

Development Mode Study of Chinese Media Economy in Transformation Period

【作者】 刘源超

【导师】 曾国平;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文关注的对象是报纸、杂志和电视和互联网四种主要传播手段的发展与整合问题,广告经营体制改革、建立现代企业制度、报业集团化发展模式等问题是本文关注的重点,同时探讨了国外新闻传媒管理的一些先进经验。中国的传媒业改革,终究是要在继承已有资源的基础上进行,也必然会具有特定的时代特色,不可能脱离现状谈传媒改革。所以,论文的第一部分探讨了中国传媒经济的经济实力现状及历史演进问题,重点探讨了报业和电视业的经营机制沿袭变革以及传媒产业覆盖的其它一些产业的总体情况。这部分内容,大概勾勒出了中国传媒产业的发展现状和整体实力。第二部分探讨的是六个专题,这些专题之所以具有很强的典型意义,因为它们代表的是中国传媒产业成长中的烦恼,是当前迫切需要解决的一些焦点、热点问题。这六个专题包括:一、“办台热”与“频道热”问题。电视传媒现在面临的主要问题有两个,一是中央电视台无比强大,二是地方频道过多过滥,这两个因素是影响电视传媒尤其是地方电视传媒生存的关键因素,令人关注;二、西部报业的发展问题。西部地方报纸发育不充分,资本实力不雄厚,市场失败的危险高,但地方报纸肩负着重要的传播职能,其发展意义重大,中国报业要想全面繁荣,西部报业的发展是个重要问题;三、期刊业的发展问题。亏损面广、占广告市场总量的比重小等问题一直在困扰着我国期刊业的发展;四、广告恶性竞争的蔓延。这一部分是从市场风险的角度对当前的广告市场进行客观分析,广告市场越来越大的压力,成为传媒自身改革的另一种推动力。这种竞争正变得越来越激烈;五、“发行螺旋”的重大影响问题。“发行螺旋”可谓是“马太效应”的一种典型表现,少数强者占据了绝大部分市场份额,数量众多的中小传媒在争夺非常有限的市场资源;六、传媒业的利润问题是一个让人非常感兴趣的问题,也是人们关注的焦点,此一部分主要是针对“传媒暴利说”进行简单论述。选择适合自身特点的发展道路,放眼海外、博采众长,尤其是向传媒经济发达国家学习是很有必要的。为此,论文第三部分进行了中外传媒产业的对比。这种对比,包括了对中外传媒共性与差异性的对比、国内不同地域传媒经济特点的对比、国外报业如何加强管理和服务的经验借鉴、国际传媒资本集团新的发展趋势等。中外传媒在发展中面临着一些共同的烦恼,比如在维护社会主流价值观、履行政治文化职能的同时,传媒到底该向商业利益做怎样的妥协?这其实是一个困扰各国传媒业者的普遍问题。第四部分在前文提出问题的基础上,探讨了综合、系统、全面地解决国内传<WP=5>媒经济存在问题的对策和思路。内容主要包括传媒政治属性的必然性、对外资进行市场管制的必要性、广告价格战原因分析和广告经营体制改革等专题,并由此进一步深入探讨了报业的品牌化趋势、建立现代企业制度的问题。笔者认为,中国传媒产业的发展问题,可以归结为在传媒集团内部建立现代企业制度的问题。建立现代企业制度,要摆脱一些旧的政治理念的束缚。同时,又要客观承认传媒社会使命和政治使命的不可推卸性,在此基础上维持针对境外媒体的市场管制(不是逐步放开,而是永久性的)。传媒集团应当加快建立现代企业制度,树立品牌形象,选择适合自己发展的一条道路,是论文的核心观点。论文的最后部分对传媒经济的发展进行了总结和展望。

【Abstract】 The development and reformation of newspapers, magazine and TV is the object concerned by this article. The advertisement market system, modern enterprise institution and pattern of future news group are the emphases. This article also discusses some modern experiences and questions of foreign countries on news group administration.The reformation of Chinese media economy, will have to reform itself on current basis, it is relied on the demand of today’s society, may not break away from the special situation of China. So, the first part of this article gives the history of Chinese media economy. Its emphases are the reformation of the management system of our newspapers and TV stations in past, magazines, radio, publication and internet are also discussed here. This part draws the outline of Chinese media economy.In the second part, there are six special topics separately. They are the main problems of today’s media economy reformation. At first sight, they seem to be irrelatively. In fact, in my mind, the six topics are six representative questions of Chinese media economy. They are troubles of growing up. The reasons are: 1, The key problems that television media face now are the matchless strong of CCTV and too many regional TV stations. Too much water was added into the milk. It’s a key factors affect the development of Chinese TV stations. 2, Too many regional newspapers are still very weak. They have no enough capital resources, easy to be defeated by the competition. At the same time, the regional newspapers are very important for the society, the people and local economy. The development of regional newspapers is a very important question now; 3, Development of magazines. Today most magazines are troubled by deficit, they are not attractive to advertiser. 4, Competition of advertisement market is secure. Market risk is uprising. The heavy pressure of advertising market is a main reason for reformation of media groups. The heaviness of the pressure may be beyond the imagination of most people.5, Could media economy profiteer from the market? As many people are interested in this question, we shouldn’t disregard it. It’s important to learn from foreign cultures. In the third part, compares the Chinese and foreign media economy. The media market of Shanghai has been considered as a market without secure competition. On the contrary, people always think that the competitions of Guangdong market is very secure. This topic tells its <WP=7>reader: the competition will be inevitable in the future. The market without competition will disappear soon; There are some differences between the management system of China and foreign countries. These differences may be clear up later. The more important point is: the news products and entertainment products, seems to be paradoxical products of media industry. Should newspapers give way to the entertainment products to fit the needs of the readers? This is a puzzle for the media group all over the world. The profit from commercial and politics are different, and it’s really hard to make a choice.The forth part inquiries into the problem that Chinese media how to construct the system of modern enterprise. To do this, we should get rid of some old political conceptions. The media has its natural responsibilities to the society and politics. We should maintain the market restriction to foreign capital. (Restriction will be permanent, not temporary. ) On the other hand, the media group should found modern management system as soon as possible. The fifth part is vista and summation of the dissertation.

【关键词】 传媒改革报业集团现代企业制度
【Key words】 MediaReformationNews groupModern enterprise system
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F719
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】656

