并根据光电子加工中的实际情况,提出了柔性车间管理理论及算法。 3.从软件工程的角度出发,以作者参与开发的“佛山光电ERP系统二期”为实例,详细讨论了系统软件设计与开发过程中的需求分析、系统设计、模块设计、数据库应用程序的体系结构、数据库的设计与连接等主要内容。 4.探讨了ERP系统在企业成功实施的关键因素,并对作者参与开发的已在企业成功实施的ERP系统的运行情况及实施过程作了介绍。 研究和实际开发工作表明,系统能满足现阶段对车间作业计划调度的要求,并为今后的发展奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 For manufacturing enterprise, job shop scheduling is a complex systems engineering. The research of job shop scheduling is an effective way to increase the operation efficiency and operating management lever that can quickly response the requirements of the market. To pursue quality at shorter time and lower cost is emphasized by the manufacturing and management departments and relative staffers.1 .This paper analyzes the operation flowing of job shop scheduling system as a whole, and brings forward corresponding resolvent. It can compound job shop scheduling module and other parts in the ERR2.On the basis of particular expounding about materiel coding bill ormateriel manufacturing routing, the paper analyzes several memory structureof BOM and several scheme of materiel coding. On the ground of fact ofphotoelectricity industry, the paper puts forward idea and algorithm of flexiblejob shop scheduling.3.According to the software engineering technology, the FoShan ERR system is taken as a practical case. In the process of designing and developing the system software, some key contents, such as requirement analysis, system designing, the architecture of database application, design and connection for the database etc, are discussed in detail.4.The factors of implementing ERR system in an enterprise successfully are explored, The successful case is also presented here.All the works show that the system can meet the need of job shop scheduling of current stage, and may establish foundation for the development of the system in the future.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】334

