

Research and Application of Top Down Construction in Underground Structure of High-rise Building

【作者】 邱闽文

【导师】 姚刚;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合地下工程中逆作法施工的发展现状,介绍了逆作法施工的优缺点及其施工工艺,并针对逆作法施工中的几项关键环节,进行了详细的分析和研究。 逆作法施工中的地下连续墙不仅在施工时起临时支护作用,承受水平荷载,而且可直接作为地下室的外墙,并承担一定的竖向荷载。本文详细分析研究了地下连续墻在逆作法施工时其荷载、内力、沉降等的计算方法,并提出了相应的施工与结构接头的作法。 中间支承柱又称导柱,在逆作施工中起着双重作用,既要支承逆作法施工中的各种荷载,又要在逆作法完工后,作为主体柱子的一部分,起着将上部荷载传递给基础的作用,因而设计与施工均对其提出了较高的要求。本文详细分析了其设计与施工的方法,并介绍了几种提高其施工质量的关键技术。 地下室主体结构也因采用逆作法施工,使土方工程、砼逆作浇筑、模板工程等变得更为复杂,要求也更加严格,本文对地下室主体结构施工中的有关问题进行了较为详细的研究,提出了相应的解决措施。 地下室施工中的基坑监测也是逆作法施工中的重要问题,本文对相关的监测方法也进行了研究。 文章最后结合具体工程实践,对逆作法施工工艺的具体应用进行了介绍,详细说明了逆作法的效果。文章还总结并提出了逆作法在我国的发展趋势及应努力解决的问题。

【Abstract】 Based on the present situation of top down construction for underground engineerings, the author illustrated the advantages, disadvantages and technology of top down construction and analyzed some key problems for top down construction.The diaphragm wall of top down construction not only supports the horizontal loads at stage of the temporary construction, but also bears vertical loads, as a part of the main structure, the outer wail of the basement. The author gave a detailed study on means to caculating method of loads, internal stress, and sedimentation with the main structure. Appropriate measures had been taken to deal with the joints of construction and structure.The center brace, also named guide pillar, serves a dual purpose, not only surpporting all the loads at stage of construction, but also transmitting upper loads down to the foundation, as a part of the column after the top down construction, Its designing and construction are more strict. The author analysed the methods of designing and construction for center brace, and proposed several key techniques that can improve the quality of the center brace.Bing top down construction is carried out, the underground structure construction, including soil engineering, concrete casting and formwork, becomes more complicated and more strict. The paper gives a detailed research on the problems, and brings forward corresponding solutions.The monitor of the deep pit is also the important problem to the top down construction. The paper also analyzes the monitor method for top down construction.At last, according to the practice projects, the thesis gives a particular introduction for the application of construction process and the application effect of the top down construction. And the author also put forward several proposals about top down construction in the paper, as well as summarized and advanced the developing trend of top down construction and the problems which should be made gret efflorts to solve.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU974
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】851

