

Study on the Enterprise Organization of the Third Party-Logistics

【作者】 马良成

【导师】 张培林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 第三方物流作为一个新兴的领域,自上世纪末以来,发展非常迅速,在全球得到了广泛的关注,许多学者对第三方物流的经营管理做出了许多富有成果的研究,第三方物流正在逐步走向成熟。但是,在我国,第三方物流起步相对较晚,许多从传统行业改制而来的第三方物流企业发展还不成熟,特别是物流企业组织结构方面的研究还需深化,许多企业没有根据第三方物流的特点构建适合物流企业发展的组织结构,在一定程度上影响了物流企业的进一步发展。 本文第一章概述了选题意义以及与选题相关的国内外现状,第二章以现代企业组织理论为基础,研究了现代企业组织模式特点和发展变化趋势,分析了企业组织模式设计的基本原理及权变因素,提出了扁平化组织结构由于其在信息传递等方面的独特优势,在当代信息化社会中将成为现代化大中型企业(集团)主要采用的组织模式的主要论点,还得出网络结构和矩阵结构由于其在企业信息传递方面的独特优势将成为大型物流企业主要采用的组织结构的结论。第三章研究了第三方物流的起源和发展变化趋势,归纳分析了第三方物流企业经营模式。第四章文章研究了第三方物流企业组织模式设计的基本原理,分析了第三方物流企业的几种典型组织模式,提出了许多由传统的运输、仓储、货代公司改组而来的物流企业还没有建立适合于现代物流公司业务特点的现代企业组织结构,需要在对企业进行详细的工作分析基础之上重新对企业的组织结构进行设计的结论。文章在第五章通过以捷龙物流公司为例,分析了捷龙物流公司的现状和经营模式,得出了捷龙物流公司作为一家大型的从事第三方物流服务的现代化企业,根据其公司发展战略和经营模式特点,应当结合自身实际对组织模式进行创新设计,灵捷网络化和以项目管理为基础的新型矩阵结构组织模式较为适合公司进一步发展需要的结论。文章在第六章最后对本文的研究分析的组织结论进行了归纳总结,同时对文章结论的推广运用作了比较粗略的展望。

【Abstract】 As a newly field, The third-party logistics has been developing rapidly and getting the extensive concern in the world since the end of last century, many scholars study hard and require many results of operation and management of the third-party, logistics .The third-party logistics is heading for the maturity gradually.However, in our country the third-party logistics company is still not very mature for starting late. Many companies changed from the traditional profession, especially in enterprise organization, still use the past structure, they have not set up the structure that suits to enterprise’s development according to the third-party logistics characteristics, and affected the business enterprise development on the certain degree.The paper analyzed the characteristics of the model, the trend of modern business enterprise organization, and basic principle of the change factor in details. At the same time, the paper analyzed systematically a few typical organizes mode and characteristics of the third-party logistics enterprise on the basis of analysis before.In the views of a series of analysis, the paper puts forward:They flatly organization model is a main direction that modern big and medium-sized business enterprise (group) is main to organize because of its special advantage in the aspects of information delivering in information ages .The network and new matrix organization model is a main trend that the big third-party logistics enterprise organization model develop. However the simple and function structure adapted to the small scaled third-party logistics enterprise.Finally, according to actuality of the Jie-long logistics company, the paper analyzed management model and business characteristics of the Jie-long logistics company, putting forward the new the organization model.

  • 【分类号】F253
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】714

