

Studies on Application Technique of Imazethapyr in Soybean Field

【作者】 李尧

【导师】 赵长山;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农药学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 普施特是由德国巴斯夫公司(原美国氰胺公司)开发的大豆田除草剂,可以有效的防除禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草,为高效、低毒的播前、播后苗前土壤处理剂和苗后茎叶处理除草剂。为进一步完善普施特在我国大豆田的施用技术及减轻普施特的残留药害问题,本论文对如下内容进行了试验研究:普施特的杀草谱,普施特的除草效果,普施特对作物的安全性,普施特对后作的影响,保护剂对普施特残留的解毒效果,普施特与其它除草剂的混用情况等。通过盆栽试验研究了普施特的杀草谱。普施特可以有效的防除稗草、狗尾草、金狗尾草、野燕麦、马唐、柳叶刺蓼、酸膜叶蓼、苍耳、香薷、苘麻、龙葵、藜、小藜、荠菜、鸭跖草等一年生禾本科和阔叶杂草,对多年生刺儿菜、蓟、苣荬菜有抑制作用。普施特比其它大豆田常用除草剂乙草胺、豆磺隆、广灭灵、拿捕净、氟磺胺草醚等的杀草谱宽。作为土壤处理剂施用,土壤湿度越大,药效发挥越好;反之,土壤湿度越低,药效也越低;作为茎叶处理剂施用,最佳施药温度为5-15℃;超过15℃后,随温度升高,除草效果降低。通过田间小区试验,确定普施特在大豆田施用的最佳施药量范围为75-105g a.i./hm~2。在此施药量范围内,普施特对供试美国大豆非常安全,对日本大豆药害较重,对供试国产大豆东农42、合丰39、黑农40、绥农14生长无影响,不会造成减产;其中东农42、合丰39比黑农40、绥农14对普施特的耐药性稍高。田间小区试验研究结果表明,普施特残留对后作危害较重。普施特用量低于150g a.i./hm~2,施药12个月后可以种植玉米、小麦,24个月后可以种植马铃薯;普施特75-150ga.i./hm~2用量范围内,施药24个月后对油菜、甜菜和白菜仍有药害,依然不能种植。通过盆栽试验初步明确了活性炭、萘二甲酐(NA)和液体有机处理复合剂(penatron)对减轻普施特残留药害的作用。在普施特残留量低于6.25g a.i./hm~2时,活性炭拌种、penatron土壤处理可以减轻普施特对油菜的残留药害。NA浸种对甜菜和油菜没有保护作用。普施特的残留药害是亟待解决的问题,但保护剂仅在普施特较低残留量下对作物有保护作用,由此决定解决普施特残留药害的关键是降低普施特用量。田间试验研究结果表明,农药增效剂YZ-901和AA-921对普施特有增效作用,能够降低普施特用量;与适量增效剂混用,能够降低普施特用量40%,其除草效果不受影响;普施特作为播前土壤处理剂与卫农、氟乐灵混用,作为播后苗前土壤处理剂与广灭灵、乙草胺、都尔的二元或三元混用,作为苗后茎叶处理剂与利收、拿捕净、氟磺胺草醚、广灭灵、杂草焚的二元或三元混用,均能扩大杀草谱,降低普施特用量。本论文通过室内试验并结合田间试验,对普施特的应用技术进行了系统、全面的研究,完善了普施特在大豆田的施用技术,尤其是提出了解决普施特长残留问题的方法,为普施特更好应用于北方大豆田化学除草奠定了技术理论基础,提供了科学的理论依据。东北农业大学同等学历硕士学位论文本研究有助于提高长残留除草剂的应用水平,对于完善长残效除草剂的施用技术、延长老除草剂品种的使用寿命具有重要借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 As a highly active and lowly toxic herbicide applied in soybean, Imazethapyr used in preplant and preemergence soil treatment and postemergence foliar treatment can control gramineous and broad-leaved weed efficiently. It was developed by BASF(American Cyanamid). In this paper, the weed control spectrum, control efficacy, safety to different crops, Influence on aftercrop, detoxifcation of protectants, herbicide mixtures of Imazethapyr were studied in order to improve its application technique in soybean and alleviated injury of its residue to aftercrop.Weed control spectrum of Imazethapyr was studied by potted experiment. It controlled efficiently some annual gramineous and broad-leaved weed, such as Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv., Setaria faberii Herrm., Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv., Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop., Polygonum bungeanum Turcz., Polygonum lapathi folium L., Xanthium sibiricum Patrin., Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyland, Abutilon theophrasti Medic. Solanum nigrum L. , Chenopodium album L. , Chenopodium serotinum L. , Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic., Commelina communis L.. It also inhibited growth of some perennial weeds, such as Cephalanoplos segetum (Bunge) Kitara., Sonchus brachyotus DC., and so on. Weed control spectrum of Imazethapyr was broader than other herbicides’ in soybean field such as Acetochlor, chlorimuron ethyl, Clomazone, Sethoxydim and Fomesafen. Acted as soil treatment, the higher the moisture of soil, the better the control efficacy of Imazethapyr was. Contrariwise, the soil moisture was lower, the control efficacy was worse too. Applied in postemergence herbicide, the best temperature of applying Imazethapyr is 5-15. The higher the temperature, the lower the control efficacy of of Imazethapyr was when the temperature was over 15.Through a field experiment, we made certain the best dose range of imazethapyr in soybean is 75-105g a.i. /hm2. In this range, imazethapyr is safe to tested American soybean cultivars, but the injury to tested Japanese soybean cultivars was heavy. There was no effect to the growth of tested Chinese American soybean cultivars and was no reduction in yield, including Dongnong42, Hefeng39, Heinong40, Suinong14. The resistance of Dongnong42 And Hefeng39 to imazethapyr was higher than Heinong40’s and Suinongl4’s.The results of the field experiment showed that the injury of residue imazethapyr in soilto aftercrop was serious. The dosage of imazethapyr was less than 150g a.i. /hm2, corn and wheat could be sowed after 12 months, and potato could be sowed after 24 months in the field. When the dosage range of imazethapyr was 75-150g a.i. /hm2, the injury of residue imazethapyr to rape, sugar beat and Chinese cabbage was very heavy still, they could not be sowed after 24 months.We ascertained the mechanism elementarily that active carbon, NA and Penatron alleviated the injury of residue imazethapyr to aftercrop. When the residue dosage of imazethapyr was less than 6.25g a.i./hm2, seed treatment solution with active carbon and soil treatment with Penatron could alleviate injury of residue imazethapyr in soil, but soaking of seed with NA couldn’t protect sugar beat and rape from injury.The injury of residue imazethapyr to aftercrop is been urgent with us to settle. The protectants could protect aftercrop from injury, none but, when the residue imazethapyr was less. So reducing dosage of imazethapyr plays an important role in alleviating injury of residue imazethapyr to aftercrop. The result of field experiment indicated that there were synergism when imazethapyr mixed with YZ-901 and AA-921, and its dosage was reduced. In the same control efficacy, right amount adjuvant could reduce 40% dosage of imazethapyr. Imazethapyr mixed with Vernam7-E and Trifluralin and as preplant soil treatment, mixed with Clomazone, Acetochlor and Metolachlor as preemergence soil treatment, and mixed with Flumiclorac-pentyl, Sethoxydim, Fomesafen, Clomazone and Acifluorfen sodium as postemergence foliar treatment could broaden its weed control spectrum and redu

  • 【分类号】S451.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】199

