

The Strategy Research for Development of PICC Chongqing Branch

【作者】 代卫

【导师】 纪晓丽;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国加入世界贸易组织后,中国保险业对外开放的进程加快,保险市场竞争将更加激烈。重庆国有财产保险公司既要面对实力强大的外资保险公司的挑战,又要抓住这几年保护期,全面提高自身能力。因此,必须全面审视自己,重新确定新的发展战略,在发展思路、目标定位、核心竞争力等一系列战略步骤上进行重大调整,不断增强综合实力,实现快速、健康地发展。 在绪论部份,阐明研究中国人保重庆公司发展战略的意义,分析当前财产保险研究文献的不足,提出本文的研究思路。通过介绍国际财产保险业的最新动态,并分析中国财产保险市场以及重庆财产保险业的现状,指出研究中国人保重庆公司发展战略的紧迫性。 按照战略管理理论的基本要求,本文重点对中国人保重庆公司的战略制定、战略实施与控制进行了全面阐述。通过对中国人保重庆公司的外部环境进行分析,找出12个关键影响因素,分别表示影响财产保险业和中国人保重庆公司的各种机会和威胁;并建立外部因素评价矩阵和竞争态势矩阵。通过对中国人保重庆公司内部条件分析,找出13个关键影响因素,分别表示中国人保重庆公司所具有的优势和弱点:并建立内部因素评价矩阵。 根据已知的25个关键外部因素和关键内部因素,采用swot矩阵产生13个备选的中国人保重庆公司发展战略;利用定量战略计划矩阵分析机动车辆保险业务的重点发展问题;指出差异化战略是中国人保重庆公司的必然选择,并进一步阐明中国人保重庆公司发展战略的核心是追求差异化的服务。 通过对财产保险产品实现过程的价值链分析指明中国人保重庆公司发展战略实施的关键环节在于实现管理体制创新、人力资源管理创新、产品开发创新、营销渠道创新、计算机信息技术创新、服务创新;文章的最后是内部控制制度完善和创新,这既是发展战略实施的保障,又是发展战略控制的核心内容。

【Abstract】 After China’s WTO entry, its insurance industry has being forced to accelerate the opening-up to foreign firms, and the fiercer competition looms on the insurance market. Chongqing state-owned property insurance companies not only have to meet the current challenges from strong foreign counterparts, but also have to take the advantage of the limited protecting period to improve their own competency all around. In such a situation, they should audit themselves, innovate and reshape the development strategy, and relocate the development policy, market targeting, key competitive edge so as to constantly strengthen their comprehensive competence and to develop rapidly and soundly.The paper begins with elaborating the significance of studying the development strategy for People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC), Chongqing Branch, analyzing the insufficient arguments in the current articles of related field, and briefing the train of researching thought of the paper. Then after reviewing the latest development in the international property insurance industry and after analyzing the present condition of the industry and the market in China especial in Chongqing, the paper addresses the urgency for studying the development strategy of PICC Chongqing Branch.The paper focus on presenting the PICC Chongqing branch’s strategic planning, implementation and controlling which are based on the requirements of strategic management theory. With the external environment analysis, 12 external key factors are identified as the main opportunities and threads confronting the PICC Chongqing Branch, and the external factors evaluation matrix and competitive trend matrix are set up accordingly. With the internal analysis of PICC Chongqing Branch, 13 internal key factors are identified as the main strengths and weaknesses of PICC Chongqing Branch, and the corresponding internal factors evaluation matrix is also established.Based on the 25 key factors and relevant SWOT matrix, the paper has worked out 13 optional strategies for the development for PICC Chongqing Branch; especially analyze the key issue in the development of auto insurance market with the quantitative strategic planning matrix. It presents that the differentiation strategy is rational choice and pursuing the service differentiation is a key development strategy for PICC Chongqing Branch.With the value chain analysis involved in the marketing insurance products, it is found out that the effective implementation of the development strategy for PICC Chongqing Branch mainly depends on the innovation in management, human resource exploitation, insurance products development, marketing channels, information technology application, and service. The perfection and innovation of internal controlling system is addressed as a critical part of the development strategy at the end of the paper.

【关键词】 财产保险SWOT发展战略
【Key words】 Property InsuranceSWOTStrategy for Development
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F842.3
  • 【下载频次】239

