

Research and Application on FEA-Template Based on ANSYS for Ship Hull Structure

【作者】 操安喜

【导师】 严仁军;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 工程力学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 有限元方法是一种求解连续介质力学问题的通用数值方法。它广泛应用于航空航天、船舶、土木水利、机械、石油、电子等工业领域。随着计算机在软、硬件上的快速发展,有限元分析无论是在理论,还是在计算技术方面都已取得巨大的进步,一些大型通用的有限元软件也相继投入实际应用,如ANSYS、MSC/NASTRAN、ABAQUS、ADINA、ALGOR等,它们已成为计算机辅助设计系统的重要组成部分。 在船舶结构设计和结构强度的校核过程中,往往需要反复进行“设计—建模—分析—修改设计—再建模—再分析”的过程,但当前有限元分析软件系统都存在前后处理过程复杂、烦琐、易出错、费时费力、对软件使用者要求高等问题。如果按照现有有限元分析软件所规定的步骤,逐一对每次修改重新建模分析,在有限元建模和处理结果时存在着大量的重复性工作,而且出错机率也会相应增加,影响到设计分析的效率和质量。 针对有限元软件在船舶结构直接计算的应用要求,本文基于ANSYS平台开发了参数化的船体结构有限元计算系统。该计算系统将参数化技术引入船舶结构的有限元计算,初步实现了船体结构有限元建模、计算和后处理的全程参数化;借助功能强大的软件开发工具Visual C++,利用Windows的进程通信机制,建立了基于消息的控制中心,完成程序与ANSYS间的数据传递,实现了对ANSYS的封装,从而形成专业化、参数化的有限元计算系统。 全文共分七章,第一章介绍了本文所涉及的研究领域,通过分析领域中存在的问题,揭示了本文研究的应用背景和意义。第二章介绍了实现系统所依赖的平台和开发工具。第三章主要介绍了作者在船体结构有限元计算的参数化方面的工作。第四章介绍了基于APDL语言的LPG船体舱段有限元计算模块LPGFEA的实现过程。第五章介绍了计算模板的程序实现。第六章结合工程实例介绍了该模板的使用方法。在第七章,作者对全文进行了总结,并对未来的研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Finite element method is a popular numerical analysis method, which is widely applied in many industrial fields such as aviation, architecture, mechanics, electronics and chemistry. With the development of compute technology in soft and hard, the FEM has made great advances. Some finite element analysis(FEA) soft such as ANSYS MSC/NASTRAN ABAQUS ADINA ALGOR have been inputted into the practical projects. These FEA soft have become the most important part of CAD and CAE.During the design and strength calculating of ship structure, the process "preliminary design-modeling-analysis-revision-re-design-re-modeling-re-analysis" will be carried out repeatedly, and there are some defects in the apply of FEA soft, such as the preprocessor and the postprocessor of these FEA soft are operated complex, the requirement to users is too much, and the user be apt to make mistake during the processing. If each scheme is analyzed completely according to the requirement of FEA, much time are wasted on the duplicated operation, and the ratio of error rises.To solve the problems mentioned above, the author studies the problems carefully and gives some solutions.A template for ship structure strength calculating and analysis based on ANSYS is built. The system possesses the following features: 1) a method of parametric finite element analysis for ship structure is presented in this system, the FEA model is droved by the parameters. 2) Through proceeding communication mechanism of Windows, the centre of control based on passages is formed. It can use the ANSYS as a subprogram.The thesis consists of seven chapters: in chapter one, the author introduces background and significance of this study. Chapter two is introduction about the platforms and tools dependent on by the system. In chapter three, the parametric technology and its application in the FEM has been elaborated explicitly. In chapterfour, the program block of parametric FEA on LPG ship hull hold is built. In chapter five, the template of strength calculating based on the Visual C++ is built. In chapter six, the author introduces the usage of the FEA template through a 2000M3 LPG ship. Chapter seven summarizes the research work, point out the main achievement of this thesis and the further work.

【关键词】 船体结构参数化二次开发有限元ANSYS
【Key words】 ship hullparametricre-development methodFEAANSYS
  • 【分类号】U661.4
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】1890

