

【作者】 王少华

【导师】 范晓屏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 工业园区的普遍存在和蓬勃发展是浙江省区域经济发展的一个重要特色。但是,目前看来,这些园区都不同程度地面临着园区内企业市场导向和创新能力不足的问题,从而影响了园区整体的产业升级和可持续发展。鉴于此,本文从工业园区的两个定性特点——网络化与根植性作为切入点,探讨了工业园区可持续发展的网络要素体系的建设问题,目的在于总结一种能够有效推动园区内企业创新能力,市场导向能力和资源筹措能力增长的机制,从而保证园区的可持续发展。 本文首先比较了意大利产业区和浙江工业园区内的企业集群在起源,资源具备和网络特性等方面的异同点,相同点可以使我们学习国外的先进经验,而不同点则要求我们针对我省独特情况进行具体分析。然后本文就开始重点分析工业园区的两个定性特点——根植性与网络化。基于国外学者的研究,本文以根植性与网络化作为突破口,表明结构上的根植性导致了网络管理的社会机制而促进了网络的协调和维护。另外网络的提升要素机制又增加了网络的适应性与学习能力,它们的协同作用就可以促进工业园区的持续发展。然后在此基础上本文指出,国外学者对于网络治理的研究一般是指根植性和网络治理如何来促进网络协调和维护,并增加网络学习能力和适应性,但并未将网络治理放到特定的环境——工业园区(或产业区)中来进行分析。因此本文指出园区发展的关键是企业在网络的基础上具备创新能力,市场导向能力,和资源筹措整合能力,并由此建立起了园区可持续发展的网络支撑要素体系来,而后者具体包括了商业网络,个人关系网络,劳动力市场网络和社会文化网络。 在理论研究的基础上,本文也以问卷调查和案例访谈的形式进行了实证研究。作者亲赴了13个工业园区对于200家企业进行了实证调查,来验证网络对于创新和市场导向能力的影响,以及后两者对于园区可持续发展能力的影响。实证研究的结论较好的论证了本文的理论探索。 最后,可持续发展网络体系的形成和良好运转需要一个广义政策体系的支撑,因此本文从集群企业、集群中间机构和公共部门以及当地政府三个方面讨论了该政策体系的设计问题,而结论则从三方面来提出:创新系统的建立,园区的不同发展模式和工业园区与区域经济之间的互动关系。

【Abstract】 In Zhejiang province, a large number of industrial park has played a significant role in regional economic development. However, by modern standards, the enterprises in these parks are more or less confronted with the problem of shortage of the capability of innovation, market orientation and resource integration, which hampers the upgrading of industry and sustainable development of the park. So, this thesis want to illuminate how to establish the sustainable development network of the park’s, which originated from the embeddedness and networking .The total objective of our thesis is to conclude a reasonable and effective mechanism for the enterprise to develop the capability of innovation, market orientation and resource integration so as to guarantee the sustainable development of the park.By comparing the orientation, resource possession, character and network of the enterprises clusters, which lies in the industrial district in Italy and the industrial park in Zhejiang Province, the thesis show that the similarity can make us learn the developed experience of the foreign country, while the difference urge us to study the characteristic situation of our province. Then we pay attention to the two characteristic gist of the industrial park-embeddedness and networking. Based on the foreign scholars’ research, we proved that the network form of governance is a response to exchange conditions of asset specificity, demand uncertainty, task complexity and frequency. These exchange conditions drive firms toward structurally embedding their transactions. Structural embeddedness enables the use of social mechanisms for coordinating and safe guarding exchanges. In the other hand, some structural properties of interfirm of networks, such as appropriate coupling, diversity, redundancy and recursivity have crucial consequences for the adaptability and learning of the network. So based on these researches, the thesis then draw the conclusion that to retain the capability of sustainable development, there must be an overall, mature and well-developed network system in the industrial park. More specifically, because the industrial park is build on the basis of enterprise clusters, so if the enterprise in the park can innovate persistently, adjust their production according to the market information and integrate all kinds of resource, the park can achieve competitive advantage. On the other hand, the enterprise’s capability of innovation, market orientation and resource integration depend on the system of network in the industrial park. Therefore, the thesis develop an system of network to support the sustainable development of the industrial park, which includes business network, personal network, labor market network and social culture network.Accompanied with the theoretical exploration, empirical studies are also conducted in the thesis, which are in the form of questionnaire and case study. In a context where empirical investigation regarding the relations between the network and innovation,market orientation are still scanty, this thesis makes contributions to the advancement of knowledge in providing new evidence regarding the impact of the network on innovation and market orientation. The conclusion of above empirical studies has satisfyingly supported the theoretical discussion.Last but not least, the formation and operation of the network system for the sustainable development of industrial park has to need support from an extensive policy system, which is constituted of the policy of clustering enterprises, the policy of coordinating institution and public service institution and the policy of local government. Finally we draw conclusion from three points: the establishment of the innovation system, the developing pattern of the industrial park and the interaction of the industrial park and the regional development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F279.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】300

