

The Inventory Management Questions in the Supply Chain Management Environment and the Vendor-managed Inventory Strategy

【作者】 徐利民

【导师】 方芳;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 库存管理是供应链管理中的重要内容,对企业的生产和营销活动有重要影响。本文通过对传统的库存管理方法和供应链环境下库存问题的分析,引出一种新的适应供应链环境的库存管理方法——供应商管理用户库存(VMI),并对VMI产生的动因、经济效益、实施步骤和应用等进行了比较全面的分析,提出了几点建议,希望能为国内企业提高库存管理水平,增强企业竞争力起到一点微薄的促进作用。 本文的基本研究内容为: 第一章绪论部分介绍了进行本文课题的研究目的和研究意义。 第二章是供应链管理环境下的库存问题分析。从库存控制和管理的基本理论介绍开始,分析了供应链管理理论产生的背景和供应链管理的基本理论。对供应链中的不确定性和存在的“牛鞭效应”进行了分析和探讨,并指出了传统库存管理方式存在的弊端和问题。 第三章是供应商管理用户库存(VMI)的涵义和产生动因。在供应链管理环境下,引出一种新的库存管理方法——供应商管理用户库存(VMI),在总结了国内外对VMI的研究成果和应用实践基础上,分析了VMI的涵义和产生动因。 第四章是VMI的经济效果评价模型和实证分析,通过一个简单的供应商——零售商的供应链结构,建立数学模型和模拟运算,从数学上分析了实施VMI所带来的经济收益,包括库存水平的下降和总库存成本的降低,这也是企业实施VMI方式的内在动力。 第五章是VMI的实施和应用。分析了影响VMI实施的因素,信息系统结构和实施VMI的工作步骤。最后对我国企业实施VMI策略中要注意的问题进行了分析,提出了几点建议。如能为国内企业实施VMI项目,提高库存管理水平,增强企业竞争力有一点贡献,笔者将为之欢欣鼓舞。 最后是本文的结论部分,对本文的研究内容和结论做了总结性的阐述。相信VMI的库存管理方式在我国将会有更大的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Inventory management is the important content of the supply chain management, having a great effect on the enterprise’s manufacture and marketing. After analyzing the traditional inventory management methods and the existing questions in the supply chain management, this thesis gives out a new inventory management method, i.e, vendor-management inventory(VMI), and analyzes VMI’s originating reasons, economic income, application procedures and etc. At the end, the author gives some suggestions to our national companies for the purpose of promoting the inventory management level and competitive ability.The basic research content of this thesis is arranged as follows.Charter one is the preface to declaim concisely the research aim and meaning for this thesis.Charter two is analysis for the inventory management questions in supply chain management environment. From the beginning of the basic theory of inventory management, the thesis analyses the background and basic ideology of the SCM. The thesis also pays more attention to the uncertainty in the supply chain, especially the Bullwhip Effect. At the end of this charter, the thesis points out the existing questions in the traditionally inventory control models.In the next charter, the thesis gives the meaning of vendor-managed inventory and analyses the dynamic reasons for its coming out, considering of the research achievements and application activity in abroad.The propose of charter four is mathematic analysis for the economic effect of VMI. The thesis can confirm that VMI can decrease considerably the inventory level and total costs in SCM through model analysis and imitation calculation.In charter five, the thesis mainly gives the application procedures of VMI, including the factors affecting the utility of VMI, the information system structure and working procedures to put VMI into use. At last, the thesis gives some suggestion for our civil company for the propose of using VMIsuccessfully and enhancing the inventory management level.The last department of this context is the conclusion for this thesis’s research achievement, and it points out that VMI will have a prosperous application future in our country.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1268

