

Study on "Shan-Shui" City and "Shan-Shui" Culture

【作者】 李旭

【导师】 赵万民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 论文简要回顾了人类对住居环境的认识过程,以及我国人居环境建设中存在的生态环境质量下降、城市面貌缺乏特色、文化内涵贫乏等现象,再以中国传统的山水文化和山水城市理论为理论基础,以能在很大程度上反映人居环境质量,且当前备受人们关注的城市绿地与景观系统为主要内容,本着系统、整体的观点,融贯地运用多学科的知识,紧密结合重庆、江津、内江几地的规划建设实践进行研究。论文第二章深入剖析了山水文化对中国传统城市建设的深刻影响,并系统介绍了山水城市理论,该理论注重人工建设与自然的协调发展,提倡将传统"山水”文化思想融入现代城市建设中,是本研究课题的理论基础之一。第三章提出从广义生态观的角度构建城市绿地与景观系统,使之不仅要为人类提供优良的生活环境,还应保护物种多样性、维护自然生态的完整、促进人与自然的协同发展,并以内江市城市绿地系统规划为例进行了分析。强调建立积极、主动的生态调控体系远比消极地延缓生态的恶化有意义。第四章论述了绿地系统与城市山水格局相互支撑的关系,以及营建结构合理、布局完善的绿地系统对塑造健康、和谐、优美的城市形态的重要意义,并附重庆、内江、江津几地案例进行说明。论文第五章对城市绿地与景观系统的构成内容分自然景观、人文景观、人工建设景观三部分进行了论述,并主要以重庆市主城区山水园林城市规划、内江城市景观风貌规划为例进行了分析、说明。第六章谈对绿地与景观系统规划中方法论的认识,强调在哲学的高度思考问题,树立从整体到局部的生态设计观和尊重自然、以人为本、体现场所精神的环境艺术观。

【Abstract】 In the beginning of this thesis, the author reviews the relationship between human beings and the environment, discussing the unhealthy phenomena in China nowadays such as the deterioration of environment, the pale city visage and the poor culture in city. Then, the author studies the traditional Chinese "Shan-Shui" culture and the "Shan-Shui"city theory, then researches the system of green tracts and landscape in city. In order to make it clear ,the paper gives some project in ChongQing、JiangJin、NeiJiang as examples.Chapter2: In this part, the author analyses how the "Shan-Shui" culture influences traditional Chinese city, and studies the "Shan-Shui"city theory which emphasizes the co-development of artificial environment and nature, i.e. city growing with nature.Chapter3: The author expresses the point that the system of green tracts of city must be a eco-system not only bringing people beautiful settlements but also maintaining the environment for all species. In one word, it is more important to set up an eco-friendly system than slow the deterioration of the environment only.Chapter4: In this chapter, the author studies the relationship between city green tracts and the "Shan -Shui" structure , then points out that a reasonable、complete city green tracts system is the most important basement for the "Shan-Shui" city.Chapter5: In this part, the paper studies the landscape in three aspects: natural landscape、cultural landscape、artificial landscape. In order to explain clearly, some practical projects are illustrated in this chapter.Chapter6:In the end of this thesis, the author talks about the methodology in three aspects: the philosophical concept、the ecological concept、the art concept which follows nature、people and expresses place spirit.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU984.115
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1460

