

The Research and Classification of Capricorn Species in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 张箭

【导师】 于洪春; 罗公平;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 种植, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 天牛是一类重要的果树、林木害虫,对我国林木业、果树业的发展带来巨大的威胁,有必要对该类害虫进行深入研究。本论文根据黑龙江省天牛发生种类与分布不清这一现实出发,通过多年的系统调查与研究,采集和收集了大量的天牛成虫标本,鉴定和记述了黑龙江省天牛标本1科、6亚科、84属、178种,并给出了各亚科、属、种的检索表,拍摄了125种、208幅天牛成虫彩色图片。本论文记述了15个国内新记录种:短头缘花天牛、红肩缘花天牛、赤杨伞花天牛、松点皮花天牛、阿木尔宽花天牛、黄翅驼花天牛、苏氏驼花天牛、红拟钝突花天牛、白毛虎天牛、乌苏里拟眉天牛、东亚棍腿天牛、北亚锦天牛、双带长角天牛、北亚长角天牛、白边小筒天牛。本论文记述了7个省内新记录种:红翅肖亚天牛(血翅天牛)、拟腊天牛(四星栗天牛)、弧纹脊虎天牛、培甘弱脊天牛(培甘天牛)、柳角胸天牛、光点楔天牛、锈斑楔天牛。本论文研究内容是黑龙江省首次有关天牛分类与分布的基础研究,该研究内容为我省有关天牛的基础研究提供了第一手珍贵资料,填补了我省无天牛系统调查与分类研究的空白,对指导我省天牛防治研究与检疫实践具有重要现实意义。

【Abstract】 Capricorn is one of the most important insect pests on fruit and forest trees with great damage on these trees and wood trade. It is necessary to research those pests deeply. In Heilongjiang province, many Capricorn species and their distribution are still unknown and the pests control become more difficulty. In this article, one family, six sub-family, 84 genus and 178 species of Capricorn in Heilongjiang province are identified and recorded based on a great amount of collected Capricorn adult specimens for many years in the areaAnd the index table for the sub-family,genus and species, 208 colour pictures of Capricorn adult of 125 specise are also given.In this article, 15 species of Anoplodera bangi(Pic), Anoplodera rufihumeralis (Tamanulki), Corymbia rubra(L.), Rhagium pseulujaponicum Podany, Evodinus amurensis (Kraatz), Pidonia alticollis (Kraatz), Pidonia suvorovi Baeckmann, Pseudosieversia rufa (Kraatz), Clytus melaenus Bates, Epiclytus ussuricud(Pic), Phymatodes csndykei Gressite, Acalolepta sejuncta Bates,Acanthociims carinulatus Gebler,Acanthociuns guttatus Bates and Palimna icterica (Schaller) are newly recorded in china.In this article, the writer also recorded 7 new species of Heilongjiang province. Amarysius sanguinipennis (Blessig. Nom. Emend), Stenygrinum quadrinotatum Bates, Xylotrechus hircus (Gebler), Menesia sulpmuvat (Gebler), Rhopaloscelis unifasciatus Blessig, Saperda alberti Plavilstshikvo, Saperda balsamifera Motschulsky.The content of the article is the first system research on classification and distribution of Capricorn in Heilongjiang province, offered firsthand precious materials about the insects in the province. Those results are significant valuable to the control and the quarantine of Capricorn.

【关键词】 天牛分类种类分布新记录种
【Key words】 Capricornclassificationspeciesdistributionrecords of new species
  • 【分类号】S433
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】263

