

Studies on Researchers’ Network Information Need of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing

【作者】 张燕

【导师】 林曦;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(文献情报中心) , 图书馆学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 用户信息需求研究一直以来都是国际图书馆学情报学界所关注的热点问题。尤其是网络环境下,用户原有的信息获取、信息加工和处理、信息传播、信息查寻和使用等都发生了重大的变化。因此关于用户网络信息资源的需求研究己成为当前研究的焦点。本文采用文献调查分析、定量分析等方法,对国内外用户信息需求研究进展进行综合讨论,并进而对中国科学院京区科研人员网络信息资源的需求进行了实证研究。研究目的是通过实证研究来分析网络环境下科研人员信息需求变化的状况,并在科研人员信息需求的主导下,构建中国科学院文献情报系统的服务模式。文章共分为五个部分:第一章和第二章分别介绍了选题的意义、研究方法以及国内外用户信息需求的研究进展;第三章从问卷的设计、发放、回收和统计来介绍调查研究的实施过程。通过分层抽样和多阶层抽样的方法,从北京地区32个研究所中抽取20个研究所的科研人员,并以印刷型问卷和网络问卷两种方式,获得有效样本571份;第四章,基于统计数据的结果,描绘中国科学院京区科研人员的整体特征,分析科研人员网络信息需求的特点以及对电子资源和服务的具体需求。此外,在定量分析的基础上,从宏观角度对科研人员信息需求的规律进行了探讨。通过综合分析,总结出科研人员网络信息资源需求具体表现在:①科研人员对图书馆的依赖度降低;②搜索引擎成为科研人员获取专业信息的首选渠道;③数据库成为科研人员查询电子期刊经常使用的工具;④全文数据库缺乏是图书馆急待解决的一大难题;⑤质量高低、反应速度和有效链接是用户评价检索系统三个重要因素;⑥网上参考咨询服务有待进一步拓宽;⑦馆际互借服务呼声很高,但存在的问题不容忽视;⑧实施个性化服务略有争议,一些方面有待商榷;⑨用户培训形式注重多样化。最后,为中国科学院文献情报系统的电子资源建设和网络信息服务提出一些建议:1 树立品牌意识,以用户需求为主导建设知识门户网站2 优化电子资源建设,构建分层次、高效用的资源体系3 坚持“适合院情、灵活多样”原则,推动文献情报系统资源共享4 树立现代化的服务理念,以知识服务带动用户服务全面发展

【Abstract】 The research of users’ information need is always an attention hotspot in the international field of library and information science. Especially in network environment, information capturing, processing, inquiring and using have changed greatly. So the research of users’ network information need has become research focus.This paper discusses users’ information need research development in China and abroad by literature search analysis and quantitative analysis. Moreover, to demonstration research on researchers’ network information need of Chinese academy of sciences in Beijing. Research objective is constructing serving pattern of document and information system of Chinese academy of sciences by analysis information need change. This paper divides into five parts: the first chapter and the second chapter introduce title meaning, research means, and information need research development in China and abroad. The third chapter introduces survey research implement from questionnaire design, put out, callback and Stationary. By layered sample, take out researchers in twenty institutes, and obtain 571 valid stylebook by printing questionnaire and network questionnaire. The fourth chapter, basing on Stationary results, describes whole researcher character, analysis researcher network information need characteristic, and electronic resource and service need. Furthermore, basing on quantitative analysis, discusses information need law form magnificent angle.By synthesis analysis, sum up researcher network information resource need: (1)the degree of depends on library debase,(2)searching engine has become first channel to obtain specialty information,(3)database has turned into a tool in common use to inquire about electronic resource. (4)be short of full-text database is a problem to settle in the library, (6)quality, feedback and effective link are three important factors, which is evaluated searching system for user.(6)network reference need developing ulteriorly, (7)the need of interlibrary loan and document delivery is huge. ?personalized customization of information service exists some questions.甧ducational form of information users should diversification.Lastly, bring forward some suggestion for document and information system of Chinese Academy of sciences to develop electronic resource and network information service:(1)build up name brand consciousness, according to users’ need to build knowledge portal.(2)optimize electronic resource development, and construct layered and high efficiency resource system.(3)insist on "adapt to Chinese Academy of sciences, agility and multiplicity" fundamental, to promote sharing information resources. (4)by right of knowledge service, promote users service development completely.

  • 【分类号】G322
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】590

